Reading Online Novel


Again? I groan. “Declan, we did that already. With a fine tooth comb. They’re great proof—if you’re trying to get him convicted.” Not to mention that I’d rather stab myself with one of Lloyd Peterson’s pens than open that mountain of decimals again.

Declan laughs humorlessly. “Yeah, this isn’t exactly an easy starter case for you, is it? Unfortunately, he’s paying us top dollar to get him out of this mess, so get to work. You can’t say I didn’t warn you that I was going to make your life hell.”

I sigh. “Alright. Fine. One more time, and then I’m calling the hookers.”


Declan takes off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves. He’s already pulled off his tie and undone a couple of buttons, exposing just enough skin and ink to make it impossible for me to concentrate.

I’d say he’s just messing with me, but his office feels like a sauna, so I think something is screwed up with the air conditioning. I’ve taken off what I can too, and pulled my hair up off my neck. Once in a while I catch him looking, and wonder if he thinks about that night as much as I do when we’re together.

It doesn’t help that the financials aren’t any more interesting the second time around.

A drop of sweat makes its way down the side of Declan’s neck, and suddenly I’m back in my room with his glistening body straining above me and my tongue tracing that same line.

He coughs and I pull my pen out of my mouth. I’ve been absentmindedly sucking on the end of it, and his expression is so cocky that I just know he can practically read my mind.

“See something you like?” He asks.

I could deny it, but what’s the point? It’s too hot to be coy. “Yeah, but don’t get all full of yourself. It doesn’t take much to outshine Cooper’s ground maintenance budget. Did you know they cemented up their fountain to save money?” I frown and shake my head sadly. “No wonder people were unhappy. Everyone likes fountains. Besides, shouldn’t you be reading your own papers?”

His smirk widens. “Sure, but it’s hard to concentrate when you’re squirming in your chair right across from me. One could be fooled into thinking that your mind isn’t entirely on your work.” His foot hooks round my calf, stroking softly up and down, making me jump. “You’re blushing. You weren’t thinking of anything... naughty, were you?”

“Obviously, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Stop touching me.”

He doesn’t. I could move away, but I don’t.

“Say it like you mean it, and maybe I’ll listen.” His foot slides farther up, almost slipping in under my skirt.

“Don’t you think we’re a little old for playing footsie?” This time I move my leg away, trying to ignore the tingles he’s sending up my thigh.

He considers my words for a moment, his gaze distant while he chews his lip. “You know what? You’re right. Why play footsie when we could be fucking on my desk?” He grabs it as if he’s about to stand up. “No time like the present, right?”

Oh for... “I don’t know, ask me again in a decade and I’ll let you know.”

“I think you are vastly overestimating my patience.” He laughs and I watch him count to five on his fingers. “How about now? I think now might be even better.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, you must be right. I can just tell that right now is the perfect time to tear off our clothes and go at it. Right here, right now.”

Crap, it was supposed to be a joke, but saying the words out loud was a huge mistake. My panties are sticking to me, and it’s not from the temperature.

He doesn’t get up, but he does lean over his desk, coming closer. “I knew it. You’re thinking it over, aren’t you? I can see it. Right now, I bet you’re picturing yourself spreading your legs and leaning over.”

He leans closer. “Naked.”

He grins. “On top of this desk, with your gorgeous tits mashed down until they spill out around you.”

Reaching out, Declan touches my arm gently. I startle, but I don’t recoil. “Your sexy arms tied behind your back.”

His voice softens. “Helpless while I step up behind you and put my hands on your curvy hips, gripping them hard. Waiting for me as I inch closer, until just the tip brushes against you, and I make you beg for it.”

This time I try to pull away. The game is going too far, but his hand locks around my wrist, his strong fingers like iron holding me in place. Molten heat rushes down between my legs, making me yearn for him. My mouth opens to tell him to let go, but all that comes out is a tiny helpless sigh.