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Blackwing Wolf (Kane's Mountains Book 2)(19)

On accident, she pegged Beast in the face, and he roared a terrifying sound.

"No, no, no!" Winter screamed as a monstrous lion exploded from Beast.

He turned furious eyes directly at Dustin. Dear lord, he was as tall as  the truck bed. Three times bigger than Winter's panther at least.

"Oh, my gosh," Emma choked out.

Dustin looked back at her. "Get out of here. Now, Emma!"

Beast stalked closer, his lips snarled back over impossibly long, white  canines. Dustin Changed in an instant, and the snarling black wolf  placed himself in front of Emma, backing her up slowly. She could barely  see now, but something huge was coming in fast from the other side of  the truck.

A monstrous grizzly tackled Beast, and then there was a panther in the  fray, clawing, slapping, and hissing as the titan shifters went to war.  Shit! She still had pepper spray, so she bolted for them. They were  going to kill each other!

She emptied the entire damn canister, but all she got for her effort was  a lion ass to her chest, which blasted her backward. She screeched as  she hit the dirt, and now Dustin was in the fight, teeth sunk deep into  Beast's back.

Her tailbone felt like it had just rocketed through her esophagus, but  this was deadly bad, so she forced her way upward and to the back of the  truck.

"Stop it, all of you!" she screamed as loud as she could as she lobbed  water bottle after water bottle at them. A jug of Fireball Cinnamon  Whisky hit Logan in the face, and he roared at her.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kane bellowed. "Change back! Now!" Power  crackled through the air like lightning and, whoo, the dark dragon  looked pissed.                       


Rowan was giggling behind him like this was funny, but it most certainly  wasn't. The D-Team had just done the most D-Team thing ever, and it was  all Emma's fault.

The roaring turned to grunts of pain, and then there was a pile of naked  people trying to untangle. Apparently somebody accidentally touched  Winter's boob because Beast got popped in the jaw by Logan, and now the  two were brawling in their human skins, just … blasting each other in the  faces, fists connecting with sickening thuds. The sheer violence was  terrifying.

Kane ripped Logan backward and shoved a hand on Beast's chest, then gave  Dustin an I-fuckin'-dare-you glare when he trotted forward a couple  steps.

"Fuck," Dustin said, then spat red into the grass. "For the record, this one isn't my fault."

"Separate! Logan, over there." Kane shoved him toward one side of the  truck. "Beast, over there." He shoved the tatted-up lion shifter to the  other. "Dustin, stay right there, and Winter, I swear to God, if you  don't stop stalking Beast, I'm going to burn your tail hair off."

Winter froze all hunched over, her eyes still glowing gold. Everyone was  super naked but Emma, who gave Kane a two-fingered wave when he glared  at her.

"What is wrong with you?" Kane asked to no one in particular.

"Beast is a psychopath, and so is Logan," Dustin muttered unhelpfully.  "I have a submissive problem, Emma's perfect, and Winter uses her claws  too damn much when she fights her own fucking people." He glared at  Winter and pressed a hand to a deep set of bleeding claw marks across  his chest.

"That was a rhetorical question!" Kane barked out.

"I use just the right amount of claws when you three are being territorial assholes," Winter smarted off.

"Well, I hope you get scabies," Dustin said. "Emma, woman, can you come  stand behind me. I feel all crazy right now, and you're too far away for  me to protect. My eyes burn like I've stuck hot pokers in them, and  thanks again Kane for the forced Change."

"Are you done?" Kane bellowed.

"My dick hurts," Dustin muttered, cupping himself. "I think someone kicked it in the fight."

Kane arched one black eyebrow and looked terrifying.

"Now I'm done," Dustin murmured, averting his gaze.

Emma pursed her lips because Rowan stood right behind Kane, biting her  bottom lip like she was holding back her laughter. Her eyes were doing  the laughing for her. The Second of the Blackwing Crew let off a soft  peel of giggles.

"It's not funny," Kane said in an exasperated tone.

"I mean … it's kind of funny," Rowan said. "Look at them. They all look  like they're crying, their faces are all red, it smells like Mace, and  you just know the story behind this is so dumb."

"It was all my fault," Emma said, womaning up. "Beast was choking  Dustin, and he's mine to protect, but I don't have, you know, claws or  teeth, so I meant to only pepper spray Beast, but I got all of us, and  then I hit Beast in the face with a water bottle, and he turned into  this … this … monster-lion. I mean … " Emma spread her arms as far as she  could. "He was huge. And then Logan and Winter and Dustin all changed,  and my eyes really burn, really bad, but it's all my fault. All of it,  but I might be going blind." She blinked rapidly, tears of pain  streaking down her cheeks.

But now Kane was fighting a smile. With a sigh, he hooked his hands on  his hips and muttered, "You're all a bunch of idiots." But the sting was  gone from his voice. He bent down and picked up a water, then handed it  to Winter. "Rowan and I will fire up the grill. Get yourselves  together, Crew." And then shaking his head, Kane led Rowan toward the  back of Logan and Winter's trailer. Emma could've sworn Dark Kane  muttered, "I need a drink," as he passed, but he was speaking too softly  so she could've been mistaken.

Emma turned back around to the others, who were now pouring water over  their faces and scrubbing their eyes. "Are you mad at me?"

"Yes," Logan and Beast said simultaneously.

Winter shook her head. "I'm not."

"Hell no." Dustin shook his wet hair like a dog. "The real shit-starter in all of this was Beast."

"Me?" Beast growled.

"Yeah, none of this would've happened if you'd kept your hands to  yourself and stopped trying to kill everyone all the time! Emma was  protecting me. You started it."

Beast lunged, but Dustin didn't back down. Huh. Usually Dustin exposed  his neck pretty quick after he got hurt, but he seemed in no mood to  deal with Beast's beastly mood. Logan could barely keep them separated  since his hands kept slipping on their wet chests. Swinging dicks were  everywhere. Emma was trying not to look, really she was, but it was like  three super-models having a wet and naked party. Winter was staring,  too, with her mouth hanging open.                       


"We should go," Emma murmured as the boys started yelling at each other.

"So many abs," Winter said.

"So many," Emma agreed.

"My eyes still really burn." Winter turned toward her, and Emma giggled  sympathetically. Winter's wet, dark hair was plastered to the sides of  her face, and her eyes were red and swollen.

"Does my make-up still look okay?" Emma joked.

Winter blasted a laugh and shook her head. "Not at all."

"Do you think I'll still get laid tonight?" she teased.

"Yes!" Dustin called. "Yes, you will. Stop!" He wrenched his hand out of  Beast's grip and jogged over to her. He tilted her head back gently and  winced at whatever it was he saw there. "Shortcake, never use pepper  spray as a weapon again. Please."

"Don't worry. I learned my lesson. I think I bruised my butt when I fell."

"Nooo, not your butt," Dustin teased gently. "It was perfect, and it takes you humans years to heal."

The redness and swelling on his face was already fading away, and the  claw marks had already stopped bleeding. "Not fair," she complained,  frowning.

"Yeah, werewolf healing is some of the best in the game. We're the  fastest to recover. He threw a middle finger to the others who were  still washing their faces. "Suck it, suckers."

Emma pouted. She wanted healing powers. Her eyes felt like she'd just  come out of a smoke-filled burning building. She was going to be the  only one who looked like death warmed over tonight after the others had  healed up.

Dustin pulled a plastic bin from the back of the truck to rest on the  open tailgate, then popped the lid and dug through until he found a pair  of jeans.

"You brought extra clothes?"

"We all did," Dustin explained. "This fight isn't a big shocker. Kane is building a crew of unstable nut-jobs."

He gathered his shoes off the ground where they lay in a mess of  tattered clothes. He flipped his damp hair to the side and dressed while  she pulled out the biggest bin of supplies she could carry with her  shrimpy human arms. Dustin stacked a bin on the cooler and carried them  easily, his gait smooth like they weighed nothing. She, on the other  hand, was trying to look tough as her arms were nearly pulled from their  sockets.