Reading Online Novel

Blackwing Wolf (Kane's Mountains Book 2)(16)

Three days since the bathroom party at Drat's, and she was falling  harder for Dustin every second. Right now, she missed him. He was off on  some secret mission he wouldn't tell her about when he left the motel  this morning. That man still had way too many secrets.

Her phone buzzed on the bed beside her, and the screen lit up. Her heart  jumped into her throat when Werewolf Megadick came up in the text. He'd  programmed the name himself when she wasn't looking and also added a  picture of two flies mating, which now popped up every time he texted or  called.

Are you in your room?

Carefully, so she didn't ding her brand new red nails, she typed in, Yes. Come over. I need help. Send.

There was an immediate knock on the door. "Emma, are you okay?" Dustin yelled, sounding frantic.

"Come in," Emma called.

"The door's locked!"

"Use your key!"

"Oh, yeah." The door lock dinged the entry sound, and he shoved the door  open, his eyes glowing. He looked around the room like he was searching  for danger.

Emma pointed at her butt. "My nails are wet, and I have a wedgie."

"Are you fucking serious? I thought you were in trouble, and you want me to pick your wedgie?"

She grinned and nodded.

His gaze dipped to her butt where she was only wearing a pair of bikini  cut panties with her tank top. Dustin cleared his throat. "It would be  my pleasure."

But when he approached the bed, he flopped onto his belly beside her and  pulled the other side of her panties into the wedgie, creating a  make-shift thong.

"Dustin," she grumbled, turning the page of the magazine.

He bounced her butt-cheeks like basketballs. "So jiggly. This is the  best ever." He gently bit one cheek, and then the other, then went back  to wiggling her cheeks even faster.

Emma rolled her eyes and laughed.

"I'm so turned on right now it's ridiculous," he murmured in a husky voice. "Look at my boner."

She glanced over her shoulder to where Dustin had rolled onto his side. Indeed, he was pitching quite the tent with his jeans.

"We should fool around before I show you my surprise," Dustin suggested.

"What surprise?"

"A surprise that will make you want to give me a hundred hand jobs." He  settled over her, his hands and knees on either side of her. "I'm going  to take off your clothes now."

She laughed and said, "Dustin, my nails are wet."

"Mmm," he said. "I do like the red. I'll take care of you then. You just sit there and wiggle around like a tuna."

"This is not sexy at all."

Dustin pushed her tank top gently up her back, running his hands along  her skin as he went. He eased it off of her, careful of her nails, then  leaned down and sucked on the back of her neck.

"I take it back," she murmured. "This is really sexy."

He smiled against her skin and nipped her there. He was bitey any time  they fooled around, but he had never done it hard enough to break the  skin and Turn her. She trusted him now. Trusted him in ways that  terrified her.

Dustin lifted off her, and she watched over her shoulder as he took off  his shirt. His abs flexed with the movement, and his hair was mussed  when his shirt hit the floor. Dustin clenched his jaw once, and his eyes  sparked with an intensity that drew a soft gasp from her lips. On his  knees, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper.

"I want to feel your skin against mine." He'd said it too soft to hear,  but had formed the words well enough for her to read his lips easily. He  did that now, naturally. He probably didn't even realize it, but there  had been a huge change in him over the last few days. He automatically  turned his face toward her so she could read his lips when he said  something he didn't want the others to hear. He even did it when he  spoke up.

Dustin shimmied out of his jeans and gracefully laid on her back,  pressing his warm chest against her shoulder blades. There were his  clever lips again. She arched back and angled her head to give him more  access. His hand went around her throat but stayed gentle.

That man spent some serious time working her into a desperate frenzy. He  kissed her neck, back, her hips, and then up to her shoulders on an  endless loop until she was begging him to stop the torture and make her  come. Feverishly, she rolled her hips against the bed where she could  get the barest of friction on her clit if she pushed forward enough.  Dustin gripped her hip hard, and she gasped when he lifted her waist off  the bed. It had happened so fast she was shocked to find herself up on  her knees, his head under her, his face right there between her legs.  His hands went to her hips, and he pulled her down, closer. The first  brush of his tongue on her clit just about did her in.                       


"Dustin," she moaned.

He was good when she begged. Desperation in her voice always got a  reaction from him. Teasing done, he pulled her lower and pushed his  tongue into her. Her hips jerked. She tossed her head back and cried  out. The next stroke, he pushed into her deeper, then sucked on her  clit, then pushed in, sucked. He set a rhythm, but she was already  halfway there. She rocked against his face, encouraging him, rushing him  faster because she was losing ground. Losing it. Losing all thought.  Fuck, he was so good at this.

She cried out every time he pushed into her, and right as she was at the  peak of pleasure, right as the first pulse of orgasm was about to burst  through her, Dustin shoved her upward and disappeared out from under  her. Without missing a beat, he entered her from behind, filled her, and  buried himself so deeply inside of her, the orgasm happened despite the  interruption.

He was slow and methodical, drawing every aftershock out of her as she  moaned. She thought he would have to thrust into her for a while to get  off, but he gritted out her name two strokes later and bucked hard.  Warmth spread inside of her in pulsing jets. He didn't go erratic, but  kept it steady as he pumped his seed into her. Was she coming again? Her  aftershocks were so intense it was a possibility. He leaned forward  across her back, pressing his chest against her, and she could feel the  rattling growl that didn't quite reach her hearing. And then there was  teeth. Teeth, teeth, teeth, almost hard enough to break the skin over  her shoulder blade. And a part of her wanted him to do it. A part of her  wanted him to claim her and bind them forever in the way shifters chose  their mates. A huge piece of her heart already felt like Dustin's mate  even though she was human.

He would do it if she asked. He always gave into her begging. All she  had to do was murmur, "Do it," and he would sink his teeth into her and  change the course of their lives forever. He would give her a wolf. A  wolf. A wolf? No. That wasn't the plan. She was going to be a vampire  someday. She wanted Dustin, but not a wolf. She wanted to sing. Emma bit  her lip hard against the urge to plead with him to claim her.

Dustin released her skin and eased out of her. Warmth flooded between  her legs, and with a satisfied sigh, Emma dropped her forehead to the  bed. Instinct made her rock back and forth still as her aftershocks  pulsed on, lighter and lighter. Sexy Dustin. Sexy wolf. Sexy man. Sexy  mate.

His hand was warm on her back as he slid it up her spine. Pulling her  hair, he angled her face toward him and kissed her. Drank her more like.  Or perhaps she was drinking him. God, she could almost feel his  beautiful soul here in the quiet of the room. Quiet. Too quiet.

She messed with her hearing aids but got nothing. Stupid rechargeable  batteries needed to be replaced. Gently, Dustin pulled the aids from her  ears, one at a time, and dropped them into the charger beside the bed.  His face was so beautiful, like an angel, as he pulled her tightly  against him. Dustin swallowed hard, frowned down at her lips, his  fingers trailing up and down her ribs.

Slowly, he brushed her hair out of her face and lifted his hand into the  air. And then he did the most important, most impactful thing a man had  ever done for her.

He signed, Emma, I love you.

Her face crumpled immediately, and tears spilled from her eyes.  Embarrassed, she buried her face against his chest as her shoulders  shook with her crying. He didn't rush her, or push her. He simply held  her close, cupped the back of her head, and rested his cheek on her hair  until she could get control of her emotions again.

Finally, finally, Emma eased back and lifted her hand in front of him,  and then slowly, so he could understand it, she signed, I love you, too.

Chapter Ten

Dustin paced near the door. He should've done it like he planned. Got  her flowers and taken her out to eat. Dated her like a human, and then  at the end of the night, when he was dropping her off at her motel door,  told her he loved her like they did in the three shitty late-night  rom-coms he'd forced himself to watch. Emma deserved romance.