Reading Online Novel

Anonymous Encounters(66)

I knew exactly what he wanted and parted my legs, my steaming cunt on  display for his hungry eyes. He didn't taste me immediately. Instead, he  pulled the pearls to one side and parted my pussy lips, letting his  gaze linger on the moist, ruby red folds of my inner channel. I could  feel my vagina dripping with liquid, my clit standing up to attention  before his male gaze.

He leaned in close and sniffed deeply while letting his hot breath tease  my sensitive flesh. I squealed slightly, the tension almost unbearable.  I needed his hot mouth on me, his clever lips and tongue arousing and  enflaming me.

Sensing my desperation, he bent over and licked my luscious twat,  running his tongue all the way from my perineum to the top of my clit. I  cried out, my knees buckling.

"Hold on baby," he murmured into my soft folds, a strong arm circling my  waist to make sure I didn't fall. "We're just getting started."

He began tonguing me languorously, suckling my wet folds before playing  with my clit with the tip of his tongue. He circled the hard nub a few  times before pushing down on my hot button, then suckling more while I  cried out in ecstasy. My kitty grew hotter and more engorged, hungrier  than ever, and he was relentless. He tongue-fucked me, pushing as deep  into my hole as he could while stroking me with his fingers, rubbing my  wet folds before penetrating deeply into my inner channel.         



I collapsed on him with a scream, my kitty convulsing on his fingers as  wet juices gushed out onto his mouth and hand. I blacked out for a few  moments, seeing nothing but stars, my heart racing as I struggled to  catch my breath. My breasts bobbed heavily, the nipples aroused and  standing to attention as I continued to spasm around his fingers as they  slid in and out of my most private place.

As I regained my senses, he looked up at me from his kneeling position  and smiled lasciviously. His mouth and chin were completely covered in  my female juices, but he loved it, licking at his lips and savoring the  taste of aroused female.

He stood up, balancing me against him and began unfastening the clasp on  his trousers. When his cock popped out, I gasped for the hundredth  time. Despite the fact that he'd been buried in me almost non-stop for  the past two weeks, I could never get over the fact of his sheer size  and girth. His cock was at least ten inches when aroused, and he was as  wide as my fist.

I leaned forward, angling for a taste, but he stopped me before I could sip his pre-cum.

"Uh uh, Wildflower, I need to be in you asap because I can't hold on  much longer," he growled. He swiveled me around so that my back was to  him, and I braced my hands against the kitchen counter.

"Spread," he commanded again, and obediently I parted my legs. I knew my  cunny was hot and steamy still, red and engorged with a trail of female  juice running down my thigh. He traced the rivulet with his finger  before breaking the strand of pearls with his fist, the beads clattering  to the floor. Without any further warning, he pushed me down and thrust  into me with his mighty pole, fucking me hard and deep with one stroke.

"Ohhh!" I cried, throwing my head back, loving the feel of being impaled  on his massive member. The waves overtook me as he started up a  pounding rhythm, driving deep into me again and again, my breath coming  in gasps as he fucked me hard.

"Ohhh!" I shrieked as the pressure built. My cunny was gushing warm  juices again, this time coating his cock in liquid glaze as his balls  hit my clit. He paused an instant and pushed me down even further,  whispering in my ear. "I want to hit your g-spot, Wildflower."

Sure enough, his glans brushed that sensitive spot when he took up the  rhythm again, and the pressure in my kitty grew to unbearable  proportions. With a cry of release, I came for a second time, my twat  convulsing on his pole, grasping it in its wet depths and pulling him  deeper. The friction caused him to release as well, and he spurted into  me with a mighty roar. Our bodies shook against each other, each jet of  semen sucked into my uterus by my hungry kitty, desperate for his sperm.

"Oh no!" I panicked as I arched my back, trying to make eye contact with  him. "We forgot to use protection again!" It seemed so trite, since he  was totally embedded in my wet depths.

He growled low in his throat, breathing in my ear. "Wildflower, I WANT  you to have my baby, protection is the last thing on my mind," he said,  stirring his groin and making me sigh. I couldn't believe how many times  we'd forgotten to use protection in the last two weeks, it was totally  irresponsible and my nineteen year-old self was not ready for a baby.

But at the same time, would being the mother of Luke's son or daughter  be so bad? The way he was so loving, so tender with me, a family with  him could be sweet and satisfying. I wasn't sure, but promised myself to  use a condom the next time around  …  which judging by his hardening cock  could be in about five minutes.



Back in the present day  …

She was a mass of contradictions, this mother of my child. Desperately  poor, yet impertinent, looking at me with a combination of lust and  fear. Oh yes, lust. Even after two years of no contact, I could tell  that my Wildflower still wanted me.

Oh shit. MY Wildflower? I shook it off. Old habits die hard.

She was back in my life whether or not she wanted to be because my child  was a part of me and I wasn't going to let Georgie go so soon after  discovering him. A man has a duty to raise his son, and I was going to  fight for custody tooth and nail.

"So where's your boyfriend?" I asked nastily. I couldn't help it. The  thought of someone else covering that luscious body inflamed me, even  though I hadn't touched her in two years.         



She looked down, her long lashes shielding her blue eyes. "I  …  I don't have one," she said quietly.

"Oh really?" I demanded. "Then how are you able to afford all this?" I asked, gesturing to the gated private park we stood in.

"It's my friend Helen's apartment," she replied softly, looking down at  her hands. "Helen gave me the key while she's on vacation."

"So where are you living?" I demanded, one arm carrying Georgie as I  hustled her out of the park. "Let's go. We're getting Georgie's things  and you're moving in with me."

She gasped, the color draining from her face. Maybe it was a reminder of  how I'd pressured Wildflower into moving in with me just a week after  we met. I'd been desperate for her, for her scent, for her body, and had  steamrolled the beautiful teen, overcoming her protestations.

This time wasn't going to be any different. I hauled Wildflower and the  baby into my Range Rover and we took off in the direction she indicated.  After driving for a while, I could hardly contain my distaste. We were  in a rough part of town, completely dominated by public housing  projects. My son was growing up here? She must have seen the contempt on  my face because she began defending herself.

"It's safer than it looks," she began, "Plus, we live close to the school where I teach, and there's a daycare nearby."

"DAYCARE!" I roared. No child of mine was going into public daycare. Georgie was getting his own nanny, stet.

"Yes, daycare," she said softly. "I need to work and Georgie needs to be  looked after. The daycare center is perfectly fine, I made sure they  had all their licenses and insurance."

I respected her for saying that. Only a responsible mother would think  to check boring details like licensing and insurance. But that didn't  change my mind  …  Wildflower and Georgie were coming to live with me.

She came out of the house with two bags and Georgie's car seat.

"Where's the rest of your stuff?" I asked.

"This is it," she said simply. "All the furniture is rented and Georgie just sleeps with me in the bed, he doesn't have a crib."

My Wildflower was so poor that she couldn't afford a crib? I packed her  into the car and began driving back in a rage. I was so angry that I  couldn't even look at her, much less speak.

But there was a question that continually lingered in my mind. It had  been driving me insane the past two years, and I'd lain awake nights,  wondering and ruminating, completely baffled at the turn of events.

"Why did you leave me two years ago?" I asked abruptly. "What happened that was so bad? Why no note, no phone call, no nothing?"

She sighed, looking down at her hands. "Oh Luke, you'll never understand," she said softly.

"Try me," I ground out. "We were so happy Wildflower, why did you take off without saying anything? Was it something I did?"

"Oh no!" she turned to me, tears in her eyes. "Not at all." She paused  momentarily and then turned to me, begging for understanding. "Luke,"  she said softly. "Do you remember when we got that invitation from your  mom in the mail?"