Reading Online Novel

Anonymous Encounters(63)

I'd been serving drinks to the crowd when the sting of a man's gaze  grazed me. A dark-haired dark-eyed gorgeous hunk was staring at me,  looking like he was ready to devour his quarry. The look on his face was  truly predatory  –  like a hawk which had scouted a rabbit and was ready  to attack.

My cheeks flushed hotly. Suddenly, I was doubly aware of just how  revealing my outfit was. The low-cut blouse hugged my curves indecently,  showing off the tantalizing vee between my breasts. My nipples hardened  uncomfortably, and he smiled, like he could see through the material of  my flimsy bra. To my shame, my cunny grew hot and moist, preparing  itself for the dark stranger.

He'd sauntered over to me, stalking me like a tiger. His movements were  lithe and sinuous, a promise of the pleasure he could give a woman. I'd  watched mesmerized, unable to move, the drinks frozen in my hand.

Suddenly, my boss snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Alana," he  barked. "Get with it! What's wrong with you? Do I need to have a talk  with you?" His eyes trailed lasciviously over my cleavage, and I knew he  was going to try and make a move as soon as the event was over.

"Sorry Charles," I mumbled, the spell broken. I quickly refilled my tray  with drinks and circulated once again. I snuck a glance at the stranger  and saw that he'd paused in his tracks, frowning. He'd seen how  disrespectful my boss was, the way Charles's eyes lingered on my ass,  how he was rude to me in front of guests. I blushed, wishing I could  sink into the floor.

The stranger halted in his tracks, and turned to speak with a  distinguished looking older gentleman. I saw them both glance at  Charles, and then the white-haired man nodded. Oh shit. It didn't look  like anything good was going to come out of this. I busied myself  serving drinks again.

Suddenly, the dark-haired man walked over to me and seized my wrist.

"Come on, we're going," he snarled.

"What?" I gasped, my cheeks flushing.

"Let's get out of here," he repeated, his grasp on my wrist like a vise.  Because I didn't want to make a scene in a public place, I put down my  tray of drinks and followed obediently, trying not to show my  nervousness. Surely the crowd noticed a dark, handsome man dragging a  young woman across a crowded room!

But he didn't care. He steered me into a darkened entryway and pulled us  behind the cover of a particularly large pillar. He looked me over, his  eyes lingering over my curves, going up, down and then back up again  over my body.         



"So," he breathed against the skin of my neck. "What's the drink special tonight?"



I could tell that she still hadn't seen me, she was so engrossed in the  baby. Alana looked happier than I'd ever seen her. Well, maybe except  when I was fucking her. My male ego liked to think that she was most  satisfied when her body was impaled on mine, but I knew the happiness  she had now was a different kind.

She was dressed in threadbare clothes, but her natural beauty gleamed  like a star. Her lips were pink and delicious, pursed as she continued  blowing kisses to the baby. I could see a little hand tugging on a long  strand of blonde hair as gurgles and cries of "Mama!" reached my ear.

I advanced, waiting for the blonde to notice. When my shadow fell across  the stroller, she finally turned her head, shading her eyes to see who  was blocking the light. A faint gasp escaped her lips, and she panicked,  immediately pulling the baby out of his seat and cradling him tightly  in her arms.

What the fuck? I was a spurned man, but I was hardly a child molester.  There was no reason to think I was going to make off with her child.

But the baby turned suddenly, his hat falling off of his head, and I saw  the features of  …  a child who was unmistakably mine. The boy had the  same raven hair as me, the same grey eyes, except his were innocent and  wide, while mine were filled with shock and anger.

The blood rushed through my body, pounding like a drumbeat in my head.  Fists formed and I could hardly keep myself from slapping the bitch.  Only the baby in her arms stopped me from physically harming the fucking  whore. Alana had had my baby in secret, and kept him from me for the  first year of his life! The fucking bitch had been pregnant when she'd  left me and chosen to raise the baby on her own. It hadn't been easy,  judging by the used clothes both she and the baby wore. I was gratified  though, to see that my baby looked healthy and well-fed. He had pink  cheeks and even now smiled at me, his chubby fist stuck in his mouth.

"What the fuck  … ?" I growled. "You have some explaining to do."

"Luke," she gasped. "I didn't know you lived in this building complex."

"I just moved," I replied. "I wanted to get rid of that apartment that was our fuck-palace, do you remember?"

Her cheeks colored. For the time we'd been together, "fuck-palace" was  an accurate description of my old apartment. It was large, sumptuous,  and we'd probably spent 80% of the time in my bed, my cock buried deep  in her delicious body, teaching the virgin all about love and lust. And  she'd been an outstanding student, her nubile body responding naturally  and immediately to me, her breasts and pussy coaxed to full womanhood.

Alana grasped the baby even closer to her, but I wasn't about to be  deterred. I reached over and put my hands under the baby's armpits.

"Let go," I commanded.

"No, Georgie's scared of strangers, he doesn't do well with people he doesn't know," she rushed.

"And whose fault is that?" I growled. It enraged me to realize that I  was a stranger to my own child. I wouldn't let go of him and he started  to squirm, sensing the animosity between me and his mom. He squealed  slightly, his face scrunching up. Trying to prevent a tantrum, Alana let  go and let me hold my son for the first time.

Embracing him was like coming home, the child trusting and surprisingly  heavy in my arms. Georgie wasn't scared of me at all. Instead, it was I  who was scared of him. As I looked into his eyes, my heart plummeted off  a cliff and I knew I was a goner. He smiled toothlessly at me, and I  could literally feel my heart go pitter-pat as the baby gurgled with  joy.

I held him close, careful not to squash the child in my arms. He was my  flesh and blood, undeniable evidence of mine and Alana's lust  …  if not  love.



My baby looked so happy in his father's arms. There was no denying  Luke's paternity. They had the same dark hair and grey eyes, with long  black lashes, except Luke's were spiked and angry-looking, whereas my  baby's lashes were long and soft, fluttering over his chubby cheeks.         



Luke turned to me with thunder in his eyes.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" he spat, his eyes shooting lightning.

I stayed mute. There was no right answer, and I looked down at my hands.

"Answer me!" he raged, holding Georgie tighter. The baby started to  wail, distressed at the bad vibes surrounding him. I instinctively  reached for him, and this time Luke let me take him in my arms, cradling  my sobbing baby boy.

"Don't worry sweetheart, Mommy's going to take care of you," I soothed.

"The hell you are!" spat Luke. "I don't care what rich boyfriend or  husband you have, but this child is mine and I'm going to raise him," he  growled.

Luke didn't know that I had no one  …  it was just me and Georgie in the world.

"I don't care if you're the mistress of a fucking czar, you're fucking  relinquishing custody of my child immediately," he raged on the  playground.

"Luke, please," I pleaded. He was a rich man, and I knew I didn't have  the resources to fight him in court. "Remember how it once was between  us  … ." My voice trailed off.

He glared at me, his brows drawn as if remembering. Our time together  had been so sweet, so arousing, the one and only time I'd fallen in love  in my short twenty-two years. And the way he was looking at me now, all  dark clouds and thunder, reminded me of the virile, stormy, passionate  man I'd fallen for  …  and was still head over heels in love with.



Goddamn her! Of course, she had to remind me of our past, as if I'd ever  forgotten the sweet, innocent blonde who'd trustingly given herself to  me. After dragging her into the darkened hallway of that cursed  reception hall, I'd taken her into my arms, enjoying the feel of her  lithe, nubile body.

Possessively, my hands ran over her curves, not even bothering to  introduce myself. I nibbled her neck, holding off from taking her lips.  Her flesh was sweet, her aroma enticing, like wildflowers on a spring  day.

She'd moaned in my arms, arching her back and pushing her breasts deep  into my chest. Her jugs pressed maddeningly against my pecs, and I could  feel her stiff nipples through the thin material. Without hesitation, I  reached through her vee neck blouse and pushed her bra down, baring a  pink nub for my delight. I descended on her breast, suckling hungrily,  rolling the nipple with my tongue like a piece of candy. She was  delicious, 100% womanflesh.