Reading Online Novel

Anonymous Encounters(31)

But that's how it goes in Russian banyas. There were men of all sizes  around, strolling around naked, letting it all hang out with no  compunction, wandering around in the steam. More often than not, these  guys were overweight, their bellies so huge that you couldn't see their  genitals due to the overhang of their supersize stomachs, so at least we  were spared that.

But as we got comfortable in a sauna, Vlad grew jumpy. There were a  couple other guys who'd made no comment when we entered the space, lying  around in a half-daze, barely awake even. But Vlad was suddenly  startled, his eyes darting right and left, looking like a scared rabbit  despite his massive size.

"You  …  you do it now," he said in his heavily-accented English.

"Do what man?" asked Bryan, a towel draped over his head, his face hidden.

"These men," said Vlad. "They the dragon heads, the masters. They want to see it now."

"What, my friend?" I asked more forcefully. "What do they want to see?  My tats? My brother's tats? We got some good ones from the gulag, I  assure you," I said casually. And we had. In addition to the designs  already spread across our chests, we gotten some additional ones which  supposedly had special meaning in Russian jailhouse lore, if the NYPD  culture specialists were accurate.

But Vlad merely shook his head.

"No," he whispered, bringing his head closer to ours. "They want to see  you fuck  …  all the boys do it as a sign of legitimacy, of belonging."

I have to say, I was still confused.

"Fuck who?" I asked, fast losing patience. "Where are the whores? I'm  happy to fuck some juicy pussy if that's what they want to see," I  grunted.

"No, no," whispered Vlad, his eyes still darting around nervously. "Fuck  each other, man. That's the agreement. You fuck each other in front of  the audience to be legit."

I was disgusted and horrified when I heard those words. Fuck my brother?  My twin brother, a man who was biologically related to me? This was  fucking disgusting and I was ready to stalk out, mission be damned when  Bryan interrupted.

"Sure no problem, Vlad," he said smoothly, his face a blank wall. "You got any condoms?"

I looked at him, struggling to control my expression. This was the most  fucked-up undercover operation ever. What did Bryan have in mind? Some  fake act where nothing actually touched? No penetration? How were we  going to pull that off with a live audience mere feet away?

But Vlad seemed relieved, pulling out what looked like a small first aid  kit. When he popped the lid, I saw that it full of condoms, lube, and  sex toys. Oh yeah, there were vibrators, butt plugs, everything you  might need to have a good time at the bathhouse.

"Here, XL ok?" he asked, passing a gold-covered foil to my brother. And Bryan took it, his eyes flashing.

"More than okay, it's the only size I can manage," he said smoothly, whipping his towel off.

And that was the first time I'd gotten a look at my twin's dong since we  were boys. Sure, we'd been on the football team together in high  school, but I never gazed at another man's cock on purpose, you know  what I mean? I'd been just as alpha as the rest of the guys, snapping  towels and wisecracking in the locker room, professing my love of pussy,  cunt and snatch, in that order.

So when my brother began rolling the condom onto his massive prick, I  was horrified, although careful not give anything away with my  expression. Hopefully this was all some sick joke and the SWAT team was  about to burst in, blowing the need for this farce.         



But Bryan merely gestured to me after rolling the rubber on, the latex  sheathing that veiny pole. Oh god, it was huge, his deeply pink balls  hanging heavily behind the massive steel, threatening yet appetizing at  once. Shit, had I just thought the word "appetizing"? This was getting  more and more fucked up, it must have been the heat in the sauna driving  me to hallucinations.

But like a slave, I did as Bryan gestured and got on all fours, nude, my  own dong poking out rock-hard and stiff. Because yeah, I'd gotten a  boner, the sight of my brother's perfectly sculpted body coupled with  that massive fuckpole a turn-on, an aphrodisiac that my body couldn't  ignore. Plus the fact that all eyes were on us was making me hot and  hungry, and I wanted to see where this was going.

Still expecting an abort at the last minute, I felt Bryan's hand on my  ass, that big palm smoothing over my skin, stroking, massaging even as I  tensed in anticipation. He dragged his index finger to my hole,  circling it, touching it even as I shivered.

He leaned close over my back, whispering in my ear.

"It won't take long, you'll like it, I promise." What the fuck? What did  he mean, I was going to like it? Again, I was still expecting the SWAT  team to burst into the chamber, breaking up this misguided farce.

But then it happened. I felt a tiny bit of cool lube plop onto my anus,  my brother's finger pushing the sticky gel into my chamber, and then the  pressure of something huge, massive, pressing insistently against my  rectum. Oh god, could it be? I half-turned my head, expecting this all  to be a mirage, but nope, it was true. My twin was in back of me,  crouched between my legs, pushing his dick into my ass, slowly, slowly,  but insistent all the same.

And oh fuck, it felt good. I'd never been touched there before and to  get a massive dong back there, to see the ecstasy on my twin's face as  he fucked me, was insane. I felt my ass resisting, that pucker  stubbornly hetero, refusing to give in. But Bryan was persuasive. He  rubbed my anus with his fingers as his penis inched forward, building  momentum with his hips, and with a slight pop, my rectum caved and he  was in.

"Good boy," he breathed so that only I could hear, massaging my left thigh in encouragement. "Now just hold still."

And with a groan, he grabbed my hips and slid forward again, this time  pushing that veiny length into my backdoor, my ass screaming in pain as  it took its first dick.

"Owww!" I must have shrieked, given the chuckles that surrounded us. But  Bryan groaned loudly as well, drowning out my cry of pain, and began  stroking in and out smoothly, stopping to empty half a tube of lube  where our bodies were joined.

And it began to feel good, the heated, burning sensation slowly replaced  by the most delicious penetration, the feel of a hard dick ramming my  insides, extending almost to my throat, my brother's cock was that  enormous. I began breathing in rhythm with the strokes, letting myself  relax and just savor the feeling.

"Oh god," I groaned, my head dropping in ecstasy like a delirious man. "Fuuuuck," I moaned again.

And Bryan was going with it as well, his hips now swinging in a regular  rocking motion, my ass given up all resistance. I could hear the wet  slipping and sliding as he pounded me, the huffs of air as they left his  lungs, the sweat dripping from his brow as he drilled his first man.

And suddenly, my twin was tensing. I could feel it in myself as well, my  muscles gearing up, the friction becoming unbearable, my own cock  getting ready to spurt.

"Ah ah ah, UNNNNH!" roared my brother, and just like that, I was coated  with cum on the inside. His big penis ripped through me, pulsing,  spurting jet after jet of creamy white into my GI tract, coating me with  that hot, intense man milk  …  which had the same DNA as mine.

Call me a disgusting pervert, but the feel of that baby batter coating  me caused my own semen to jet and I spontaneously let go, my orgasm  flying out of my dick, showering my belly and torso with male cream,  spurting everywhere as I was fucked by a man.

And it was only after Bryan withdrew from my body, his veiny length leaving me with a huge anal gape, that the applause started.

"Vlad, you bring us good men," said one especially fat guy from the  corner, his chest covered with hair. I hadn't even noticed him before,  it was so steamy in the bathhouse. "Let's see how they do with women  now, shall we?" he growled.         



Thus, because of our twincest performance, we were able to bust a  Russian prostitution ring  …  and discover a new side to ourselves as  well.



I still had no idea what I was doing, although I'd taken a chance showing Blake around the Gordons' home.

"Here's Chrissy's bedroom," I said, indicating a half open door through  which a glimpse of a frilly bedspread was visible. "And here's her  parents' room," I nodded to a massive pair of gigantic oak doors.

I'd planned on going straight to the game room after that because it was  pretty cool. The Gordons had invested in a massive flatscreen TV that  almost covered an entire wall, plus they'd just bought new Oculus Rift  glasses. Every guy likes 3-D holograms right?

But Blake interrupted me.

"I think I hear something inside," he said, nodding his head to the master bedroom.