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Anonymous Encounters(27)

And our adventure at the opera is just another example of our joint  quest for danger. Because yeah, fingerfucking in public is too tame now,  Donovan made me promise to let him fist me, to stuff his entire hand  into my pussy in plain sight of other audience members.

"I don't get it," I'd gasped, brown eyes wide as I stared at him. We'd  been discussing it on the couch in the Avalon, Donovan having moved me  out of my old, worn-down shack within twenty-four hours.

"Don't get what?" he drawled lazily, one big finger trailing against my  nether lips, making me shiver involuntarily. "You think this pussy can't  stretch?"

I shook my head disbelievingly.

"I mean it can Daddy, it can, but your entire hand? All five fingers,  plus your palm? And your hand's big too," I whispered pointedly, looking  down at where his fingers grazed my twat.         



Donovan chuckled deep in his chest, male form hard and tense, immense  ridge already evident within his trousers, tenting them like a  flagstaff. Oh god, I wanted to suck, but even more, I wanted to feel.  But Donovan wanted me a certain way, and I was gonna get it.

"Trust me baby, you can do it," he rasped throatily, gazing at my bare  pussy hungrily. "And Daddy will help you through the exercise, Daddy  will absolutely get you so hot that you thank me afterwards, this little  pussy will drip buckets of lust."

And now here, at the opera, my lover was true to his words. Because as I  parted my thighs wider, he slipped another finger into my pussy, four  now in total, prying me open, and making me feel oh-so-full.

"Oh god Daddy," I moaned, throwing my head back, reaching forward to  stroke the ridge of that fat cock through his pants. "Oh god."

Donovan's eyes were such an intense blue that I could see them even in  the dark of the theater. But he pushed my hand away because this time  was all about me, and my lover was gonna bring me to a shattering  finish, audience and music be damned.

"Almost there," he rumbled soothingly, that blazing blue gaze never leaving my secret flesh. "Almost there."

And with one more twist of his wrist, a clever jerk and then a deep  slide, it happened. Donovan slipped all five fingers in, the stretch  incredible, my pussy so fucked. I looked down with shock, almost unable  to breathe. It was so obscene, so unbelievably disgusting, and yet so  good. Because only Donovan's wrist protruded from my vaginal hole,  creamy thighs spread wide. There was so much pussy juice, so much female  nectar that his arm was absolutely drenched, rivulets dripping off onto  the floor.

"Oh fuck yeah," he groaned, moving his fingers experimentally in me. "Oh fuck yeah."

I mewled helplessly then, throwing my head back. Oh god, was this really  happening? This was danger personified, shit, I didn't know how we  could get more risky than this. Because if someone noticed, how could he  pull his fingers out in time? The alpha was stuck so far in my body  that it would take at least twenty minutes just to exit the way he'd  come, finger by finger, slowly pulling out of my puss.

But for now, I just wanted to feel.

"Yeah Daddy," I panted. "Ohhh, god, yesss."

And with that, the billionaire began to fuck me. Right there, at the  opera, my dress pulled open and legs spread obscenely wide, he began  running his entire fist in and out of my pussy, only his wrist showing  as he rampaged my hot folds. Oh god, I was so fucked inside, slutty cunt  gushing heavily, gripping him, stretched to the max.

"Oh god," I moaned again. "Oh god god god."

And with that, my snatch burst. Literally juices flew out three feet in  the air, spattering his tux, getting on my beautiful red dress, staining  the ornate furniture. There was so much that it literally bubbled up  around his wrist as my folds clenched and spasmed, squeezing his hand  like a python, pulsing with ecstasy.

"Ahhh!" I cried out, throwing my head back, one big boobie popping out from my dress now, my lust impossible to contain. "Ahh!"

But Donovan was quick. In a flash, the big man reached around my torso and covered the pendulous flesh with his hand.

"Oh yeah, baby girl," he ground out, squeezing hard before flicking a nip. "Oh yeah, Daddy's got you."

And that's the story of my life now. Daddy's got me, and I've got him.  We're together through the good times and bad, riding storms in one  boat, oars paddling in sync. Sure, we began in the most illicit of ways,  as an anonymous finger fuck after meeting on-line, but it's become  something real now. Because we live together, Donovan moved us both into  the condo in the sky, and it's good. Better than good. We make love all  the time yeah, but we also cook, shower, and talk non-stop, blabbing  about big and small.

So no, I didn't expect this. I was Rachel Smith, virgin librarian, a  shy, plump brunette with a sweet smile and a longing to explore and see  the world. And he was Donovan Jones, billionaire alpha with a penchant  for the dirty, using females like disposable goods. But we've both  changed. Now that we have each other, the past is the past, it formed  us, but it's not us anymore. Because we're living our present now, and  with bright eyes, I have high hopes for the future.         



Because Donovan has a desire for danger, yes. Was I afraid I couldn't  satisfy him, that I was too boring? Was I afraid I couldn't meet his  expectations? Absolutely. After all, virgin Rachel wasn't so long ago,  only a matter of weeks in fact. But slowly, as we've grown closer, our  relationship has deepened and matured, and I've become more confident,  more sure of myself. My body and mind are the ultimate drugs for my man,  and yes, I've realized I can fulfill the alpha's desire for danger. I  can go to the Billionaires Club and play any game with him, I can take  him to the opera and let him fist me in public, pushing that huge hand  right up into my sweet, pulsing twat.

And this is our life. This is our life, and I wouldn't trade it for the  world. By no means is it perfect, we're not Ken and Barbie by a long  shot, living a bland, plastic life with a house in the burbs. But  Donovan is my man, and the love that soars between us, that binds us  tight, is one hundred percent real. So what else can a girl ask for?  After all, this was an anonymous encounter that became something much,  much more  …  and it's mine for keeps.



Then subscribe to my newsletter at and watch  Donovan and Rachel get nasty in Fisting Her Butt, a bonus chapter FREE  when you subscribe.


Hi! Thanks so much for reading Anonymous Encounters. I hoped you enjoyed your visit to the Billionaires Club.

As a special treat, I've included three bonus books for your reading  pleasure. As always, please make sure not to use page flip while you're  reading, as we authors won't get paid for our hard work if you do.  Thanks a million!





Beg Me: Sold To My Dad's Boss

Daddy's Pretty Baby

Loving the Babysitter

Temptation: Loving My Ward

The Billionaires Club

Sold at the Auction

Virgin for Sale

Serving Him

Buy Me

MMF Romance

Double Exposure

The Falling Series

Falling for My Dad's Best Friend

Falling for My Boyfriend's Dad

Falling for My Son's Best Friend

The Virgin Series

The Naughty Virgin

The Wicked Virgin

The Dirty Virgin

The Trashy Virgin

Delivering the Virgin

The Double Series

Double Princes

Triple Princes

Double Massive

Double Huge

Double Bang

Double Donkey


A Sterling Brothers Romance

(Erotic Romance, MFM Menage, Twincest, M/M, BDSM)

© 2016

By Cassandra Dee

Want to hear about my newest illicit romance? Addicted to virgins and  alpha males? Join my mailing list at and get a  FREE BOOK unavailable elsewhere!



"Psst," whispered my friend Christine. "Check out who just walked in the door!"

I spun around in my seat. Sure, I should have been paying attention,  taking notes and listening carefully, but honestly this class bored me.  It was something like "Intro to Anatomy" or "Biological Anatomy," and as  far as I could tell all we did was look at diagrams of animals cut in  half, scrutinizing their insides. Gross.

But a tall drink of water had just sauntered into the classroom. Or more accurately, two tall drinks of water.

The men who strolled in couldn't legitimately be called boys, they were  at least six three and two hundred pounds each. With blue-black hair and  deep green eyes, they were swoon-worthy of the latest Playgirl magazine   …  if only they'd been nude.

"Oh my god!" squealed Christine. "Science class just got so much better!  Who are they? The board of visitors? Oh please please please, say  they're here to stay."

I had to laugh. Christine was so silly but fun in a million ways. We'd  had a lot of wild rides together and I could trust her to be my  wingwoman, my partner in crime. But right now both of us were one  hundred percent focused on the two men who'd just walked in, backpacks  casually slung over their shoulders.