Reading Online Novel

Anonymous Encounters(22)

But who the fuck cared? My life was a bucket of shit, the blood in my  veins pure trash. I was supposed to be fucking girls right and left and  all I could think of was my beautiful brunette. Fuck, I'd almost hit a  woman, I'd treated some unsuspecting chick like trash and she didn't  deserve it. So blearily, I raised my head again, blinking heavily,  trying to focus before whipping out my wallet.

"Give her some cash," I mumbled before falling back again, big form prone. "Give her some moolah, the girlies always like that."

Xander shook his head with disgust but fortunately, at that moment the  water came and I gulped it thirstily. I was like a vacuum, pounding the  stuff until I sputtered, choking and rasping.

"Take it easy big guy," came my friend's voice again. "Take it easy."

Finally, taking a deep breath, I looked up. Shit, I must have been so  fucking dehydrated before because now, shapes actually had some clarity  and I could see the pattern on the sofa instead of the blur it was  before. Shit, I was a fucked up motherfucker.

"So," came Xander's voice. "You wanna tell me about it?"

No, I didn't. But I owed some explanation after my drunken act.

"Just a chick," I grunted, not meeting his eyes. "No biggie."

Xander chuckled lowly.

"Isn't it always?" he ground out.

I shot him a hard look, unappreciative

"This girl is different," I bit out. "Real different."

Xander just looked at me amused.

"Aren't they always?" he rasped. "Each one's different."

Anger flared in me again but I struggled to control it, no sense in  flying about like a mofo again. This was the club and I needed to keep  up to standard.

"Naw, this one is real different. I met her on Discreet Encounters," I began. But Xander cut in.

"You still doing that?" he asked, one eyebrow arched. "Still doing anonymous finger fucks in strange pussy?"

The words were so fucking crude, but yeah, that's what I'm about. I'm a  dirty mofo and the nastier the better. But with Rachel it was different.

"Yeah, I met a chick on the site, but had to give her the boot," I ground out. "Wasn't worth it."

Xander's brows lifted again.

"Really? Then what the fuck is wrong with you? You on pills or something? Cocaine?"

I shook my head furiously.

"Naw, gave her the boot because I wanna go back on-line to find other girls to fuck. Anonymously," I punctuated with a rasp.

Xander just shook his head.

"Why don't you just fuck the girls here? No one gives a shit and there's  more than plenty," he said, gesturing to the curvaceous, busty female  servers lingering in the shadows. "We pay a pretty penny for it, what  else is the Billionaires Club for?"

That was true, the BC is a place where anything goes, we source the  best, most beautiful women to work here, to give it up night after night  to whichever member wants a taste of pretty pussy. But with Rachel,  things were different. Absolutely different.         



"I need danger," I said flatly. "Even if I drill the ladies here,  there's no danger anymore, they're put through so much screening, they  practically have to run a gauntlet to work here."

That was true. Everyone at the Club took blood tests and passed  extensive background checks, not to mention the psychological profiling  and personality questionnaires. But hey, billionaires can't afford to  take chances, there's an ocean of money at stake and we don't cut  corners. So yeah, every single server, every single pool girl, every  single laundress, has been vetted up and down, all around, there were  thick dossiers on each individual.

"Naw," I ground out again. "Like I said, I need danger."

"So? What's wrong with your chickie?" asked Xander carelessly. "I  thought you met her on Discreet Encounters, that doesn't make her  dangerous enough?" He sounded casual but dude is a smart guy, he was  listening with all ears.

I shook my head frustrated.

"Rachel is a good girl," I ground out, chest tight. "She's a librarian  for crying out loud. And a virgin too. I fucked a virgin, I fucked her  pussy hole and anal hole on consecutive nights. Can you believe that? I  fucked both her holes like a mofo, completely disrespecting her."

Xander was silent for a second.

"Yeah, but did she want it?" he asked. "If she wanted it, it doesn't matter."

That made me pause. Of course Rachel wanted it. My best girl's got a  slutty cunt and a slutty ass, those orifices open wide for me, the girl  prying apart her cheeks, her labia, creaming heavily as I drilled her.  Of course she wanted it, but that didn't mean it was dangerous.

"Yeah," was all I said shortly. "She wanted it."

Xander chuckled.

"Well, sounds like it's good to go then," he remarked mildly. "I mean,  you're drilling a girl in the ass and pussy, and probably fucking her  mouth too. So what the hell is wrong?"

"There's no danger," I ground out, shooting him the evil eye. "Do you  not get it? I like my fucks anonymous, pummeling wet twats without  knowing their names. And with this girl," I said, shaking my head. "It's  all about coming again and again as she screams, jetting my jizz into  that wet cunt."

"Well as long as she's on the pill, then you're all good," said Xander  mildly, studying his nails like this was no big deal. "Who cares?"

"Naw dude, no pill," I growled. "Girl didn't want it."

Xander leaned forward then, gaze intense.

"IUD? Condom? Yo dude, condoms aren't the most comfortable, but teen  twat requires it. They're too fertile, it takes nothing to knock ‘em  up."

I shook my head again.

"Naw, bareback," I ground out. "She wanted it that way."

Silence for a moment before Xander leaned back and started laughing heartily, like he'd just heard a funny joke.

"What the fuck?" I rasped. "What the fuck is your problem?"

My friend couldn't even answer, he was laughing so hard.

"What the fuck is your problem?" he retorted through chuckles. "You're  talking about danger and you've been fucking an eighteen year old with  no protection? Are you shitting me? Are you a fucking idiot? I mean,  shit, Donovan, talk about playing with fire."

I shook my head, frustrated.

"Rachel wanted it that way."

"Fuck what she wants, you're the one who's fucked," chortled the big  man. "I mean, what is she? Nineteen max? How many times have you come in  her? A hundred? Big boy, the female's probably pregnant already. You  talk about danger, and you got it, Daddy-O. You've already fucked up,  you're gonna be a Daddy."

I sat back then, forcing myself to inhale and exhale slowly, to  concentrate on Xander's words. Was he right? I crave dangerous sex, I  crave the not-knowing, the excitement that goes with an anonymous fuck.  But had I been playing with fire all along? By pounding Rachel again and  again, spewing repeatedly into that fertile pussy, had I been flirting  with hazard all along, seeding a breeding female? Was she the answer,  right before my eyes, and I'd been such a dumbfuck that I'd missed it?         



Suddenly, a fire roared in the pit of my belly, making me sit up straight, jerking with energy.

"Aw shit," I grunted, shaking my head, staring hard at the table in front of me. "Aw shit."

"Aw shit is right," tossed off Xander. "I mean, what the fuck were you  thinking? You're looking for danger and you've got it right in your own  backyard. Shit man, you haven't been thinking straight, it's like you're  drugged by the taste of sweet pussy and a tight asshole, your  judgment's way off."

I shook my head again, thoughts whirling. Because Xander was right, fuck  that dipshit. Aw fuck. Rachel was the epitome of everything, everything  that meant anything to me. My beautiful girl was exactly what I was  looking for all along, she was danger epitomized. Sure, I'd met the  brunette the usual way, off some anonymous website, giving her a finger  drill without even knowing her name, feeling that puss pulse around me  with no inhibitions.

But danger comes in many forms, and not only had it swarmed me like  Xander described, but it was so much more virulent, so much more  powerful this time around. Because not only had I seeded Rachel, forcing  her to take my cum, drenching that fertile twat again and again with  semen, but yeah, I'd fallen for her totally, completely, with no looking  back. Me, Mr. Alpha Male who fucks strange all the time, has been  downed by a sweet teen who knew nothing, innocent and pure until I came  along.

And the worst part was that I knew that I loved her in the back of my  mind all along. My subconscious self always knew that this was what I  wanted, that Rachel was the one for me, the right for my wrong, the pure  to my evil. The brunette is my balance, my other half, the light to my  dark, my only salvation. And fuck, but I'd treated her shitty. I'd  literally deserted the girl with no goodbye, letting her come back to an  empty suite, like I'd never been there, like we'd never shared hot  kisses in the shower, like she'd never pulsed around my cock, begging  for more.