Reading Online Novel

Anonymous Encounters(20)



"Daddy," the brunette murmured sweetly, turning to look at me over her  shoulder. We'd just finished another hot session and my dick was buried  in her pussy from behind, still pulsing as I emptied myself into that  steamy vaginal chamber.

I didn't reply, instead cupping her tits with my hands, enjoying the  mountainous flesh before tweaking a nipple with a satisfying pop.

"Daddy!" Rachel squealed, jiggling her butt and making me groan. Shit,  the female was still so tight even though I've been fucking her non-stop  and the slight wiggle made my dick jerk, spurting more.

"Fuck baby girl, you wanna be fucked again?" I groaned, squeezing a big  breast so hard that she moaned lustily, tossing her head. "Is that what  it is?"

Rachel panted a little, pussy juicing around my dick. But closing her eyes, she forced herself to be serious.

"No Daddy, I wanted to ask you a question about  … " Her voice trailed off.

Perfect, I squeezed her other tit this time, the mountainous white flesh  literally slipping from my grasp, there was just so much of it. And  sure enough, her pussy juiced down below, squeezing my cock reflexively.

But Rachel stopped for a moment, dipping a hand between her legs so that  her fingers came up covered and goop and tantalizingly, pushed those  digits into my mouth. I sucked like a mofo, the juices so hot and musky,  fucking delicious.

"Do you like that Daddy?" she cooed. "Because it's you and me down there, it's a mix of both of us."

I slurped hungrily again, running my tongue all over her hand, sucking down the love potion.

"Fuck yeah," I grunted. "Fuck, it's never tasted that good before."

The brunette giggled again, pulling her fingers out of my mouth before  lightly lapping at them herself. But she turned to me then, brown eyes  wide and innocent.

"But that's the thing, Daddy," she whispered. "Your semen is in me, I've  got your hot juices in my pussy, and you know, I haven't been taking  the Plan B."

Immediately my big body tensed.

"You haven't been what?" I rumbled deep in my throat. Every siren went  off in my head, dick jerking involuntarily. Because on the one hand,  fuck, we were so screwed if the brunette wasn't on birth control. Rachel  was eighteen, that nubile body so lush and curvy, that just one pump of  my semen into her and she'd be pregnant. So what the fuck, what the  fuck? Were we already too late?

But on the other hand, oh shit, yeah, this is what I wanted. I wanted to  seed the teen, I wanted that fertile body to soak up my cum until she  was round and bouncy with a baby. My baby, specifically. I wanted that  sweet twat to drip with my jism until Rachel was pregnant as fuck, big  as a house and just as fuckable. Like I said, I like ‘em big and Rachel  could benefit from a good forty or fifty pounds, especially if it was  because she was pregnant with my kid.

But I couldn't let her know, not now, the female was too young.

"Baby," I rumbled, skimming over her nips lightly. "What do you mean, you're not using the Plan B? I gave it to you days ago."

Shit, it seemed like a lifetime now, stopping by her apartment to drop  off the birth control but actually praying to see her, dying to gaze  into those big brown eyes, to feel that slick, wet cunt once more.

"What do you mean, you haven't been using it?" I rumbled again, breath hot on the back of her neck.

The brunette squirmed deliciously.

"Well, I looked it up on-line and it's really scary," she said in a soft  voice, not meeting my eyes. "Plan B works by pumping you full of  hormones."

"Of course," I said, my voice sharp. She jolted at my words, and I  regretted it immediately. Rachel was so young, so innocent, unused to  the rough, ravaging ways of an asshole like me. So I started again,  softening my tone. "Sweetheart, that's what hormonal birth control does.  It pumps you full of hormones so that your body thinks you're pregnant  already, and you can't get pregnant again."

"I know," she said in a small voice. "But Plan B is huge doses of  hormones, much more than your average pill. I read that it's like taking  ten times the amount of the regular pill and that's really scary. I  don't want to do that to my body."         



She had a point. That's a shit ton of drugs and I didn't want my little  girl wracked with crazy side effects either. After all, the female is  perfect as-is, so who was I to tell her to change her body biochemistry?

But I had to be real.

"Sweetheart, this is life. This is for-real, no-shit real life. You're a  fertile teen, and honey, I'm a virile man. If you don't take birth  control you're gonna get pregnant baby, it's just a question of when. In  fact, you may be preggo already, I've cum so many times into that wet  cunt."

She was silent for a moment.

"I know," Rachel whispered in a small voice. "But I don't mind."

My body jerked then in back of her, making her mewl and squeal, dick still buried in that tightness.

"Baby," I ground out roughly. "Are you for real? Are you for fucking real?"

The brunette mewled again, twisting slightly in my arms, those luscious curves spilling all over.

"I know Daddy," she admitted in a small voice. "I know we met under  weird circumstances, that we weren't even supposed to know each other's  names. But the thing is," she took a deep breath. "The thing is I  wouldn't mind if I was pregnant. I'm ready to be a mom, have been for a  long time."

My arm tightened reflexively around her tiny waist, bicep bulging.

"Do you know what you're saying baby girl?" I ground out roughly in her ear. "Do you have any idea what you're saying?"

She was silent for a moment before answering.

"I know," she said, that small voice resolute. "I've been ready to be a  mom for so long, I've always dreamed of having a baby. And with you,  Daddy, it would be even better. I can't wait," she said wiggling a bit.  "I want it, I swear I do."

But I couldn't let her do this. Rachel has no idea what she's talking  about and I can't let a lamb walk into a lion's den with no protection,  even if that lion was me.

"No sweetheart, absolutely not," I rasped, dick still buried tight  despite my words. "Absolutely not, we're putting you on the pill from  now on." And with that, I grabbed the receiver next to the bed. "Doctor,  now," I ground out.

At that, Rachel twisted around to look at me, that sweet cunt sliding  off my dick. Oh shit, it felt so good to have those slick walls pressing  against my cock, fuckshaft stiffening reflexively. But the brunette had  words for me.

"Daddy, please," she begged, brown eyes filling with tears. "Don't make me go on it."

And I couldn't resist, she was so beautiful, nude and curvy under me on  the bed that when the knock on the door sounded, the doctor ready with  drug supply, all he heard was furious moaning again, the sounds of  slapping flesh punctuated by female squeals and cries. Needless to say,  Rachel never got a prescription.

So yeah, I'm so fucked. I'm so fucking fucked. This was supposed to be a  no-names, no-numbers, no-nothing type of thing. I was supposed to  finger some hot twat and then walk away, onto the next girl by the next  night. But instead, it's become the real thing, with a beautiful girl  living in my quarters, spending delicious minute after delicious minute  with me, eating meals, chatting, playing with me all the while giving me  her all.

I should kick Rachel out. Hell, I should never have even brought the  sweet female here, the depravity of the club is too much, she doesn't  need to see what happens here with the males like rampaging lions, the  females so fucked every which way. She doesn't need to see the warren of  rooms in our sub-sub-basement, where women are pummeled over and over  again, sometimes by one guy, sometimes in a billionaire gangbang.

Because she's too good for this. My sweet teen is dirty as hell, yeah,  that swollen cunt and tiny asshole begging for it, but still, she's too  young. The female doesn't deserve what's happened, and yet I'm the man  who did it to her. I'm the asshole who dragged Rachel down into the  cesspool, introducing her to my depravities, forcing her to take cock  every which way. And the problem is that I know I have to let her go,  it's for her own good. But how the fuck will I survive once my little  girl gone?         





So yeah, I did it. I kicked out the woman I love, the girl who means the  world to me. After two weeks of baring that cunt and ass, letting me  drill her every which way, our time was up and I abruptly gave my best  girl the boot, even if it was like a stab to the heart.

Actually, "abrupt" is too nice, and doesn't even begin to describe our  goodbye. Because there was no goodbye. After two weeks of enjoying that  soft female flesh, after hours of dazzling conversation and feeling  myself fall headlong into the aura of Rachel's sweetness, I ended it  with no warning. One day when she came back from the pool, I was just  gone. I literally switched suites at the Club, a bevy of helpers moving  all my shit into new quarters within twenty minutes, and the brunette  came back to a barren room.