Reading Online Novel


Lowering my voice, I gave the kids a conspiratorial wink then said, affecting Hagrid’s deep Cockney accent, “‘Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh.’“

They giggled as I got shushed by my boss, Mrs. Carranza, librarian at large.

The young eyes around me were saucers, pitched forward as the announcement drew closer.

“‘Harry—yer a…’“

I stopped mid-sentence, catching sight of Becks, standing at the edge of our circle, looking at me with a smile in his eyes.

“A what? A what?” Gwen Glick said, tugging at my arm.

“Shut up, Gwen. Let her finish.” Vince Splotts pushed her hand away.

I looked at him sternly, trying to forget about Becks. “Now, Vince, you know we don’t talk that way during Corner.”

“I know, but—”

“Apologize, please,” I said.

“But Miss Sally, she was being annoying. I was just saying—”

“I heard what you said.” I crossed my arms and tilted my head toward Gwen whose lip was now quivering. “Tell Gwen you’re sorry, please.”

Vince rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Sorry.”

I looked at the girl in the faded Star Trek tee. “And what do you say Gwen?”

“Apology accepted,” Gwen muttered, turning a glare on Vince. “And I am not annoying.”


“Sorry, Miss Sally,” she said. “Now can we hear the rest? What does Hagrid tell Harry he is?”

“He’s a wizard,” Becks answered.

As Gwen saw him, she smiled and waved like a mad woman. He grinned back.

“That’s right,” I said, flipping the book closed, “and I think it’s picture time.”

The kids groaned, and Vince said in a pitiful voice, “But Miss Sally, we didn’t even get to the end of that chapter.”

“We can finish it next week.” Usually I tried to read them two chapters per session, but Becks was here now, looking like he had something to say. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it, but my concentration was blown. “You guys just go up to front desk, and ask Miss Carranza for some paper and crayons. I’ll be right over.”

The kids got up, grumbling as they made their way over to the reference desk, and Vince shrugged, saying, “I’ll just watch the movie anyway.”

He hurried off, and only Gwen stayed behind.

Becks stepped forward. “Hey there Sal, Miss Gwen. How’s everything going today?”

“Hiyah, Becks,” Gwen said, bouncing on her toes. “Everything’s good. Miss Sally did a great job reading, and I got all As on my report card. Except for gym,” she muttered, “which isn’t really a class anyway.”

“Well, excuse me,” Becks said, “but gym was my best subject in elementary school.”

“Really?” Gwen eyed him suspiciously.

“Sure was.”

“Oh, well, I didn’t really try all that hard. Maybe I’ll do better next time.”

“I’m sure you will.” He gave her one of his devastating smiles, and the ten-year-old looked like she was head over heels. Becks simply had that effect on women.

I stepped in, trying to save her from herself. “That’s great, Gwen. You going to draw me another pretty picture today or what?”

“But I’m talking to Becks,” she protested.

“Go on,” Becks said. “I’ve got something I need to say to Miss Sally. We’ll talk some more another time.”

“Alright.” Gwen sulked away, throwing glances at us over her shoulder.

“I really do like that little redhead,” Becks said. “She reminds me of you, Sal.”

I nodded. “We have a lot of things in common.” Like the love of Trek and, oh yeah, the boy standing in front of me. “What’s up?”

“Not here,” he said. “Don’t want anyone to listen in. It’s kind of personal.”

I tried to push down my fear as we weaved in and out of the rows.

Once we couldn’t hear the kids’ whispers anymore I stopped, turned back to him. He looked like he was nervous, thinking hard. The first was a new one on me. Becks hardly ever got nervous, and when he did, it usually meant something bad was coming.

“What is it?” I asked before I lost what little courage I had. No one ever really used this part of the library. We were completely alone. I was trying to decide whether or not that was a good thing.

“I want you to break up with Ash,” he said.

Whatever I’d been expecting, it wasn’t this.

“What?” I asked.

“I want you to break up with him, Sal.” Becks looked uncomfortable, but he didn’t flinch.