Reading Online Novel

Virgin Bride(108)

“Where are you coming from?” the guy on his right says.

“I was working out,” I say. “Got a fucking problem with that?”

The main guy narrows his eyes. “Come on,” he grunts. “Boss is waiting.

The other two guys turn and look away, and I know something is about to happen. I don’t know what, but it can’t be good.

I follow them back inside. They’re all armed, more than usual, which only makes my nerves stand on fucking edge. I’m ready to fight if I have to, but I doubt I’ll get far against three guys with high-powered rifles. I can probably take one or two, but not all three. It would be close if I fought all three.

We head into Anton’s main party room, but this time there are no girls lined up along the walls. The atmosphere is dim, and the drinks aren’t flowing like usual. Anton is standing near the television, his arms crossed, talking on his cell phone.

“Wait here,” the Russian guy says, and heads over to the boss.

I cross my arms and grin at the guy closest to me. “Nice day, huh?” I say to him.

He glares at me and doesn’t respond.

“Friendly,” I mutter, smiling to myself. I’m just trying to put them off balance in case something does happen.

I watch as Anton’s eyes flick over to me and he nods once. He wraps up the call he’s on and then heads over toward me.

“Logan,” he says, all the fake warmth he’s usually full of completely gone. “I have a job for you.”

I cock my head at him. “I don’t do jobs for you.”

“Yes, you do,” he growls. “You work for me, remember?”

“I train girls. That’s it.”

“I’m finding that we’re a little short staffed lately, Logan. You need to accompany these gentlemen on a little job.”

So this is it, then. This can’t be just some normal job. They’re going to try something, but I don’t know what.

“What’s the job?” I ask.

“Dropping off money for a local cartel,” he says. “We pay them for protection from the local cops.”

I nod slowly, wanting to refuse further, but I know that I can’t. “Fine,” I grunt. “When do we leave?”

“Right now,” Anton says.

“But I need my gear,” I protest, knowing it’s useless, but still playing my part.

“Too bad. Mikhail here is in charge.”

Ah. The big surly Russian is named Mikhail. Good to know, I guess.

I sigh and give Mikhail a little shrug. “Lead the way then, leader,” I say.

“Don’t be cute,” he grunts at me, and starts out back toward the door.

“Logan,” Anton says. “Don’t screw up. Be fast. We’ll be waiting with your girl when you get back.”

I raise an eyebrow at him and he grins at me, but I don’t have a chance to say anything. His phone rings and he turns away. I have to walk fast to catch up to Mikhail and his two goons.

I don’t know what the deal is with this. I know this can’t be some straightforward job, but if they wanted to kill me, I don’t know why they just don’t do it here.

Maybe I’m protected somehow. Maybe command has a deal with the Russians. But if I got popped on a mission to the local cartel ...

I put that thought out of my mind. Concentrate on the here and now, that’s all I can do. I follow Mikhail into a waiting truck. I sit in the passenger seat and the other two get in the back. Mikhail starts the engine and we pull out.

I’ll find out what this mission is soon enough. In the meantime, I put my bag on the ground and reach inside of it, making sure I have my weapon ready.



The morning after our walk on the beach, Logan brings me breakfast, but he doesn’t stick around. He kisses me quickly on the lips and then leaves me alone to eat.

I’m so relieved. It’s hard to even explain what it means to me knowing that Logan is here to keep me safe. I suspected that he’d protect me, or that he was protecting me already, but now it’s just confirmed. Logan isn’t some bad guy asshole like everyone else. He infiltrated this group to try and save me.

All because my father sent him. A chill runs down my spine at the thought of my father.

I don’t want to go back to him. That’s like going from one prison right into another. I don’t want to be a part of that man’s life anymore, even if he’s the one that’s trying to save me. I don’t know what I’ll do at the end of this, but I’m not staying with my father. No matter what.

This experience taught me something important about myself. I’m not as weak as I think I am. I can handle a lot more than I ever imagined. Living out on my own and making my own life won’t be nearly as hard as surviving what I’ve gone through already.