Reading Online Novel

Virgin Bride(107)

They whipped her bloody and raw. Eventually, she passed out. I refused to let Riley watch, because she didn’t need that image in her head, but I had to see it. I had to witness this girl’s pain. I can’t say why, exactly, but I couldn’t look away.

It’s not like that was the first time I saw them abusing someone. They did it every day, routinely. That was different for some reason. I can’t say why exactly. Maybe it was because of the timing, or because of the way she hung there, naked and limp, trying to scream but unable to. Or maybe it was because I just told Riley the truth, and I knew that she was inches away from being that girl out in the courtyard getting whipped to within an inch of her life.

I sigh, shaking my head, trying to dispel the images from my brain. I reach the rocks and drop down into the cave before unpacking the communications equipment I use to connect with command.

I get a link quickly and type out my message. I tell them in no uncertain terms that Riley’s life and my life are both in danger. The operation has to happen as soon as humanly possible.

I hit send and lean back to wait. The memory of fucking Riley in this cave drifts back into my mind and I enjoy it with a smile.

There’s still one thing nagging me in the back of my mind. I don’t know what’s going to happen to Riley at the end of all this. From what she’s told me about her father, he’s a sadistic piece of shit and she should never have to be around him again. And yet he’s paying for all this and will expect to get his daughter back.

Command is going to want to return her, even if I recommend against it. In the end, we’re a for-profit business that sometimes does some shady and questionable shit for money. They’ll return her, I’m absolutely sure of it.

Can I let that happen? I don’t know if she’ll actually be safe with her father. She won’t be imprisoned and raped, but she’ll likely get emotionally and physically abused in other ways.

She’s been through enough. Giving her back to her father would be like taking her from one prison and shoving her right back into another. I know that’s what I’m here to do, but the thought of it makes me gag.

One thing at a time, though. I’ll find a way to let her go free, to escape from her father. It might cost me a job, but who the fuck cares about a job? There are plenty of jobs out there, but there’s only one Riley, and I’m not letting her suffer any more.

My computer beeps and I look at the screen. The response from command populates and I slowly read it.

Anger rises into the back of my throat as I go through it all, beginning to end. I read it twice, just to make sure that I understand it.

The bastards are ignoring my recommendation and requesting further information. In effect, they’re telling me to go fuck myself and they don’t give a shit if I think I’m in danger. They say their intelligence doesn’t suggest anything is off.

What the fuck is going on? I’m the one on the ground feeding them intelligence. If they have someone else here, they should tell me that so I can work with him. Maybe the Russians are sending them information, but they don’t know shit about what’s happening here in Mexico.

I type back an angry response, dashing it off. “Command, situation dire. Mission will terminate if serious action is not taken as soon as possible. No more intel is forthcoming. Send backup.”

I hit send, wait for it to transmit, and then shut the computer down. I don’t need to wait for their response.

I have to make my own plans now. And Riley is my highest priority. If there’s no raid by tomorrow night, I’m taking Riley and getting her out of here.

It’s the only thing left for me. She’s what’s important here, not this fucking mission. I want to save the other girls but they’re on command’s shoulders, not fucking mine. I can’t be responsible for all of them.

Fuck, I can’t just leave them. I climb out of the cave, conflicted and angry. I can’t save them all as just one man, but I can’t just let them all get abused and hurt and possibly killed.

An impossible situation. I’ve been in some shitty spots in my time in the field, but this is by far the worst one.

I trudge back to the compound, careful not to get seen as I slip back inside. Once safely inside the walls, I head back to my room to stash the computer in its hiding space.

But I don’t get that far. Three goons suddenly converge on me as soon as I step into the courtyard. I stop walking and look at them.

“Boss wants you,” the big one in the middle says. I can’t remember his name, but he’s one of the Russian guys Anton brought with him.

“Fine,” I say.