Reading Online Novel

The Beast in Him (Pride #2)(27)

“Just checking.”
“I mean getting together for sex is one thing. But having lunches and talking about family and our Packs seems outside the realm of casual sex.”
“We were friends, Jessie. I want that back. The sex is just a bonus.” A really hot, makes my legs tremble bonus. “Why? Do you want more?” Did he just ask that? Had aliens invaded his body? What the hell was going on?
Even worse was her response. “No.”
If she’d done the “Of course not!” or “Whatever gave you that idea?” and then tried to argue the point, well... he’d know she’d want more. But that one simple word, given in that simple Jessie Ann way, said she wanted exactly what she was getting.
Good. That made it nice and simple, now didn’t it? And that empty feeling he got in the pit of his stomach when she said no all calm and casual was probably just from that last hamburger he ate. Nothing more.
“I gotta cash out, hon.”
Jess, busy laughing at something Smitty said, looked up at Trish. “You’re leaving early today.”
The waitress smiled, glancing at Smitty. “No, I’m not.”
Jess didn’t understand. Trish clocked out at four-thirty, right before the dinner rush.
Glancing at the clock behind the counter, Jess’s eyes grew. “Oh, good God! Look at the time!”
She frantically dug into her front pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. Since they were all rolled up, she had to unroll them to make sure she was putting out the right amount.
“Jessie Ann, I invited you. I’ll pay.”
“I can pay.”
“It’s too pathetic watching you with those crumpled bills. I’ll take care of it.”
“Okay.” She quickly slid out of the booth. “I can’t believe no one called me. I’ve already missed two meetings.”
Smitty grabbed her arm before she could get to her coat. “Breathe.” 
“Breathe. You stopped as soon as you saw the time.”
Feeling stupid, Jess took in a deep breath.
“Now let it out.”
She did, even though she kind of wanted to snarl at him. If it hadn’t been for him and how comfortable he made her feel, she would have remembered she needed to get back to the office.
“Don’t forget, Jessie. You’re the boss. If you don’t make a meeting, it’s up to your staff to cover for you.”
“Yeah, but—”
He gripped her lips with his fingertips. “Shush. I don’t know why you argue with me when you know I’m always right.”
She slapped his hand off her face and turned around before he could see her smile. “You’re an idiot, Smith.” She snatched her coat off the hook and shrugged it on. “I’ll see you later.”
“Tonight. You’ll see me tonight.”
Jess didn’t have time to argue. “Fine. Tonight.” Then she charged out the door, only to stop at the corner, spin around, and run right back in. Smitty still sat at their table, her watch in his hand.
Glaring at him, she grabbed it and headed back to the door. He made her forget her watch. She never forgot her watch.
“Jessie Ann.”
She stopped at the door. “What?”
“Come here.”
“I don’t have—”
“Come. Here.”
She stood there a second longer.
“Don’t make me come over there and get you.”
Dammit. Why did he have to sound so sexy when physically threatening her?
Letting out an exasperated sigh to cover up the slight trembling, she stormed back over to the table. “What?”
He crooked his finger at her.
Glancing around, Jess saw several people staring at them. “What?” she snarled at them all. “Can I help you with something?”
“Hey, Miss New York.”
She looked back at Smitty. “What?”
“You done yelling at people?”
“They were staring.”
He grinned. “Come here.”
“I am here.”
She leaned in a bit.
She leaned in again until their faces were mere inches apart.
“Now kiss me,” he whispered, his breath caressing her mouth.
Unable to stop herself from following his orders—and not really wanting to stop anyway—Jess slid her hand behind his neck and pressed her lips against his. Smitty didn’t automatically kiss her back. He didn’t slip his tongue into her mouth; he didn’t take over the kiss. He simply waited.
Jess tipped her head to the side, moving her lips across his. Then, softly, she drew her tongue across his mouth. His lips parted for her, but he did nothing else, still waiting for her. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to delve further. Her tongue stroked his slowly, firmly, until she felt him groan. Then his hands slid into her hair, holding her head steady as he finally kissed her back. She rested her knee on the booth seat, her arms around his neck.
She had no idea how long they were sitting there, making out like two teenagers, until Trish said, “Don’t you have to get back to work, hon?”
Pulling away from Smitty, she looked at the waitress. Now Trish had on her coat, scarf, and hat. Meaning she’d cashed out, gotten her tips counted out and divvied up, and had time to change into warm clothes.
“Dammit!” Jess glared at Smitty and he shrugged.
“What did I do?”
She took off running but could hear him yelling behind her, “Tonight, darlin’.”She got back to her office in less than five minutes. And to her great annoyance, Smitty had been right. Her team had covered for her and didn’t seem unhappy at all that she missed the meetings.
Man, she hated when he was right.
Smitty sauntered into the office and Mindy looked up, one eyebrow raised. “How nice of you to join us.”
He grinned back at her. “I know how y’all miss me when I’m gone.”
She laughed and went back to her paperwork while Smitty headed to his personal office.
Unlocking his office door, he flipped on the light and walked in. “Look who finally showed up?” Mace yelled from his office.
“I know you missed me, hoss. But you know I can’t handle it when you’re needy.”
“Shut up.”
Smiling, looking forward to his evening, Smitty sat down and turned on his computer to check his e-mail. After a few moments, he tapped on the rich mahogany desk before asking, “Why are you under my desk?”
“No reason,” his sister replied calmly.
“How’s your face?”
“Fine. Who knew Jessie Ann Ward had such a killer right hook?”
Smitty decided it was in his best interest not to mention he’d taught Jessie that right hook. “She’s just full of surprises.”
Pushing his chair back, he looked down at his baby sister. “Are you going to stay down there?”
Sissy checked her cell phone. “Just for a little while longer if that’s all right with you.”
“Sure,” he sighed. “Why not?”
“Have you seen Kristan?” Johnny froze with the sandwich in his hands halfway to his mouth. Jess stood at the table drinking a Coke and watching him.
He cleared his throat. “She’s at the library.”
“On a Friday night?”
“Paper due.”
“Anything interesting?” And she seemed seriously interested.
Giving her complete eye contact, he replied, “I didn’t care enough to ask.”
She snorted in disgust. “I swear. You two. For all you know it could be a very fascinating topic.” She took another sip of her soda. “What about rehearsal?”
Still staring her in the eye like a psychopath, “After I eat. Then I’ll pick her up at the library.”
“Good. I don’t like her walking around the city alone.”
Jess brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. “Thanks for watching out for her, Johnny.”
“That’s what Packmates do, right?” 
“You’re learning, kid.”
She grabbed her parka, and Johnny casually asked, “You going back to work?” Not unusual. She worked a lot of hours and sometimes would even sleep at her office if she needed to. But instead of her usual, “What do you think?” Jess stared at him, straight in the eye, and slowly responded, “Yes, I’m going back to work.”
“I’m going to do that now.”
She stared at him a moment longer, then said, “Bye,” before escaping from the kitchen.
Weird, but Jess was weird. Pulling out his cell phone, he sent Kristan a text message:
In less than a minute she responded,
He smiled and wrote back,
Smitty opened his door. “You’re late.”
“You didn’t give me a time.”
“And what is it with you and that coat?”
“I love this coat.”
“It’s too big.”
“It’s not too big.”
Smitty took hold of the hood and pulled it down until it covered her face completely. “See? Too big.”
“Are you letting me in or are you going to keep abusing me in your doorway?”
Grabbing her by the too-big hood, he yanked her into his apartment.
He unzipped her parka, spun her around, and yanked it off her back.
She stumbled forward. “What are you doing?”
“Abusing you inside my apartment instead of my doorway.” He grabbed her around the waist and tossed her across the room. “And now I’m gonna abuse you on my couch.”