Reading Online Novel

The Beast in Him (Pride #2)(23)

“Oh, yeah, Jessie Ann,” Smitty panted against her sweat-drenched skin. “Oh, God, yeah.”
Then he gave a shout and she felt him let go, his body giving a hard jerk as he came.
For a moment, she thought his knees would buckle as he leaned against her, breathing hard and holding her tight. But he held steady and strong, like always.
They stayed like that for several minutes, saying nothing but feeling each heartbeat, each ragged breath.
Jess finally gazed into Smitty’s face. He smiled and started to say something, but she immediately cut him off. “Don’t say anything that will annoy me.”
Smitty stared off for a long moment, let out a breath, opened his mouth to say something, but shook his head. When he finally looked back at her, all he could manage was a shrug.
Smitty dropped her on his bed, reaching down to help her off with the rest of her clothes. He shucked his just as quickly and stretched out on the bed next to her.
Resting on his side, Smitty propped his head up with one hand while dragging the other slowly down her body. Amazed at how soft her skin felt. She must bathe in lotion, he thought before gently taking her shoulder and turning her onto her stomach. His hand skimmed down her back, resting on her ass while he slowly kissed his way down her spine. Now he had some control. Now he’d keep it.
“I want you to stay tonight,” he stated between lazy kisses.
“No,” she replied firmly, her head resting on her folded arms. “But I’ll stay for a while.”
Smitty palmed her ass, turned his hand, and slowly thrust two fingers inside her. She groaned and rocked back against his hand. Wrapping her arms around the pillow, she buried her face and moaned his name. 
It annoyed him more than was reasonable that she seemed so ready to walk out his door when they were done. He really should be grateful. Getting involved with Jessie Ann was just a quicker way to break her heart. He eventually would too. Jessie had “forever with pups” written all over her. She needed someone nice and sweet and completely nonthreatening to her or her Pack. He needed someone who could handle being around the females of the Smith Pack. No way would he spend the next forty years searching for Jessie under bleachers.
Still... she’d leave when he was ready for her to leave and not a damn minute before.
Smitty continued kissing her back, his hand busy between her thighs. Turning his fingers inside her, he found a spot that had her gasping and biting the pillow.
“You’re beautiful, Jessie Ann,” he sighed while rubbing that same spot, over and over until he heard a small sob break from her. “Always have been.”
Jess turned her face away as if she couldn’t handle his words while her body writhed on his bed.
He kept up the pressure with his hand, while leaving a trail of hickeys down her spine. She abruptly lost her breath and then tensed, her entire body pushing back. She came hard, her head thrown back and her hips pushing against his hand.
By the time she crash-landed on the bed, her entire body still shaking from release, Smitty had a condom on and raised to his knees behind her. Grabbing her hips, he lifted them up and slammed his cock inside her.
Startled and more than ready, Jessie raised herself up on her hands and let out a throaty laugh that drove him completely insane. Back to being out of control, Smitty pounded into her relentlessly, barely aware she pushed back on each brutal thrust. Hell, barely aware of his own damn name. So out of it, he didn’t realize he had his fangs out and almost buried in the flesh of her shoulder—marking her as his until the end of time—until Jessie let out a desperate sob, her entire body unraveling under him.
That’s when he pulled back, somehow getting control of the wolf inside him. Barely.
Desperate and, to be quite blunt, a little terrified, Smitty pushed Jessie forward, reaching around her and taking firm hold of her breasts with his hands. Then he fucked her hard and long and almost angry, until Jessie screamed into the pillow she’d buried her head in. Screamed and shook and came like crazy. That’s when he finally let go, coming so hard it hurt.
Smitty dropped on top of her, trapping her under him. It wasn’t until her arms sort of reached out and flailed wildly that he realized he might be suffocating her.
With a groan, he rolled off her, and Jessie’s head popped up as she gasped for air.
Now, thoroughly exhausted and still, to continue being blunt, terrified, Smitty grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down next to him.
“Okay,” she finally stated after they got their breath back. “So I really enjoyed that kiss. Just get over yourself.”
Smitty chuckled and buried his face into the back of her neck. “That’s real big of ya, Jessie Ann.”
“I do try and bring joy wherever I go, however I can.”
Yup—and that’s what terrified him. For the first time in his life, he’d actually found joy in a woman’s arms. Can’t say as he liked it much, and he had no intention of losing control like that again.
Of course, he also thought as he drifted to sleep with Jessie in his arms, that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun while it lasted. Nice, controlled, hot sex fun.
Yeah, that would work.
Jess opened her eyes, quickly realizing it was late evening. She must have slept hours.
Time to go.
Seriously. She had a crapload of work waiting for her, and although this had been a blast, she needed to get back to the office. Yet, she had every intention of doing this again. Hell, she’d do this again and again until a nice wild dog came along who could sweep her off her feet. But until then, sex with Bobby Ray Smith definitely had a place in her busy universe.When she could fit him into her schedule, of course.
On his stomach, face buried in his pillow and snoring, Smitty seemed perfectly out of it. Jess eased toward the edge of the bed. Smitty’s arm rested around her waist, but it would take nothing to slip out from under it and out of his apartment.
She kept thinking that, too, as she tried to get that arm off her. Jess finally dragged herself across the bed, Smitty still attached to her even as they both tumbled onto the floor.
“Where are you going?” he finally asked, his grip tightening around her waist, if that were possible.
“Home,” she lied. She had a feeling he’d be upset if she went back to the office. Although she had no idea why she should care if he was.
“Stay.” He yawned and rested his head on her back. “Stay the night.”
A strange panic swept through her. Stay? The night? No. Bad idea. She needed to maintain as much distance as possible when they weren’t having sex. Thousands of miles would be good.
“Can’t. Gotta go.” She again tried to drag herself away from him using her arms, but he held on, eventually yanking her back right by his side. Jess fell flat to the floor seconds before Smitty flipped her over.
She looked into that beautiful face with his brown hair a sexy mess falling into his eyes and that slow, wicked smile, and all she wanted to do was run.
He stared at her for a long moment, those dangerous wolf eyes trapping her.
“I bet I can make you stay,” he finally murmured.
Yeah, he probably could.
“Smitty, no. Bad dog!”
Now he laughed, pulling her body toward him, pinning her legs down with his torso. She slapped her hands against his shoulders and pushed, but Smitty only stared at her breasts and sighed before leaning down to gently grip one of her nipples between his lips.
Desperate now, Jess pushed harder against his shoulders. She was running out of fight here. Fast. But her body arched into him as his mouth sucked on one nipple and his fingers teased the other.
She could feel herself losing the fight. Losing to her weakness.
Then he moved lower, and Jess again tried to struggle out of his grasp. Her last and only hope. But Smitty only gripped her thighs tight, keeping her in place. He gave her that lazy, wicked smile again before he slowly kissed his way to her pussy.
No! Not this! Anything but this. She’d been hearing about the man’s skills in this area since before she could fully understand what the hell the girls were talking about. There were some men in the world who loved nothing more than to give a girl head. They’d feast on a pussy for days if you let them.
According to Smithtown lore, Bobby Ray Smith was one of those men.
She didn’t even try to keep up the fight anymore. Not once his tongue speared between her lips, stroking against all that wetness he’d already created. He licked, he sucked, he nibbled. He drove her insane. 
So lost, Jess could do nothing but ride his mouth while her hand reached out to grip the legs of the bed and the bedside table. The only way to hold her steady as the man took her right to the edge... right... there.
“So you’ll stay?”
Jess’s head snapped up. “What?”
“Stay?” he asked, apparently in no rush to get back to what he’d been doing. “Tonight? All night?”
She shouldn’t. Really. So much to do, so much riding on her shoulders. But one look into those eyes and she was lost. In what universe did she actually think she could handle Smitty when it came to sex? Delusional. She’d become delusional.
Unfortunately, though, it was too late now. Too late for anything.
“Yes,” she groaned out, her hand releasing the table and reaching down to grip his head, pushing him back to the job he was doing so very well. “Yes, I’ll stay. Oh God! Yes!”
It was after midnight when Jess slipped out of bed, grabbed her phone, and stumbled to the bathroom. Stumbled because a body couldn’t really be expected to walk after all that. Man oh man. Egotistical he might be but apparently with reason.