Reading Online Novel

Taking What's His(43)

“Hm. Is that supposed to be a threat?” She gave him what she hoped was her most sultry look ever. “Because it sounds more like a promise.”

Growling under his breath, he slipped his hand behind her head and lifted her up so he could kiss her. His mouth moved over hers with a hypnotic perfection that only he could ever manage. It was no wonder she was so hooked on the guy. He knew exactly what to do to get her all hot and bothered, and he was gorgeous, to boot.

He pulled back and groaned. “You taste so fucking sweet. I’ll be by around eight. Be naked and ready for me, or pay the price.”

“Yes, sir,” she breathed, anticipation already making her wet. “I’ll be ready for you…and only you.”

He made a sound of approval, and gently lowered her back down to the pillow. After one last long, heated look, he turned and left her alone in her bed.

She missed him already.

Two nights later, a knock sounded on her door at nine o’clock sharp. Exactly when Holt had told her he’d be coming over. They’d spent every night together either at her place or his, since the morning he’d taken her home from her brother’s house. Lydia had spent the day applying to open positions and fielding a few phone calls from a few more. So far, she’d had no luck at all…besides the position in Delaware. She’d spoken to her brother’s friend, Ian, and he wanted to hire her. She had until tomorrow afternoon to decide whether or not to accept his generous offer.

And she still had no idea if she wanted to take it or not, but she had a pretty good idea what her answer would be. She’d lived in Maine her whole life. Her family was here. Her friends. Holt…

Yeah. Him, too.

They might not be a forever thing, but she liked him a lot, and she didn’t want to leave before they were finished. Didn’t want to leave him yet.

Opening the door, she smiled at him. “Hey. Sorry, it was a busy day filled with papers and phone calls and—”

Cupping her cheeks, he kissed her midsentence. Her arms flailed for a second, as she was completely caught off guard, but then she rested them on his chest and returned the kiss. By the time he pulled back, she’d forgotten what she’d been saying.

“Hey,” he whispered, his forehead pressed to hers.

“Hi,” she whispered back, fisting his shirt. “That was quite the welcome.”

He let go of her and backed into the hallway, a hesitant smile on his face. He looked almost…nervous. “I’m not done yet. I got you something.”


Her roommate and best friend, Gianna, came out of her bedroom. “Sorry, just passing through.”

Lydia cleared her throat. “Gianna, this is Holt. Holt, meet Gianna.”

“Nice to meet you,” Gianna said.

“Likewise,” Holt said, smiling. “Sorry to barge in like that.”

“Please.” Gianna waved a hand and grabbed her purse. “It’s fine. I’m leaving, anyway, so you guys will have the place to yourselves.”

Lydia smiled. “See you later.”

“You too.” She wiggled her fingers as she slipped out into the hallway. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Once she was gone, Lydia stared at Holt, who cleared his throat. “She seems nice.”

“She is.” Lydia tapped her fingers on her thigh and peeked out the door. “What were you saying earlier about not being done?”

“Oh. Right.” He reached down for something on the floor in the hallway, but didn’t pick it up. “You have been good to me when I’ve been cranky, surly, and at times…standoffish. So when I saw this, and it made me think of you, I just had to get it. As a thank you.”

She blinked, holding a hand to her heart. “Okay. You didn’t have to get me anything, though. I took care of you because…” I care about you. “…it was the right thing to do.”

“And so was this. You deserve to be treated like a princess, Lyd.” Swallowing hard, he pulled a big box out of the hallway. “This is only a tiny thing in comparison.”

She reached out with trembling hands and took the box. It was wide and not all that heavy. She sat on the couch and ripped it open, more eager than a child on Christmas morning to discover what Holt had gotten her. She couldn’t wait to see how—

“Oh my God.” When she lifted the last piece of cardboard, she gasped out loud in delight. “It’s Rose and Ten! On the wall! In parallel worlds!”

Holt relaxed, a grin taking over his previously intense expression as he’d watched her open the present. “Yep. I remembered you saying you liked that moment…”