Reading Online Novel

Sexin' My Man's Best Friend(9)

I shot Taylor a look and sucked my teeth. "Taylor, are you serious right  now? You act like we are broke or something and that you have to be at  work every day! Look around! We're on a ten million dollar Yacht that  you purchased for us! We aren't struggling one bit! You can take a lot  of time off to be with us!"

Taylor turned up his lips and looked around the room. That same crooked smirk spread across his face.

"You're right, Sundy. If you have more of my babies, I promise I'll take off and be with you and my kids. Deal?"

He stuck out his pinky finger waiting for me to hook mine with his to seal the deal.

I chuckled at how childish he was, even at thirty-six. I locked my pinky with his and said, "Deal."

He kissed my forehead and got off the bed.

"Alright, baby. You get some rest. I'm going to head back up-deck and  have some more wine and chat with Travis about this big ass wedding  we're about to plan. And since we're trying for babies, when I come  back, I'ma' put that thang on you again, beautiful." He laughed and made  his exit.

I chuckled and waved him off as he left out the room. He just didn't  know I was taking my butt to sleep because come tomorrow morning, I was  outta' here.


My eyes were damn near closing when I received a text on my phone. I  snatched it off the dresser and looked at the screen. I instantly wasn't  sleepy anymore when I saw the text was from Travis. It said:

Meet me in the movie room around 1 a.m. I want to talk to you.

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. I knew Travis was just  talking shit and that he was not going to marry Valerie. I texted back  and told him I would be there. I glared at the clock on my nightstand  and it was an hour before midnight. I got out of bed and took another  shower. I slipped on a pink teddy and got back in bed. I still wanted to  get some sleep, so I sat my alarm to fifty -five minutes after twelve.

I didn't even remember dozing off but when I woke up to the sound of my  phone buzzing wildly on the nightstand; I jumped out of bed. Taylor was  sound asleep snoring up a storm. He was a heavy sleeper so I knew from  jump he wouldn't hear my alarm. I also knew if I was sleep that Taylor  wouldn't bother me about sex. I wasn't sure about having more kids right  now, so I was happily I fell asleep.

I put on my silk robe and stepped into my diamond stiletto heels. I just  wanted them on because it made the teddy I wore look sexier.                       


I eased opened the door and stepped out. The Yacht was completely quiet  so I knew everyone was in their beds sound asleep. I made my way down to  the bottom deck where the movie room was. Part of me was scared that  Travis wouldn't be there, but another part of me knew he would be.

When I saw the eerie candle light glowing in the room I knew Travis was  waiting for me. I instantly became happy and walked a little faster down  the steps. When I entered the room, Travis was sitting on a chair sofa  with his button down shirt wide open. I instantly got hot when I saw his  sexy body, damn his skin was flawless. He was staring at me with those  big pretty brown eyes of his as I made my way towards him. I was about  to take the seat next to him but he stopped me.

"No. Just stand right there." His voice was low but I still understood him.

I stood awkwardly in front of him just staring at each other in the eyes.

"Take off your robe," he demanded, finally standing up.

Travis slowly walked towards me, nudging my twist off of my shoulder. He  gripped the back of my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Our  lips locked and I felt like I was in Heaven again. His mouth tasted  sweet as he stuck his tongue down my throat. I tried to say something  but he put his hand up and told me not to speak. Without any struggle,  he scooped me up into his big strong arms and walked over to a wall,  placing me against it.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he sucked on my breast. My pussy  was literally leaking by the time he slid my panties over to the side  and slowly pushed himself in.

"Ahhhhhh!" I gasped, taking all of him in. The thickness of his penis  filled me up completely. I dug my nails into his back. My body was  rubbing up and down against the wall as he worked me like no other. He  was working me like this was the last time we would ever see each other  again.

"Ohhhh, Travis! Why are you making me feel like this?! I love you,  Travis! Please don't get married on me. You can't! Ahhhhh, Shit!"

Travis didn't say anything. He continued to slam into me, giving all he  had. Our session ended when he pulled my twists and pushed himself deep  into me and exploded deep inside.

We both breathed heavily as he lowered me onto the floor. We both sat on  the floor just waiting for the other to speak first. I decided I should  go first since I wasn't feeling what he was planning on doing with  Valerie.

"So, how are you marrying Valerie when you two just started dating?" I asked, once I caught my breath.

Travis shook his head and scoffed, smirking. "I knew this was coming.  Well, if you must know, I've been seeing Valerie the entire time you and  me been sleeping together."

I had to admit I was caught off guard. "What? So all this time you've  been seeing someone else behind my back?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes.

Travis chuckled and looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

"What? Girl are you serious right now? Seeing people behind your back?  Girl, we ain't together! Last time I checked you were still married to  my boy. When you went back to your husband, I went to Valerie." He  stared up at the ceiling and locked his fingers behind his head.

"So, why were you showing up with those other women then?" I questioned.

"Because Valerie couldn't make it; she's a traveling nurse."

I laughed. "Whatever, Travis. You're not going to marry her! You're a  player and you need to be with more than one woman." I waved him off and  rested my back against the wall I was just being fucked against.

Travis had a blank expression on his face. He was in no way laughing.  "I'm serious, Sundy. That's why I asked you to come down here. We need  to stop this you and me thing. You go be with Taylor and I'ma be with  Valerie. This whole affair thing can't continue. I'm going to be  faithful to her." His tone was serious and I could see it in his eyes  that he was for real about marrying that white woman.

I lowered my eyes as my heart dropped.

"So, you're really choosing some white bitch over keeping what we have?"  I whispered. I didn't know why I felt like I was being dumped by a man I  was in love with but I did.

"What do we have, Sundy? Besides sex? Nothing! What me and Valerie have  is something you and I could never have simply because you're with my  nigga. Also, why does it matter that she's white? She's a woman just  like you." He said, shaking his head at me.

I tried to keep myself from popping off. I took deep breaths before I  spoke again. "So why did we just have sex then? Huh, Travis? If you  wanna go off and marry Becky?" I asked, as my nostrils flared.

"I just wanted to feel you one more time before Valerie made an honest man out of me."


When I returned back to my room, I had tears in my eyes. Even though  Travis and I weren't together, I still felt like I had just been dumped.  Travis was serious about marrying Valerie and about our affair being  over.                       


Like he said before we left the room, "It ends now and no one gets hurt. We can all move on with our lives now; unscathed"


I was so happy to return home. Even though we were only gone for five  days, it felt like a lifetime. I missed my bed, my kitchen, and my pool.  I was also happy to see Tayla. She seemed to have grown within the days  we were gone. What happened in Miami was no longer on my mind. If this  was how Travis wanted it, then so be it.

Maybe he was right about it being better to walk away now before the  affair got out there and everyone got hurt. I wasn't happy for Travis  but I wished him the best. It wasn't like Taylor was a bum who was broke  and Travis was rich and was who took care of me. I really didn't lose  anything from him breaking off the affair except amazing sex but Taylor  and I made incredible love.

As soon as we got back, Taylor'sass went straight back to work. I had to  invest in a lot of new sex toys. Cynthia and I attended an adult  novelty party last weekend and we got all kinds of cool new stuff that I  couldn't wait to try out.

I had bought a dildo that could be attached to any hard surface and it  was 11' inches and black. Nights when Taylor was working late I would  ride down on Mr. Black and call it a night. I also bought butt plugs and  candy underwear. Taylor also hadn't been playing about us having  another baby. Every chance he got, his dick was up in me releasing those  babies. I had to admit that I was kind of feeling different. I felt  bloated and nauseous a lot. I also hadn't seen my period in over two  months but because my periods were irregular, I didn't think much of it.