Reading Online Novel

Playing in Secret(30)

He tilts my hips up a little more on the pillows, and then puts his  mouth to good use. As he licks and sucks me, I buck against his mouth,  taking everything he has to give me. He uses his thumbs to open me wide  while he swirls his tongue inside of me before moving back up to my  clit. I almost stop moving because it feels so good, but I know that if I  stop, so will he. I pinch my nipples and continue moving my hips until I  can't hold out any longer. I come hard, and there's screaming, just  like he wanted.


After Audrey comes all over my mouth, I sit up and take my clothes off  as fast as humanly possible. She doesn't stop playing with her tits, but  I want those for myself now. I pull her up and over me as I lie down.

"I made that pussy wet, and now I want you to ride me with it. Slide all over my cock, and come for me again."

"It's your turn," she says, moaning as she slides down onto me.

"You can feel how hard I am. I shouldn't hold out, but I'm going to wait  for you. I won't come until your sweet pussy is squeezing my cock while  you come."

"Oh God," she says, riding me harder. "So good."

"Do you know how sweet your pussy is?" I ask as I kiss her, making sure she tastes herself on me. "Isn't it good?"

"Not as good as you taste. I want you to come in my mouth. I want to suck you over and over until you can't give me any more."

I grab her hips, and start thrusting hard up into her. I was supposed to  be the one turning her on with my words, but what she said just made me  lose control. I need to come. I want her to come first, but I may not  make it that long. She arches her back, offering up her luscious tits  like the presents they are. Who am I to refuse a present like those?

I take one in my mouth, sucking hard before moving over to the other  one. Her nails bite into my shoulders, and I can't hold back, no matter  how much I want to. "Fuuckk!" I yell, coming even harder as I feel her  join me. She screams again, and I can hear a little hoarseness on her  voice as I come down.

Oh yeah, she's losing her voice, and the night's still young. Just  another epic night with the woman I love. Who could ask for more?

Chapter 22


I wake up cold, and realize that not only has the fire gone out, but  Blake has stolen all the covers. I chuckle as I pull some away from him  so I can cover myself. We ended up on the couch after getting our fill  of the floor, the bed, and even the bathtub. I'll never tease Blake  about being old again. He's insatiable, and so am I.

"Did I steal all of the covers?" he asks in a lazy morning voice.

"Yes you did."

"Sorry. It's a horrible habit."

"I can live with it. Or maybe I'll just get my own comforter."

"I don't like that idea. How am I going to snuggle with you if you have your own comforter?" he asks, nuzzling my neck.

I shiver, both from being cold, and because his hands are roaming. "Then you'll have to learn to share."

"I promise to keep you warm," he says, rubbing my clit in lazy circles  with his fingers, as he squeezes my breast, and sucks on my neck. Oh  yeah, I could wake up to this every day, and not care about being  uncovered.

"Just do this every morning, and you'll be forgiven if you leave me uncovered."

"I can't do this every morning."

"Oh okay," I say, realizing that I overstepped. I shouldn't assume that I'll wake up with him every morning.

He removes his hands, and turns me in his arms, lifting my chin up so  we're eye to eye. "I meant that I didn't want to be predictable. I've  got to try new things, and not just get you off the same way every  morning. I will be with you every morning that I can. You know I have  movie commitments coming up, but, otherwise, I'm yours, if you'll have  me."

"I'll have you."

"That was easy."

"Yesterday … talking … and just being with you in the quiet … it felt right."

"I felt it, too."         



He kisses me softly, and I melt into him. It's another hour before we  get out from under that comforter, and head into the shower. We agreed  to behave, because we're both hungry. I try to entice him with some not  so innocent touching, but he grabs my hands and shakes his head. I know  he's worried about me taking care of myself and the baby, so I just  smile, and try to be good.

"Where are we going today? The hotel manager said we have late checkout."

"I was planning on staying here at the hotel."

"You want to keep me in bed all day?" I ask, totally on board with that.

"Not today, but I'll take a rain check on that."

"I'll write it out once you finishing washing my back."

"Thanks," he says, nibbling the back of my neck. "For today, I thought  we would swim first, and then I have a couples massage scheduled for us.  We can go back into the city and wander around a little more later,  too, if you want, or just sit outside by a fire pit drinking hot  chocolate."

"You really are the perfect boyfriend. It all sounds wonderful."

"I'm glad you approve."

"I do. I think you'll approve of my bikini, too."

"Bikini? You do know this is a family resort, right?"

"You're the one who told me to bring a bathing suit, and suggested swimming. What did you think I'd bring?"

"Something boring."

"Really?" I ask him as I towel off and then wrap the towel around me. "You think I'd be boring?"

"No. Not really. I'm just imagining the headlines when pictures of me with a boner for hours go viral."

"I'm sure there's something you can think of to keep Little Hollywood in check."

"It hurts him when you refer to him as small."

"I'd do things to assure him he's not, but that wouldn't help you with  your problem. It's a term of endearment, L.H. Just remember that," I  say, bending over his crotch, and yes, talking to his dick.

"You just gave my cock a pep talk. I don't even know what to think about that."

"I can't have it feeling insecure around me. It might try and hide, and  unless it's hiding in me, that would be a problem. A big problem."

He just shakes his head, and I turn away to grab my suit. Once it's on,  and I have everything adjusted, I turn back to him. Blake's just  standing there with his board shorts in his hands, and his mouth open. I  look down to see if I have a wardrobe malfunction, but everything's  still covered. My bright yellow bikini with white accents is barely  covering me, but I am covered.

"What's wrong."

"You can't go out in that."

"Why not?"

"Because I told you I'm not a superhero in real life, and that suit … I  mean, my God, you're even hotter than usual. Every man here is going to  make a play, Dree."

"And the women aren't going to be after the movie star?"

"Shit. There's that. I obviously didn't think any of this through. I just wanted to have fun with you."

"We'll have fun, and we can mostly pretend it's just us and ignore everyone else."

"We'll just stick close together," he says nodding his head.

"Of course we will. There will always be women who want you, or men who  want me. Who cares? I don't want anyone else, and I'm pretty sure you  don't either."

"I don't. Not at all."

"Good. Put on your trunks, and let's go get wet."

"You're going to be the death of me. You really, truly are."

"At least you'll be enjoying yourself on the way out."

"We need to go downstairs before I cash in my rain check."

I tie my wrap my around my hips and kiss him before opening the door and  walking out into the hall. He joins me, and we go down to the pool.  It's really sexy to be swimming in a heated pool while there's snow on  the ground all around us; I just wish we were in private. We act a  little like we are, splashing and dunking each other, but we don't do  more than kiss since there are some kids around. I know we're being  photographed again, but neither one of us care.

After our swim, we go down a spiral staircase to the spa. Our suite has a  beautiful view of the snow covered valley, and we hold hands as our  muscles get worked into submission. It feels so good, I almost fall  asleep on the table. A light lunch is brought in for us after we're  done, and we cuddle on one lounger in our robes as we eat and take in  the view.         



When we're finished, we go back to our room and change. I put on a black  sweater with an asymmetrical cape sleeve on one side, some jeans, and  boots. I wonder how long I'll be able to wear my current clothes, as I  rub my stomach and think about the baby I'm bringing to life. Blake  places his hands on top of mine from behind, and kisses my neck where  it's exposed by my ponytail.

"I can't wait for you to start showing."

"You'll have to make some kind of formal announcement or something, won't you?"

"I have a plan."

"Care to share said plan with me?"