Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(102)

I walked into the lavish penthouse that has been my home for about a year now, it no longer felt the same. I guess the gig was up and I no longer felt like I belonged here. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and took out my large Ben Sherman tote bag. I opened the doors to the large walk-in closet and started to take clothes off the hangers. I only took the ones I paid for with the money I made. Everything else I left behind. I wanted nothing from Lukas. Not one single thing.

I walked over to his nightstand and took off the ring that I never dreamt of ever taking off and placed it gently there for him to find. I could feel my belly twisting and knotting with anxiety but I chose to ignore it as best as I could. I knew I didn’t have much time left before I would run into Mrs. Thatcher or worse Mike.

I headed back downstairs and quietly walked through the front door, never once looking back. I used my access key to the call the elevator up. The elevator dinged making the knots in my belly worse. Once I stepped in I felt myself wanting to throw up. I held on tightly to the metal railing, trying not the fall over. I made it to the main lobby and stepped out onto the street. My heart skipped a few beats. I knew I needed to get away from here quickly. Any minute now Mike would notice I was gone and I couldn’t risk seeing Lukas, not now, maybe not ever. I hailed a cab the moment it stopped in front of me I heard Mrs. Thatcher’s voice calling out to me. I ignored her and stepped into the cab.

“Where to little lady?” The cabby asked in his think New York accent.

“Anywhere but here.” I murmured

“Where?” He asked again.

“Just drive I’ll tell you where to stop.”

I decided to go to the bank that the museum had an account set up for me to deposit my cheques. I withdrew most of it leaving only a few hundred dollars.

I wanted out so badly that I hardly knew what to do first. If I were to go to the airport would Lukas find me? Would Mike look for me there? I waved another cabby and asked him to take me to the airport and told him to stop at a car rental office. Maybe if I rented a car and drove back to Montréal it would be a better choice.

Once I finalized the paperwork they handed me a car and off I went. The moment I stepped into the car I felt better, like I had taken some control back. I took out my usb cable and set up my iPod. I pressed shuffle The Stranglers Golden Brown came on and off I went driving back to my old life in Montréal.


Just like Jacob had taught me I was able to make it back to Montréal in less than six hours. I guess being disillusioned can make you not care about speed limits or cops.

I drove up to my parent’s home with Tune Yards blaring, Bizness had now become my theme song. I had it on repeat for the last hour. I turned off the car and saw my father walking towards me. He must have been on one of his famous long walks. I think partly to get away from my mother. The moment I saw him the tears that I had held back all this time began to flow uncontrollably. He nearly ran to me and took me in his arms and held me quietly without asking what had happened. The moment I stopped he took my bag and helped me inside. Still not one word was uttered from him.

“Vasiliki? Alexia is here.” He cried out my mother’s name and I cringed not wanting to do this right now.

My mother hurried from the kitchen to the hallway and saw me standing there. She sighed heavily and shook her head. I swear to you I could hear her thoughts of the millions of ‘I told you so!’ At least she didn’t say it even thought I felt it. I took my bag from my father and walked up the stairs to my old bedroom. No Greek ever gets rid of a bedroom, just in case someone from Greece visits. I closed the door behind me and crawled into bed.

Which brings us back to three months later. I still hadn’t had the strength to move forward with my life. Lukas’ little stunt had made me question who I was and what I was capable of. I had left everything behind including my cell phone. Thankfully my parents had kept my belongings here and I was able to retrieve my old Iphone. I reinstated it and was able to talk to Roxi and Kaci. I would Facetime them at least once a week and we would text each other frequently.

Roxi was now in a management position in the pharmaceutical company she worked for and Kaci’s cupcake bakery had taken off. I was happy to see both of them in a good place even though my life was in the shitter. Not once had Lukas tried to contact me. Not that I minded but I felt hurt he didn’t at least ask why I left. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn’t. Maybe he thought I walked out on him and fuck me, either way that part of my life was over.

“What will you do with your life now?” My mother’s Greek words drove into me each fucken day I was here. The woman was driving me mad. I needed a place and quick. I contacted my cousin who was the real-estate agent that helped me find the awesome condo that I had given up when I decided to uproot my life to New York.