Reading Online Novel

My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(20)

We go downstairs and I almost buckle at the knees when I see Shea all scrubbed and clean shaven, dressed up and wearing a pair of slightly less ravaged chaps and a fresh dark hat. All the cowboys on the ranch are in a line, waiting at the bottom of the stairs when the three of us step out. They lift their hats in unison and I smile, directing the warmth all at Shea when my eyes slide along the row to meet his.

“I'm going to really have to keep close guard over you tonight,” he hisses as he falls in behind me. “You look good enough to ravage.”

“You too,” I tell him, through unmoving lips.

He lifts me up onto the cart they've decked out with decoration and Rafe follows suit with Modesty, making her eyes pop open. She looks at me with a secret grin as we settle beside each other, Violet as Queen rides in front of us while we hold flags aloft. The cowboys mount their giant steeds and form a ceremonial line in front of us and then we ride out to begin the parade.

The ranch has filled up with thousands of people for the opening night party. This looks like being the best of the many rodeos we've attended on the tour, not least because Shea lives here. I'm wondering how we'll ever manage to get another moment alone this weekend. There's a packed schedule of events and if not this weekend, then when?

The thought that I might have to leave without ever feeling him inside me wrenches at my heart. I remember that sign at Shelley's Diner and take some comfort in the fact that there's always a plan. If we don't find a way to be together during the rodeo, I won't give up. Shea isn't a man you walk away from and forget.

True to his word, Shea is close at my shoulder like a rough and tumble bodyguard throughout the evening. Even when he's at work, firing up the pit for the cookout, or directing a calf roping contest, I feel his eyes burning into me through the throng of people.

When some guy barrels up to meet me with a risque comment Shea lets out a low growl that has the man almost bowing and scraping in apology before disappearing into the crowd.

“I love having my own personal protector,” I murmur to him when I get a five minute break from royal duties and we grab a fast cup of punch and a beer at the drinks stand.

“Get used to it,” he gruffs out before being called away to start the roping display.



To me she looks like a genuine princess when she comes down the stairs. My own little queen. I cannot believe how beautiful Dallyce is. She outshines every woman around her, not that I have eyes for any of them. I could stare at Dallyce for the rest of my life and never so much as notice another girl.

She's wearing a real Wild West outfit, Annie Oakley style. The top she has on is frilled and gathered then the laced corset belt pushes up her tits so they spill over beneath the loose fabric. It's enough to turn my balls into a pair of steaming volcanoes.

The shindig drives me half deranged, seeing her chatting with so many guys that are trying to hit on her, especially after a couple of beers. It's a wild night with everyone letting their hair down for some fun. And there aren't too many women in our world so the ranch hands get kind of rowdy but the douches from town are worse.

Once or twice I come close to fisting some guy to the dust for speaking to my Dallyce out of turn. Fortunately I'm at her side and one glare from me with a dangerous warning sees them vanishing across the horizon.

I don't like leaving her to compete in the bareback bronc contest but riding the bucking wild steer into submission at least alleviates some of the searing tension in my blood.

“Fantastic ride, Shea,” the guys clap me on the back when I come out of the ring, my muscles burning with the thrill of exertion. I'm breathing steam almost like the bull now heading into the ring.

I stride through the crowd, it parts and falls away, the faces staring at me as I tread with only one purpose. I can't take the need a moment longer. I don't know when I'll get the chance to claim Dallyce and make her mine. So I need to create the opportunity. And I've decided it's now. Flirting with her and holding her hand has only served to ramp up my need to possess her even stronger. I'm like a flailing beast. A glutton. The hunger for her is beyond taming. It can only be satisfied.

“Would you excuse us?” I command, rather than ask, the two guys chatting with Dallyce.

Before they have a chance to object, I take her by the arm and lead her back through the crowd.

“Shea, where are we going? I'm supposed to -” Her eyes shine when she looks up at me and I know she found it exciting, watching me dominate the raging animal.

“You're supposed to be with me.”

They're announcing me as the winner of the rough stock contest and calling me to come be awarded the trophy by the queen. But I already have my queen. And my trophy. I pull her with me, although she's not putting up the slightest resistance and seems as eager as me for us to be alone.