Reading Online Novel

My Cocky Cowboy(A Steamy Older Man Romance)(18)

Dallyce gives a little moan of need that satisfies me. For now.

“Soon, Angel.”

When she gets called away to attend to one of her duties as the rodeo princess, I let out a whistle between my teeth, relieving the tension in my balls. But she's not so easily erased and I take to hammering nails hard enough to shatter the damn struts into pieces. I dunno but it seems every time Dallyce is hanging out, shooting the breeze with me while I work, the chaperone, Nissa, calls her away on some pretext.

I miss having her at my side, asking me all kinds of questions about my life and work, but no matter. We got plenty of time to be together once this rodeo event's over. It's insane to think I haven't even been inside the woman and I'm already planning a future. It's just the gob-smacking effect Dallyce has on me.

“You weren't at lunch.”

She pops up in the afternoon, on the other side of the fence I'm finishing up constructing to pen the bull.

“I had my appetizer,” I say with a grin as I lift myself up to stand, towering over her. “I'm waiting for the main course.”

Without even checking around to see who could be observing us, I tip my head down and plant a kiss directly on her soft lips.

“I brought you a sandwich. You're doing heavy work and I want to make sure you've got enough strength to keep going.”

“I'll keep going, don't you worry,” I growl at her, making her laugh.

It feels good to see her happy and I want her to stay that way. I don't tell her the boys grabbed bowls of chilli on the job. I eat her giant sandwich, so huge that when I offer her a bite, she can't open her mouth wide enough.

I give her a dirty grin and she says, “Don't worry.”

“Shea, you got any nails to spare?” Lakin hollers from where he's constructing a bull pen.

“Yeah, about three,” I shout back.

“Well damn, we're all out.”

“I'll run into town and pick some up.”

“Can I come?” Dallyce asks, so sweetly I regret having to tell her no.

“Folks wouldn't care for us being together. Just be patient,” I add when her lips purse up.

I touch her cheek with a rough finger. “Man, your skin feels like pure silk sateen. I can't wait to get my hands on all of it. Sorry, I'm kinda rough.”

I withdraw my finger and she reaches out to grab my hand, holding it low against her body between us in both her small hands where no one can see.

“I like it rough,” she whispers. “Don't get the idea I'm a fragile little Princess.”

“You are to me.”

“Shea, this horse rail ain't gonna stand up by itself. You can chit chat to the lady after we're done.”

“I'll drive to the hardware store, it'll be quicker than saddling up.”

I give Dallyce a wink and head to my house for the keys to the truck.

Once I'm on the road, I tip my hat back and hum a tune. You'd think I was relaxed the way I'm sprawled back in the seat, but all my veins are throbbing with lust for that young woman and it's building a torment in my groin.

“Is it safe to come out now?” A kitteny voice inquires from the jump seat behind where one of the horse blankets has been tossed.

My face stretches into such a wide smile my jaw cracks.

“Yeah, it's safe,” I say.

The woven blanket rises up and then Dallyce throws it to one side. She emerges with her hair all tousled, looking adorable. Like she's just been fucked good and hard. I can hardly believe a girl like her has it bad for a rough old cowboy like me. She puts her hand on my shoulder as she throws her leg open to clamber over the seat back.

The little vixen makes sure to give me a fantastic eyeful of her innermost thighs and the swell of her bare ass cheek in the tiny shorts. She settles onto the bench beside me, close enough to touch.

“You can change your outfit as soon as we get back,” I tell her in a voice that says I mean it.

“Don't you like it? I only wore it for you.”

“You look amazing. Which is why you're changing. Once the crowds arrive, I don't want every ranch hand in the county eyefucking that body. It's all mine now.”

She gives me the hint of a pout and I laugh, taking her hand and keeping it in mine until we get to town.

We go into Jimmy's Hardware and I grab the nails and a few other supplies we're running low on.

“You wanna grab a soda?” I ask and she nods her pretty head eagerly.

“Do we have time?”

“I'll work harder when we get back if it means I can have you to myself for a few minutes.”

I dump the hardware in the truck then take her hand to lead her across the street to Shelley's.

“Howdy, Shea,” Rose, the waitress says with a little wiggle as she walks away.

Dallyce looks up at me, searching my face for clues.