Reading Online Novel

Maya’s Triple Dare(Divine Creek Ranch 6)(118)

Carefully, she shimmied out of her soft yoga pants and thong together, careful to keep her hip away from their view as much as possible. She tossed the garments aside and then gingerly peeled back the plastic wrap taped over her hip. She looked over her shoulder and giggled when she caught them staring at her ass.

“I did something special for the three of you, and I hope you like it.”

When she had their full attention, she turned so they could see her left hip. All three men gasped.


“What does it say?”

“I’ll be damned!”

On her hip, written on the ribbons festooning the three red roses, were the words “Dare to Live” and then each of her men’s names.

She smiled at the surprise, approval, and awe on their faces and answered their earlier proposal. “Of course I’ll marry you.”