Reading Online Novel

Loving War(67)

I really do love him. Damn.

“The white dress would look the best, by the way.” He grins again when he sees me lost in his thrall, and he walks over to pick it up from the small couch off to the side.

I almost wish I could just take him with me, because it’s amazing how much calmer I suddenly am.



I can’t believe it. I really can’t.

With shaky hands, I start to type out a quick text, only to see I have three messages.

Leo: Let me know if I’m drinking champagne or tequila as soon as you can.

That has me laughing as the adrenaline rush consumes me. And I send back a quick text while walking toward the hotel.

Me: We’re drinking champagne tonight. I’ll give you all the incredible details as soon as I can do it without squealing.

Before I can read either of my other texts, my phone chirps with an instant response from Leo’s quick messaging abilities.

Leo: Fuck yes! I love you.

Giggling, I respond with a quick I love you, too, and then I read the next message.

Rain: Eleanor called. She said Edward wanted to see her for some reason. She’s going to see him. Just thought I’d let you know since you’re not home. Even though your car is there. Where are you?

No. I’m not letting Dad ruin this day for me, so I refuse to talk to Rain about any home drama. There’s enough on my mind. Too much. There’s so many things I need to do to prepare for this new launch they want to do. It took several hours of bidding and excitement to get the best deal. It all happened so fast. I was expecting months and months of back-and-forth deals.

If Kode hadn’t sent his lawyer, I would have been screwed. I never thought I’d be spending the day negotiating terms. And that lawyer was badass. Nothing this incredibly perfect has ever happened to me so fast.

I’ll pick Kode’s brain apart when he has time, but I don’t want to bombard him tonight. I’m sure he doesn’t want to spend the rest of our weekend with me hounding him for his brilliance.

The next text replaces all my thoughts, and I find myself rolling my eyes at the name on the screen.

Your Favorite Playground Bully: I’ll be waiting for you at the room.

I really need to break into his phone and find out what he calls me. I’ve seen Bitch Boy pop up on his phone before, and found out it was Corbin. Douche Brother is an easy one, considering he only has one brother. Evil Troll is his name for his very rude, but incredibly organized personal assistant. And there are numerous Do Not Answer phone calls he gets. Apparently he uses that name a lot for people he no longer wishes to speak to.

He never programs anyone as their real name, so obviously I’m curious about my designated title.

I decide not to text him back since I’m already close to walking into the hotel. I’d rather throw my arms around him and surprise him with all my gratitude, starting with a naked thank you that will have his knees caving.

I didn’t want to ever use anyone to get ahead, but Kode sold it to me. He invested in the company, though I’m not sure how much. I’ve still got to speak with Darla and Leo about that, since he was crafty enough to go behind my back and have his lawyers contact my normal business lawyer.

The models he hired were icing on the presentation cake. There was no doubt that everyone was impressed with the live demonstration.

As soon as I reach our room, I take a deep breath, and unlock the door with the card, ready to surprise the man who is probably anxious about what news I got. When I push through the door, my jaw drops in disbelief.

Absently I hear the door click shut behind me, but my eyes are taking in the small room that has been lavishly decorated for a king’s queen.

Roses are all over the place—dozens and dozens of the reddest roses I’ve ever seen. There are three silver buckets holding bottles of champagne that are tucked snugly into ice. There’s a table that wasn’t here this morning—an oversized bistro table with two matching chairs that also weren’t here this morning. Several candles are lit, creating ambience that I would usually find cheesy, but right now, it’s so surreally perfect.

“Thought we’d celebrate,” Kode says as he steps out from the bathroom, smiling as he adjusts the towel around his waist.

His hair is still wet from the shower, and small streams of water are licking trails down his skin, carving out a path for my tongue as my mouth waters.

“How’d you know I got a deal?” I ask in awe, feeling the flutter of various emotions gathering deep within my core.

He grins while pulling me to him and kisses me in a way that is quite possibly illegal in some countries. His tongue mimics the actions of what he did to me with it last night in other places, forcing my entire body to heat. How the hell does he make so many bruises look so sexy?