Reading Online Novel

Immortal Unchained(121)

"The little rat!" Nell said harshly once the keep door had slammed closed behind him.

Helen heartily agreed with the pronouncement, but had other concerns more pressing. "Why would he suggest to the king that Holden and I marry?"

"Why, indeed?" Aunt Nell muttered, then moved back to place her hands on Helen's shoulders to comfort her.

"Surely you are not going to actually marry him?" Ducky gasped, moving forward to join them. "Not the Hammer?"

"I hope not, Ducky. Truly I do." Helen's shoulders slumped miserably.

"But what will you do?"

Frowning, Helen began to twist her hands together as her mind flew over the possibilities. Flee? To where? Beg the king? How? He was away and the wedding was to take place at week's end. Kill the prospective groom? A nice thought, but not very practical, she admitted with a grimace.

"My lady?" Ducky prompted anxiously.

Helen sighed. "I am not sure what I can do," she admitted unhappily.

Ducky's eyes widened in horror. "Can you not refuse him? Just refuse and-"

"And have the king send me off to an abbey? I would rather marry the man and kill him than do that! Who would look after my people if that happened? The Hammer, that is who. Tiernay would be forfeit to him as my dower should I refuse the king's orders."

Ducky bit her lip at that, then leaned closer to whisper. "Maggie knows this and that about herbs. Or Old Joan the Healer. She might know of something we could give him to-"

"Bite your tongue," Helen hissed, covering the maid's mouth with her hand and glancing nervously about the empty great hall. "I never want to hear such a suggestion from you again, Ducky. It could get you strung up in the bailey."

"But then what will you do?" The servant looked miserable as Helen removed the hand covering her mouth. "You cannot marry the Hammer."

Helen sighed again. "It appears I will have to. I cannot refuse a direct order from the king."

"Why not?" Ducky asked frantically. "The Hammer does it often enough. Why, he-"

"That's it!" Aunt Nell, who had stood silent and thoughtful throughout the last few moments, suddenly grabbed Helen's arms excitedly, unconsciously giving her a shake.

"What?" Helen asked with a glimmer of hope.

"You cannot refuse. But the Hammer can. He is too powerful a lord for the king to force him, should he really wish to refuse."

Ducky snorted. "And do you really think for one minute that the Hammer will refuse to marry her? Look! She's as pretty as her mother ever was. And sweet as honeyed mead as well. Then there is her land. Who would refuse a dower like Tiernay?"

Helen sagged slightly, some of her hope leaving her, but Aunt Nell merely straightened her shoulders and spoke staunchly. "Then we shall have to make you and Tiernay less attractive."

Ducky looked doubtful. "Templetun has already seen her for the pretty lass she is. You can't suddenly blacken her teeth and shave her head."


"Nay," Helen agreed slowly, a small smile teasing the corners of her lips as an idea flared in her mind. "But there are other things we can do."