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His Lady of Castlemora(48)



He scowled darkly. 'There are many ways in which to have fun,  Genevieve,' he drawled softly. 'And I believe, if you were to reflect,  that you would realise that I have a much better...understanding of them  than Sandhurst.'

She raised her brows. 'Perhaps one day I might consider comparing  that...understanding, and so decide for myself if that is so, but not  today.'

Lucifer frowned darkly. 'You are being extremely na?ve in believing you  will only be asked to enjoy "adventure and fun" with one such as Charlie  Brooks.'

Genevieve was having fun right now, if truth be told. She had been very  young when she married Josiah, with little opportunity to flirt with  other men before that marriage; but even so, she had absolutely no  doubts that she had now piqued Benedict Lucas's interest by refusing to  be in the least attracted to his dark and brooding good looks.

She might indeed be as na?ve as Benedict Lucas had just accused her of  being in regard to the behaviour of the gentlemen of the ton, but she  was not stupid, and a man such as he would obviously see no challenge  whatsoever in the easy conquest he had so obviously believed Genevieve  might be to his lazily arrogant charms. It was, she acknowledged with  wonder, quite deliciously enticing to know that she had aroused the  interest of such a dangerous and elusive gentleman...

She gave a shrug. 'As I said, I wish to be wooed a little before I would ever consider taking any gentleman as my lover.'


'-sent me flowers and chocolates earlier today. Accompanied by a beautifully worded card.' She smiled at the memory.

'Only because he is hoping to entice you into sharing his bed later this evening!'

'I am aware of that, of course,' Genevieve acknowledged with a cool  inclination of her head. 'But Sandhurst hoping for such an outcome to  the evening will not make it so.'

Had Benedict ever felt such frustration and anger with a woman before?  He could not remember doing so. Indeed, he rarely if ever allowed  himself to express strong emotions of any kind. Which was not to say he  did not feel them, only that he chose not to reveal those emotions to  others. 'I fail to see anything in the least romantic in Sandhurst  plying you with flowers and chocolates, and prettily worded cards...'  his top lip curled up with distaste '...for the sole purpose of  expecting you to go to bed with him immediately after the two of you  have dined privately together.'

Genevieve eyed him mockingly. 'And would you not have expected the same  from me, without benefit of flowers and chocolates and prettily worded  cards, if I had agreed to meet you at Lady Hammond's ball later this  evening?'

He snorted his impatience. 'If that is so, then at least I have been honest in my intentions.'

She gave him a pitying glance. 'Perhaps too much so...?'

His nostrils flared. 'You are an extremely aggravating woman, Genevieve!'

She gave a surprised laugh. 'Now that truly is honest, Benedict.'

Those black eyes glowered across the carriage at her. He gave an  impatient shake of his head. 'You will find me at Lady Hammond's ball  later this evening if that should be your choice.'

She gave another cool inclination of her head. 'I will keep your  gracious offer in mind. Now, if you would not mind...?' She glanced  pointedly towards the carriage door, leaving Benedict with no other  choice but to alight from the carriage before turning to offer Genevieve  his hand as she stepped down beside him. She gave him another cool nod  before turning to gracefully climb the steps to the front door of her  home, which opened immediately for her entrance before closing firmly  behind her.

All, Benedict noted broodingly, without so much as a backwards glance in his direction...