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Babysitting a Billionaire #1 - Losing Control(27)

Now, he sat back in his chair and watched as she moved around the kitchen, clearing the remains of their meal. She wore the leather skirt and one of his T-shirts and he was quite certain no underwear. She kept darting him quick glances and her cheeks were flushed, her mouth swollen.



They'd shared a bottle of wine with dinner, but no more. Now he swallowed the last of his glass and placed it on the table. "Kim?"

She jumped.

"Are you nervous about something?" he asked.

"Yes." Her voice was breathy and her answer was so unlike her that he grinned-she never admitted to fear.

"You want to back out?" He held his breath.

She shook her head. "No."

Thank God.

"Then let's go to bed." He rose to his feet and held out his hand. "Because tonight, I plan to make you beg."

Shock flared in her face. "Never going to happen."

"Oh yes it is, and you're going to enjoy every second."

Once in the bedroom, she stood at the head of the four-poster, twirling a strand of hair around her finger and chewing on her lower lip.

He came to stand in front of her, stroked a finger down her cheek. "I promise I won't hurt you."

"I know that."

"What then? You worried you won't enjoy it?"

"Actually, I'm worried I'll enjoy it too much. Do you think I'm turning into a pervert?" She took a deep breath. "Maybe you'd better not answer that. So what do you want me to do?"

He'd been thinking about this all day. He knew exactly what he wanted her to do, but first he wanted her naked.



"Oh, yeah."

She reached behind her, unzipped the tight skirt, and wriggled out of it, kicking it out of the way. Then gripped the hem of her T-shirt and dragged it over her head, throwing it onto a nearby chair. And with that she was naked.

His breath hitched in his throat and the blood pooled in his groin. He'd been hard since they left the kitchen; now his dick pressed painfully against his fly. He dragged his own T-shirt over his head, then loosened the button on his jeans to relieve the pressure.

"Raise your hands above your head."

The movement lifted her breasts and he took a step closer and cupped one in his hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the nipple.

"Do you have any stockings?"

"You just got me naked, Jake. Now you want me to get dressed again?" She nodded over to her bag. "In there."

"Don't move." He crossed the room and rummaged in the bag, found some interesting red underwear and an unopened packet of stockings. He ripped open the packet and took one of the sheer black stockings back to where she waited, head tilted to one side, brows furrowed, as she watched him.

"Turn around," he ordered.

She hesitated, then turned slowly. But as he placed the stocking over her eyes, she whirled back around. "Hey, that's not what I signed up for." 

"Trust me," he said again.

She stared into his eyes, he could almost see her mind working, then she nodded abruptly and turned again.

He tied on the blindfold. "All right?"

"Ask me again in ten minutes."

He steered her toward the bed and pushed her gently until she sat perched on the edge.

"This is so weird."

"Lie down on your back."

She didn't argue this time, just lay back, her legs slightly bent, her lips parted. She was breathing fast and a pulse beat at her throat.

He took one hand and pulled it over her head, tied the cord still attached to one of the top posts around her wrist, firm but not too tight. He moved around the bed and tethered her second arm. Then stood back.

God, she was sexy as hell. But he wasn't finished yet.

He moved to the bottom of the bed, and untied the cord from the first post.

"What are you doing, Jake?"

"Wait and see."

"Er … blindfolded here. Not seeing much."

"Wait and feel, then."

He wrapped a hand around her right foot and she tried to jerk away. He waited for her to settle, then stretched out her leg and secured the cord around her ankle, pulling it tight. She knew what to expect with the next one and didn't fight. Just one more thing to make it perfect. He grabbed one of the pillows and eased it under her hips. When he was done, he stepped back.

"Holy shit."

That had to be the hottest thing he had ever seen. Her breasts were thrust into the air, her legs stretched wide apart, revealing the pouting folds of her sex, glistening with moisture.

He was painfully hard now and his balls ached viciously. He pulled a condom out of his pocket, tossed it on the bed, then stripped off his jeans and squeezed his aching shaft. He needed to be inside her, but he had a promise to keep first.

He knelt on the bed in the V of her legs. Leaning over her, he pressed his lips to her throat. "Now which bits need kissing better?"

"Take a guess."

"Here?" He licked the spot where her throat met her shoulders then nipped the skin. "Or here?"

He moved lower, stroking his tongue over first one breast, then the other, careful not to touch her anywhere else. She groaned and he kissed her nipples, sucking them into his mouth, then biting down softly.

He moved lower, kissing down her stomach, dipping his tongue in her navel, then pulling at the tiny ruby with his teeth. He bypassed the curls at the base of her belly and shifted down the bed. He kissed the inside of her ankles, then over the smooth skin of her calf. She was shifting restlessly now but unable to move more than a little, and she growled in frustration.

He reached her thighs, the skin so soft that he spent long moments caressing them, building the anticipation.


Kim's softly spoken plea made him pause. He raised his head and peered up the length of her body. "Are you begging?"

She pursed her lips. "Of course not."

He lowered his head and blew gently over her sex.

She gasped, her hips jerking. "Okay, just say I am begging. What then?"

He breathed in the warm, musky scent of her. "Then we get to the good bit."

He used one hand to part the folds of her sex. Her clit was swollen and she was drenched. "I love that I do this to you," he said, brushing his fingertip across her moist flesh.

He stroked his tongue down the length of her, his cock twitching as he tasted her sweet muskiness. Pushing inside her, he rubbed her inner walls, feeling her muscles clench around him. Then drew out to tease lazy circles around her clit.




She was in a dark, sensual place, her only reality Jake's lips and tongue on her sex. She could see nothing through the blindfold; all she could do was feel. She was flying out of control and she no longer cared-nothing mattered but reaching for the release building inside her.

His tongue swirled around her clitoris, never quite touching. In some ways, she didn't want him to. She was sure that the first direct touch would send her tumbling over the edge and she wanted this to last forever. Here, in this place, there were no worries of the future, just sensations piled on sensations. The experience was too intense. The pleasure too great.

She'd probably regret this later. But right now nothing else mattered. She stopped moving, held herself so still, concentrated on his clever mouth moving between her sex, eating her up, devouring her.

Time lost all meaning. Some part of her registered the small mewling sounds coming from her throat. At last, he kissed her gently, his tongue flicking over her clit, and the heaviness burst inside her, washing over her in warm waves. As the pleasure receded, he sucked her into his mouth and she came again.

She was vaguely aware of Jake leaving her, then the tear of foil and he was back. Pushing into her, huge and hard, stretching her. For a minute, he remained still, lodged deep inside. Then he slowly pulled out. Each slow stroke rubbed against her sensitized core and she gave herself up to the feelings. She lay beneath him, stretched out taut. She could feel the ropes at her wrists and ankles, holding her open for him while he moved relentlessly on her. His mouth was at her breasts, tugging and sucking on her nipples. The intensity of feeling bordered on pain, filled her mind, until she was nothing but the swell of sensation.

"Come for me again, sweetheart," he whispered.

And she did, shattering into a thousand pieces.

Chapter Seventeen

Kim blinked in the darkness. No light leaked from behind the heavy curtains. Here in the Highlands, sunrise came around four thirty; it must still be the middle of the night.

She lay pressed against Jake's side but couldn't tell if he was awake or sleeping.

This was like time out of real life, and she didn't want it to end. She didn't want to return to reality. She didn't even want to think about it. Now, the weekend was nearly over.

She hadn't wanted to spoil their time here by worrying about what would happen when they returned to London. All the same, she had a sneaking suspicion this weekend might not have succeeded in getting the idea of sex with Jake well and truly out of her system. She wasn't sure that was a possibility. The more she had him, the more she wanted him. He was addictive.

And she felt changed, a different person than the woman who had arrived. When Jake had tied her, blindfolded her, instead of feeling trapped as she'd expected, she'd experienced a sense of liberation she hadn't dreamed possible. Something had shifted inside her, but she needed time to explore what that meant. 

The next day, Jake had been different. Tender yet forceful, as though he sensed the change as well.