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Babysitting a Billionaire #1 - Losing Control(26)


Kim had never seen anything so erotic. Honestly, if someone had told her that this would do it for her, she would have scoffed. But this once …

Jake was tied up, naked beneath her, and she was sliding down onto his shaft. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the sensations coursing through her. He felt even bigger from this angle, and it occurred to her that he might not fit. But then she reached the end and balanced on his hips, his cock wedged deep.

The taste of him lingering on her tongue mixed with the mellow sharpness of the champagne. She felt powerful, in control, and she loved it. As she shifted a little, he jerked inside her, and she glanced into his face. His eyes were half-closed, but she could see them gleaming midnight blue behind his lashes. A flush darkened his cheekbones, and his lips parted slightly. He bucked his hips, and she felt the movement at the very center of her body.

Leaning forward, she rested her hands on either side of his shoulders so her breasts brushed his chest. Her nipples tingled at the delicious friction. She lowered her face to his and nibbled on his lower lip, then kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss, pushing his tongue inside as she slowly raised her hips. The drag of him against her flesh was exquisite. She lowered herself back down, rubbing against him as she took him all the way.

The pleasure built inside her. She needed something more, and she widened her thighs and pressed down, grinding against him so her swollen clit rubbed his pelvic bone. The feeling was indescribable.

His cock pulsated, and he pumped with his hips as though he couldn't control the movement. She sped up, riding him, the sensation sweet and hot and overwhelming. Within seconds, her orgasm swept through her and over her, and she threw back her head and screamed. Jake continued to thrust until he came, his back arching as he spilled himself inside her.

Collapsing on top of him, she buried her face in the curve of his neck, breathed in the tangy scent of sweat and sex. She was drifting into a contented sleep when Jake's voice murmured in her ear, "Sweetheart, do you think you could untie me now?"

Chapter Sixteen

Her whole body ached.

She came to consciousness slowly. It was morning; sunlight filtered through the heavy curtains. She'd woken twice in the night with Jake making love to her. The first time had been slow and sweet, the second fast and hard.

Now she was alone in the bed. There were no sounds from the bathroom, and she pulled herself up. Her skin was sensitive, her nipples sore from his kisses, and there was an ache between her legs.

Glancing up, she saw the cords still fastened to the posts where she'd tied Jake the night before. Aching or not, she felt a twinge between her thighs at the memory. She'd never thought anything could be so hot.

She reckoned it would be payback time in the near future. And another twinge in her sex made her realize the idea was in no way repugnant.

Oh God, one day of sex and she was turning into a pervert.

What would she be like after two days?

Jake was hopefully off somewhere foraging for food because her stomach was growling from her energetic night.

She got out of bed and headed to the empty bathroom. She eyed up the big claw-foot tub, turned on the hot water, and poured in some bath salts. A good soak and she'd be ready for more. She piled her hair on top of her head and stepped into the water. Sinking down was bliss.

She was lying back, dozing in the warmth, when there was a light tap on the door.

"Come in."

Jake entered carrying two mugs of coffee. "I've brought breakfast but no rush-it's cold. I thought you'd not want to wait for the coffee."



"You're actually quite domesticated, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'd make someone an excellent husband."

Her gaze flew to his face, but his expression was bland. That was just a throwaway comment, wasn't it?

He wore black jeans and nothing else, and the memory of what they had done together washed over her in a wave of heat. Each time he'd sated her, but she always came back wanting more. The idea should worry her. After all, wasn't the point to get him out of her system? She pushed the anxiety aside. This weekend wasn't about worrying; it was about getting so much of each other that she'd never want to combine the words sex and Jake in the same sentence again.

The tub was big, with the taps in the center. Plenty of room for two.

She took the coffee from him and placed it on the floor beside her. "Why don't you join me?"

He put down his own coffee and stripped off his jeans in answer.

He was semi-hard and growing. Was he always like that?

She'd thought he'd take the other end, but he motioned for her to shift forward and then slid in behind her, his legs on either side of her, his cock nudging her buttocks. He eased her back, and she settled against his chest.

"How do you feel?" he murmured against her neck.

"A little sore. You?"

He laughed softly. "A little sore."

She picked up the coffee and sipped, and for a few minutes they sat in companionable silence. Who would have thought she could be naked in a bath with Jake and feel so relaxed?

"What would you like to do today?" he asked. "We could go into Kinlochleven for lunch."

She didn't want to go anywhere, and she didn't want to see anyone. If this was the only time she got with Jake like this, she didn't want to waste it.

"I'd rather stay here."

"What right here?" His voice was teasing. "In the bath? All weekend?"

It wasn't a bad idea, providing the hot water didn't run out. But maybe not-she'd go all wrinkly. Or they'd fall asleep and drown or …  "Well, I might make it as far as the bedroom."

He kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "So where are you sore? Here?" He slipped one arm around her and his fingers grazed her nipples. Sore or not, they came to immediate attention. He moved his hand lower, stroking her belly. He gave her ruby a little tweak, then slid beneath the water to cup between her thighs. "Here?"

Her lashes fluttered closed as he pressed upward. "A little."

He bit down on her earlobe, then soothed it with his tongue. "I think you'd better show me." 

Her eyes had been drifting closed now she blinked. "What?"

"Sit on the edge of the bath. I want to see."

"I don't think so."

"Don't be shy." He put his hands on her hips, picked her up, turned her around, and perched her on the edge of the bath, her back resting against the wall. "Come on, show me where it hurts."

Actually, she didn't think hurt was the correct word for what she felt right now.

Slowly she parted her thighs.

"Jesus, that's pretty."

It was? She'd take his word for it.

"Touch yourself."

Her gaze flew to his face; a dull flush colored his cheekbones, his eyes glittered. She looked lower to where his erection stood straight up against his belly. His hand slowly wrapped around it and squeezed.

She licked her lips, then moved her own hand between her thighs. Her eyes never leaving the hand on his shaft, she parted her sex.

"Fuck, that is so sexy. Show me how you make yourself come, sweetheart."

Could she do it? The idea of touching herself in front of Jake was weird but hugely exciting. She was already slippery and her fingers glided over her sex. She found her clit, swollen and sensitive, and stroked her fingertip over it once, then again.

His fist was pumping his shaft now.

She dipped inside herself, then rubbed over her clit, harder this time. Her orgasm was building, the little nub throbbing beneath her fingers. She relaxed into it. Let it flow over her. Her back arched as she came, pleasure flowing through her, and she pressed the heel of her hand hard against herself to prolong the sensation.

Jake's hips arched up from the water, his fist still wrapped around himself as he came seconds later. He sank back, gripped her calf, and tugged. Kim slipped into the water and into his arms.

"So," he said. "Those were the sore bits. You want me to kiss them better?"

She hadn't thought she could feel anymore but she definitely had a twinge. "Oh, yeah."

"I might have to tie you up to do it properly."

She twisted in the water so she could look into his face. "You need to tie me up to kiss me better?"

He grinned. "Way more effective that way."

She supposed it was only fair. She nodded slowly. "And once you've kissed me better … ?

"I can think of a few other things we can do."

She didn't doubt it for a moment.


Jake had no clue why the idea of tying Kim up appealed so much, but throughout the day, each time the thought crossed his mind, the blood rushed to his dick.

He'd never had any urge to tie up anyone before. In fact he'd once had a girlfriend who was into the whole scene and he'd split because it did nothing for him.

Now he couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe because he'd enjoyed last night and wanted to give Kim the same pleasure. Or maybe because he wanted to show her that she could give up control and he wouldn't hurt her.

Whatever the reason was, he wanted it.

They'd spent the day exploring the castle and checking the security systems. The more he saw of the place, the more he liked it. And he could tell Kim was falling in love as well. He'd give it to her as a wedding present.

They'd made slow love in the library on the blue velvet sofa, with him taking care not to be too rough; he wanted her in good shape to enjoy the evening entertainment. After that, he'd kept his dick in his pants and let the anticipation build.