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Without You(40)

By:Kelly Elliott

What in the hell? Libby talked to Abigail? How do they know each other?

Me: Wait. Lib, when did you talk to Abigail?

Libby: Two weeks ago. She came up to me in the library and started talking about her and Luke.

None of this was making any sense. Luke hadn't seen Abigail in months.

Me: Libby, this doesn't make sense. Luke hasn't seen Abigail in months.

Libby: Will, I'm tired of this. I don't care anymore. I've moved on. Please let it go. I have to go. I love you.

I pulled up Luke's number and hit it. It rang two times and then went to  voice mail. I called again. After two more rings, I got voice mail  again. I tried a third time, and it was obvious he wasn't going to  answer his phone, so I left a message.

"Dude, I just talked to Libby. She thinks you and Abigail have been  hooking up all this time. Abigail talked to Libby in the library a  couple of weeks ago. She made it seem like y'all were together. Luke,  please don't do this. Call Libby."

I hit End and stared at my phone, but nothing happened. I tried to call  Libby, and her phone went directly to voice mail. I sat down on my bed  and let out a frustrated moan.

My phone pinged.

Lex: I miss you. <3

Me: God, I miss you.

Lex: Guess what?

Me: You're naked and touching yourself, and you want to FaceTime?

Lex: Nope. Better.

Me: What in the hell could be better than you naked?

Lex: Me standing in the hallway outside your dorm room and somewhat naked.

I stared at her reply for a few seconds. I got up, walked to the door, and opened it.

"Surprise!" Lex smiled at me.

"Lex? You didn't tell me … " I looked her body up and down.

She was dressed in a long coat and had a large purse over her shoulder.

"Why in the hell are you wearing that coat? It's not that cold out."

She looked both ways down the hall before she untied it and held it open.


She was completely naked under the coat.

I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into my room before shutting the door. "Holy hell. Tell me you didn't drive like that?"

She giggled. "Nope. I met a girl outside your hall, and I told her I was  here to surprise you. She let me use her bathroom to change."

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "You sneaky thing. What if Luke had been here?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she took off the coat and let it fall to  the floor. I licked my lips as I took in her perfect body. I reached  behind her and locked the door. Then, I picked her up and carried her to  my bed.

"I missed you, Will. I can stay until Sunday."

I gently kissed her lips. I began kissing down her neck and made my way to her breasts. She let out a soft moan.

"God, I missed you, too, Lex."

I began sucking on her nipple as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Yes … Will."

"Oh, Lex, you feel so good."

"Touch me, Will. Please touch me."

I moved my hand down her body and between her legs as she spread them  open for me. I slipped my fingers in and let out a moan as I moved my  fingers in and out of her wetness.

"You're so ready, Lex."

I began kissing her neck as I worked my fingers. I moved down to her breasts and sucked on one nipple and then the other.

Her breathing increased, and she pushed her hips up to me. "I need you, Will."

I quickly stood up and stripped out of my clothes. I reached into my  side drawer, took out a condom, and rolled it on. I couldn't wait to  bury myself inside her. I crawled over her, and her smile made my  stomach take a fast dip. I placed my tip at her entrance and teased her  for a bit while I kissed her lips tenderly.

"I love you, Lex," I whispered as I pushed my dick into her.

She let out a gasp and whispered back, "I love you, too, Will. I love you so much."

I moved in and out of her slowly and gently as we kissed passionately.  Nothing felt better than making love to Lex. If I could crawl into her  body, I would.

We hadn't seen each other in two weeks, and I had missed her touch more  than I'd thought. We could now only go two weeks max without seeing each  other. I had three tests coming up this week, and I was planning on  driving to Austin to see her this weekend, but her coming here on  Thursday gave us more time to spend together and gave me time to study.         



"Lex, you feel so good, baby."

Her fingertips lightly moved up and down my body, leaving a trail of  fire in their wake. With each stroke, I felt my love for her. I didn't  think I could love her any more, but every time I saw her, made love to  her, or talked to her, my love would grow stronger and stronger.

"Will … " she whispered as she arched her body. She began saying my name over and over.

"Talk to me, Lex."

"Will, oh God … "

I pushed in more and tried to hit the spot that would send her over the  edge. My own desire was beginning to bubble up, and I didn't want to  come before her.

She snapped her eyes open and looked into mine. I pressed my lips to  hers, and I took in her moans of pleasure. It wasn't long before I was  releasing myself and moaning back into her mouth.

As I slowed down and came to stop above her, I saw a tear beginning to  roll down her face. I leaned down and kissed it away. I whispered, "Is  that a happy tear, Lex?"

She nodded her head and whispered back, "Very happy tear. You make me feel so loved and so wanted, Will."

I swallowed and closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. "Lex, I'll love and want you until the day I die."

"Will … " She placed her hand on my neck and brought me in for another kiss.

Our kiss was filled with so much love that I could feel it moving between our bodies.

I got an idea. "Can I take you somewhere, Lex?"

She smiled. "Are you going to take me to heaven and back again?"

I grinned. "How about later? I don't think my guy can recharge that fast."

She pushed my chest and laughed. "You can take me anywhere. First, will you hand me my bag, please?"

I got up, reached for it, and handed it to her.

She began taking her jeans and T-shirt out. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special," I said with a wink.

"Will, it's so beautiful here," Lex said as she looked around.

It was a bit chilly, so Lex was wearing one of my A&M sweatshirts.  She looked beautiful, all swallowed up in it. Her shoulder-length brown  hair was swept up and piled on top of her head with a few strands  hanging down. Her blue eyes looked like diamonds sparkling when the  light hit them in just the right way.

I took her hand and walked us over to a bench overlooking the pond. The  sun would be setting soon, and the sky was turning an orange-pink color.  I sat down, and she sat next to me.

"The time we were apart, I would come here every day, sometimes twice a day, while I was running."

She squeezed my hand as she looked at me.

I looked at her. "I did a lot of thinking during that time, and I know you did, too."

She nodded her head and smiled. I began playing with her promise ring.  When I had come home for Christmas, I had never been so happy when I  looked down and saw it on her finger. Since then, I'd wanted to ask her  if she'd ever taken it off.

"Did you ever take this off, Lex?"

She glanced down to her ring and then back up to my eyes. "Never. Not once."

I smiled and placed my finger on her chin. I pulled her closer to me to  kiss her. My lips were still touching hers when I whispered, "I love you  so much."

She smiled. "I love you more."

I laughed and looked out over the water. The sun was sinking farther in  the sky. I took a deep breath and got ready to do the one thing I'd been  dreaming of since I was ten years old.

I turned my body and faced her, and she did the same. I took both her  hands in mine and began rubbing my thumbs back and forth across the  backs of her hands.

"Lex, I remember the first time you looked at me and smiled. Right then,  I felt something happen. I swear, I was only ten. In that moment, I  knew that I wanted you to be mine. The way you smiled at me used to  literally take my breath away." I chuckled. "Hell, it still does."

Lex sniffled, and I saw a tear rolling down her face. I reached up and wiped it away. She smiled at me, and my heart soared.

"I know your daddy loves you, and I want to do this proper and all, but I  also want this moment to be just you and me. I want it to be a moment  that is only ours and no one else's."

She let a sob escape her throat.

"Lex, I love you so much. I never want to be apart from you again. I  can't breathe without you. When I think of my future, I only see you in  it. I want to make love to you every day. I want to take long walks on  the ranch with you and watch you fuss over Banjo. I want to see you  coming toward me in a beautiful white dress before I take you somewhere  amazing for our honeymoon. I dream of holding children of our own in my  arms and watching them grow up to love the ranch as much as we do. I  have so many dreams for us, Lex."         



She started crying, and my voice cracked. I had already bought her  engagement ring a few weeks ago. Originally, I had planned on asking  Gunner for her hand in marriage and then formally asking her when we all  went to the coast this summer.