Reading Online Novel

Without You(38)

She hissed, "Yes," through her teeth.

I rolled it on and grabbed her leg. I pushed myself into her, and she  let out a moan. I stopped moving, so I could just feel her warmth.

Her head dropped back as she whispered, "Finally."

I began moving in and out, and we both moaned.

I need more.

"Will, I need more."

I smiled, knowing we both wanted the same thing. I picked her up, and  she wrapped her legs around me. I walked her up to the wall and pushed  her against it.

"Yes, Will. I'm so sorry. I love you so much, and I never, ever want to be apart from each other."

I pulled out and pushed into her. "Lex, you're my everything."

"Yes, oh God, yes."

"I love you, Lex. Don't ever leave me. Don't ever leave me."

She shook her head as she began thrusting her hips. "Never, Will. Faster. Will, please do it harder and faster."

I closed my eyes and prayed to God I lasted long enough for her to come.  I began pounding into her over and over as she let out one quiet moan  after another. There was no way I would take her to that bed.

Hell no.

"Will! I'm going to come. Kiss me! Oh God, kiss me!"

When I slammed my lips to hers, she began pulsing around my dick and  moaning into my mouth. She dug her fingers into my shoulders, and I was  glad I had a T-shirt on still.

Then, I felt my buildup.

God, how I've missed her.

I pulled out and pushed in deeper, and then I exploded inside her as one of the most powerful orgasms ripped through my body.

I pulled my lips back as I panted, "Jesus … feels so damn good … Lex."

By the time I was done, my legs and arms were shaking. Lex started kissing me again like she'd never kissed me before.

That was when I heard his voice.

"Banjo's here, so they must have come back."


My eyes and Lex's eyes grew bigger as I quietly put her down. I took off  the condom, tied it, grabbed my pants, and slipped them on. I looked  around for a place to hide the condom, and I ended up sticking it in my  pocket. Lex opened her mouth, and she made a funny face by scrunching up  her nose. I shrugged and put my sneakers on as I listened to Gunner,  Jeff, and my father all talking.

"I'll text Will," my dad said.

I stopped moving and reached for my phone as Lex began jumping up and  down ever so quietly. I slid the volume button down just in time. Lex  and I both let out a breath.

Then, she threw her hands up to her mouth. She began pointing down.

I looked at her and mouthed, What?

She was about to say something when her phone went off, and we both stopped and stood perfectly still.

"Well, here is Alex's phone in the tack room. She must have left it," Gunner said.

Lex quickly began getting dressed as I stood there, thinking of my last moments alive on earth.

They were good moments. I'm with Lex, and that's all that matters.

"Let me see if they are with Luke and the others," Jeff said.

I closed my eyes and prayed that fucker came through for me.

"Luke, it's Dad. Are Will and Alex with y'all? Banjo is here in the  barn. We found Alex's phone here, too, and Will isn't answering his  phone."

I held my breath, waiting and praying. I watched Lex slipping on her boots. She slowly stood up, and we stared at each other.

"Oh, okay. Well, let Alex know her dad has her phone, will you? Y'all don't stay out too late. Okay, have fun, and be careful."

I slowly looked toward the stairs and then around the loft. Where could we hide if they decide to come up here?

"Luke said Will and Alex are with them in town. Guess they all decided to go play miniature golf."

"Will's truck is gone, so it makes sense," my father said.

I quickly pulled out my phone and sent Libby a text.

Me: Libby, I need you to pick me and Lex up, but take the old dirt road and meet us behind the barn at Grams and Gramps's place.

Libby: Why? I'm busy.

Me: Bullshit, you aren't busy. If you want me to live another day and not die at the hands of Gunner, you will come get us.

Libby: OMG! Y'all made up! I'm so happy. Okay, I'm not too far away. I'm at our thinking place. I'll be there soon.

Me: Give us time to get out there. We're at Lex's main barn by her house.         



Libby: I'm so laughing out loud right now. Y'all had sex in the loft, didn't you? Who's there?

Me: I hate you. Gunner, Jeff, and Dad!

Libby: You totally owe me.

Me: Anything.

Libby: I'll think about it. On my way.

I looked at Lex and gave her a thumbs-up. She nodded and smiled. We  stood there and listened to Gunner, Jeff, and my dad talk about some  stuff around the ranch. Finally, they started heading out of the barn.

As they left the barn, I heard Gunner say, "All right, well, let's head  on back and let Ellie and Heather know that Alex and Will are with the  rest of the kids."

I walked over to the edge of the stairs and listened to their voices as  they retreated away. When I turned around, Lex slammed her body into  mine and started kissing me. I was instantly turned-on again.

"One more time. We can be fast," she whispered after pulling her lips from mine.

I laughed. "No. Come on, we need to get to Libby."

She pouted. "For a minute, I thought your life was in serious danger."

I frowned. "So did I."

She chuckled, and we made our way down the stairs. I peeked my head out  and didn't see anyone. I grabbed Lex's hand, and we began running toward  the ranch's main barn. It was the original barn near Lex's  great-grandparents' house, so it was a good couple of miles away from  Lex's house.

By the time we got to where Libby was waiting, I was exhausted.

"I swear, I saw a mountain lion." Lex panted and tried to get her breathing under control.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "It was a fox, Lex."

Libby stood there, smiling from ear to ear. "Are we good?"

I looked at Lex, and we both smiled.

"We still have some stuff to talk about, but we're better than good," I said.

Libby did a little jump and let out a small scream. Lex ran up to her, and they hugged.

"Come on, ladies, let's go play some miniature golf."

"Huh?" Libby asked as she jumped into the backseat of my truck.

Lex let out a laugh.

"You don't want to know," I said.

Will grabbed my hand as we walked up to the Pirates Miniature Golf. I  could hear Colt and Luke arguing about something. When Grace looked over  and saw us, she smiled from ear to ear. Grace and I hadn't told anyone  that we were going to be heading to A&M next year. Only our parents  and now Will knew.

Libby walked by Luke, who stopped and watched her. He looked like he wanted to say something.

Instead, he turned back to Colt. "You cheat, Colt."

"I do not, you asswipe. I got that hole in three swings. Lauren, did I not get that in three shots?"

Lauren smiled. "Hate to say it, Luke, but he got it in three swings."

Luke mumbled something under his breath and walked over toward the counter. "I need a Coke."

Taylor walked up to Will and me as she smiled. "I take it y'all worked things out?"

I grinned and nodded my head.

"Good, 'cause you two being apart really sucked. I've never seen two people so in love in my life. You're both really lucky."

Will dropped my hand and pulled Taylor in for a hug. "Tay, don't rush it. It'll happen when it's meant to happen."

She pulled back and nodded. "I know. I guess I'm just waiting for that  one guy who makes a difference. I sure haven't found him in  Fredericksburg or Mason, that's for sure."

I let out a chortle. "Taylor, you have plenty of time."

She smiled weakly. "Yeah, I guess so."

We spent the rest of the evening just hanging out and having fun. It  felt normal yet different. Will and I still needed to talk about me  going back to UT and him going to A&M.

I glanced over to Libby. She was listening to something Grace was  saying, but she looked a million miles away. I decided I would talk to  her tomorrow.

I turned to look at Luke. He was texting someone.

Probably his damn fuck buddy. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch him.

He seemed upset by something he had just read on his phone. He looked  directly up at me. I smiled, and he returned my smile. His eyes seemed  so lost and confused.

Tilting my head, I mouthed, Are you okay?

He nodded his head.


I was going to talk to Will about Luke.

Libby let out a small scream at something Grace had just said to her,  and Luke quickly looked at her as he jumped up. When he saw her smiling,  he sat down.

Libby glanced up at me. "Y'all are coming to A&M next year?"

"What?" Maegan yelled out. "So not fair!"

I giggled as Will pulled me closer to him.

"Yep, Grace and I are both transferring to A&M," I said.         



"Ugh!" Maegan sat down and pouted.

"I thought you loved Baylor, Meg," I said.

She let out a long sigh. "I do. It's just … I miss y'all."

"Think how we feel. We still have half a year in high school," Lauren said.

Colt cleared his throat and looked around. "We need to make each other a promise right now."

"What kind of promise?" Taylor asked.