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Without You(31)

By:Kelly Elliott

When I felt his fingers inside me, I let out a sigh of relief. "Feels so good," I whispered.

Then, he moved and slowly pushed himself in so deep that I let out a  gasp. He continued to move in and out. He was being so gentle. His lips  came to my ear where he began telling me how much he loved me.

That was when last night decided to rear its ugly head. Blake's voice invaded my thoughts.

I want you to know what you do to me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I pushed last night and Blake from my mind. I whispered, "I love you, Will. I love you so much."

Two Months Later

I sat in the small café, trying to study. I had only seen Lex one time  in the last two months because of our crazy schedules at school. It  seemed like both of us had taken on schedules tougher than we had  anticipated. Then, Lex had a huge project she had been working on with a  few classmates the last two weekends in a row.

I was going insane, and I knew she was, too. Our last two attempts to  FaceTime each other hadn't worked out, and I had heard the frustration  in her voice. Weeks of texting and not being able to release our sexual  frustrations were getting to the both of us. After Thanksgiving  vacation, Lex was going to bring her car to school, so we could at least  attempt to see each other more often.

I let out a sigh and picked up my phone.

Me: Thinking about you.

Lex: Thinking about you. What are you doing?

Me: Studying. You?

Lex: Heading to a study group. Big chemistry test before vacation.

I knew Lex had been hanging around that Blake guy more and more. They  were in a study group together, and she had brought him up a few times. I  didn't like the guy. The first time I'd met him, I'd mentioned I was  Lex's boyfriend, and he'd rubbed me wrong. The way he'd looked at her  pissed me off.

Me: Who all is going to be there?

Lex: I guess the normal people. Grace was supposed to go, but she backed out. She's not feeling well.

Me: How late will you be there?

Lex: I don't think too late. I can't wait to see you! I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving and see everyone!

Me: I can't wait to fuck you against another door.

Lex: God, Will. I'm so horny all the time, and you don't make it easier when you talk to me like that.

Me: Can you FaceTime? I'll go to my truck.

Lex: I can't. I'm here. I love you! I'll call you when I'm done. Bye!

Me: K. I love you, too, Lex. Later.

"Fuck," I whispered as I gathered up my books.

I headed back to the dorm. I pulled up and saw Callie Morgan talking to  her fiancé, Joe Michaels. They were both in my English Lit class. Callie  was a cute girl with blonde hair and green eyes, and she was shorter  than Lex. She was probably one of the most outgoing girls I'd ever met.  Joe was tall and built, and he had no problem telling you how it was.  They made a cute couple, and where one was, the other was surely nearby.

"Hayes! How's it going?" Joe said.

I smiled and reached out to shake Joe's hand.

Callie smiled. "How are you?"

"Frustrated that my girlfriend is at another school, but other than that, I'm doing good. What are y'all up to?"

"We're planning our next mission trip. We're heading to Oklahoma to help  rebuild some places that were destroyed by the latest round of tornados  that moved through that area."         



Callie and Joe were probably two of the kindest people I'd ever met.

"You want to go with us, Hayes?" Joe asked. "It's over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks."

I smiled. "I wish I could, but I miss my family. Miss my girl, ya know? When is the next one?"

"Spring break! We're going home for a couple of days and then heading to Florida to help a church build a new schoolhouse."

I shook my head. "Y'all are good people. I'll keep it in mind."

"That's better than a no!" Joe said.

I laughed as I shook Joe's hand again and said good-bye. I headed to my  room, and I spent the rest of the afternoon waiting to hear back from  Lex.

"Alex is going to be so surprised that you're showing up a day early to pick her up," Libby said with a giggle.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I hope so. Hey, are you sure you want to  drive home with Luke? You seemed uncertain the other day."

"Nah, it'll be fine. I'm going to bring back my car, I think. That way I  don't have to depend on you two." Libby looked around. "Where is Luke?"

"At the gym. He's been going a lot lately. Something has been weighing  heavily on his mind. He hasn't even gone out in the last month. He's  been here every night."

I sighed and shook my head. Lex and I hadn't been able to have our  FaceTime fun because both Luke and Grace were always in our dorm rooms  whenever Lex and I could fit in a chat.

"Give Alex a big hug for me, and tell her I'll see her tomorrow night."

It was Sunday, and I wasn't supposed to be in Austin until tomorrow. The  plan was to pick up Lex and Grace and head to Mason on Monday. I'd  booked a hotel room in Austin for Lex and me for tonight to surprise  her.

I walked out to my truck and turned to face Libby. "Lib, what's going on  with you and Luke? Y'all used to be the best of friends."

Libby's eyes glossed over, and she looked away as she shrugged. "I don't  know, Will. I guess Luke doesn't want to be friends with me. I think he  likes his fuck buddies better."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Lib, he hasn't even mentioned Abigail in  so long. I don't think he's seen her since that weekend on the coast."

Libby sucked in a deep breath and let it out. "Doesn't matter. I've  tried to figure it out, and I'm done with it. I just have to get through  the drive home. Then, I'll have my own car, and I can see less and less  of Luke."

My heart hurt for my sister. I knew she cared about Luke. She might even  be in love with him. I'd also seen the way Luke looked at her. He had  strong feelings for her, and he was fighting them. I needed to make sure  it wasn't because of me.

"Have a safe drive. Let me know when you get there."

"Will do. Love you, Lib."

She smiled. "I love you, too, Will."

An hour and a half later, I was in Austin. I pulled over and parked my car in the parking lot, and then I sent Lex a text.

Me: Hey, baby. What are you up to?

Lex: Hey, handsome. Nothing. Just finishing up lunch with a few people. What about you?

Me: Not much. Where are y'all eating?

Lex: Just across the street from my dorm at the Littlefield Patio Café.

Me: Text me when you head back to your room.

Lex: Okay. We are finishing up and leaving now.

I smiled and jumped out of my truck as I made my way to Duren Hall, Lex  and Grace's dorm. I knew where the café was, so I sat down on a bench  where I could see when Lex would be walking up. The moment I saw her  walking and laughing with Blake, it felt like someone had punched me in  the stomach.

I sat there and watched them. Two other people were walking behind them.  Lex turned and said something to one girl, and then everyone started  laughing. They all stopped and talked for a bit.

I pulled out my phone.

Me: Are you back at your room?

I watched as Lex pulled her phone out of her back pocket before reading my text message.

Lex: Nope, not yet. Just saying good-bye.

Me: Who are you with?

Lex: Couple people from the study group.

Me: That study group is really starting to become a regular thing, isn't it?

Lex: What does that mean, Will?

Me: Blake with you?

Lex: Are you angry with me?

She avoided my question about Blake.

I didn't text her back. I watched as she looked down at her phone every  few seconds. She pushed it back into her pocket and turned to say  something to Blake. His smile dropped, and he motioned for them to head  inside Duren Hall. I watched them walk through the door to the building.

I waited a few seconds and followed, but then an older woman at the front desk stopped me.         



"Who are you here to see?"

"Grace. Grace Johnson."

"Is she expecting you?"

I nodded my head.

She picked up the phone and hit a number. "Miss Johnson, are you expecting a-"

"Will Hayes."

"Will Hayes? Okay, very well." She hung up the phone and smiled. "Do you know how to get up there?"

I smiled. "Yes, ma'am, I do."

I made my way over to the elevator. I hit the button for Lex's floor and  took in a few deep breaths. When I stepped off the elevator, I heard  Lex's and Blake's voices.

"Doesn't seem like he really makes an effort to come visit you, Alex."

"Blake, you don't know Will. He would be here every weekend if he could."

"Can you trust him? I mean, what if he's seeing someone else?"

"No, he wouldn't do that. He made me a promise. Why are you trying to plant doubt in my head, Blake?"

"What about us, Alex?"

What. The. Fuck?

"What do you mean, Blake? There is no us. We're friends, and that's it."

"That night at my birthday party, you didn't dance with me like you wanted to be just my friend, Alex."

My knees about gave out on me, and I felt sick to my stomach.

"From the way you look at me sometimes, I can see you're confused about your feelings. I want to be more than friends, Alex."