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Without You(30)

By:Kelly Elliott

Why is Grace so mad?

Oh God, did I do something with Blake?

No, I would never do that to Will, drunk or not.

I jumped in the shower and began washing my hair. I moved on to my body  and scrubbed it with soap. After drying off, I brushed my teeth again  and then made my way out to the room. I picked up my phone and hit  Will's number.


My heart dropped. He never called me Alex.

"Will, I'm so sorry."

"What in the hell? I've been worried sick. I even tried to call Grace, but she didn't answer."

I looked at Grace and gave her a funny look. "Um … I'm not sure why she wasn't answering her phone."

Grace smirked at me. "I wasn't answering because after I went running  this morning, I stopped at Starbucks, and I left my phone there. They're  holding it for me."

"Grace left her phone at Starbucks this morning. Will, I'm so sorry. I  left my phone in the bathroom last night, and I just woke up a little  bit ago."

"It's almost one in the afternoon, Lex."

I closed my eyes and felt the tears building. "I had too much to drink last night."


I swallowed hard. "Will? Are you still there?"

"Yeah. I'm turning around and heading back to A&M."

"Wait! Where are you? I can meet you!"

Silence again.

"Will? I'm really sorry. I didn't even realize I had drunk so much, and … well, I just wanted to have fun."

"Sounds like you did, Lex."

I closed my eyes. "Where are you? I can meet you."

"I'm tired, Lex. I have a test on Monday, so I'm just going to head back  to A&M. I'm glad you're okay. I was really freaking out."

My heart was literally hurting. I opened my eyes and felt a tear rolling  down my face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. Will you  please tell me where you're at?"

"I'm in Austin."

I jumped up. "Will, why would you leave? You've already come all this way. Please … I need to see you."

"I'm sitting outside your dorm, Lex. I was just talking to your friend Blake."

My whole world stopped. Oh God. What did I do last night? I looked at Grace. "How in the world did you meet Blake?"

Grace's eyes widened in surprise.

"He asked who I was looking for. After I mentioned your name, he said you were in his study group."

My heart began pounding. Blake had lied to him. I had never gone to the study group before.

"I'm on my way. Let me throw on some clothes. Please, Will, please don't leave."

"I won't," he whispered.

"Be right there! Bye."

The phone went dead.

I looked at Grace and busted out into tears. "Oh my God, Grace. Did I do  something wrong last night? I don't remember anything. Grace! What did I  do?"

She got up, picked up a pair of jeans, and handed them to me. I pulled them on quickly and grabbed a T-shirt.

"Alex, you didn't do anything but drink too much. You danced a little too close to Blake, that's all."         



I stopped moving. "What do you mean, danced a little too close?"

"You were all up on him, and his lips were getting a little too friendly with your neck."

I felt sick to my stomach. "Did I … did I … "

"You didn't do anything."

I let out a breath. "Oh, thank God."

I made my way to the door and quickly ran to the elevator.

Why would Will leave if he's right here? He's mad. He must be so mad at me.

I pushed open the doors and quickly started scanning the area outside.  When I saw Will, my heart began pounding in my chest. Smiling, I made my  way over to him. When his eyes met mine, I started running. He smiled,  and I began crying. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around  his waist.

"Oh God. Oh God, I've missed you so much!" I cried as I buried my face into his neck.

"Lex, baby, I've missed you, too."

"Please don't be mad at me. I'm so, so sorry. I swear I'll never drink  like that again. I swear." I pulled back and searched his eyes. "I love  you, Will."

He reached up and placed his hand behind my neck. He pulled me in for a  kiss. I wasn't sure how long we were kissing for, but it was turning  more passionate by the second.

Then, I heard a male clear his throat. I pulled back some and smiled at  Will. He smiled back and winked at me as he slowly put me down.

Will turned and looked at someone. "Thanks, Blake."

Blake? My stomach knotted up as I slowly looked over at Blake.

He smiled at Will. "Sure, no problem. I've never seen you here before,  and you looked like you were lost." He glanced over to me. "Good  morning, Alex. I heard you had a little too much to drink last night."


He was playing a game with me, and I wasn't about to participate.

"You would know, Blake. You were there."

Will looked between Blake and me with a confused look on his face.

Blake laughed. "Yeah, I was. It was my party after all." He slapped Will  on the back. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Will. Hope to see you  around soon. Take care of her. She's a special girl."

Wait-what? What in the hell?

Will attempted to smile as he shook Blake's hand. "Yeah, nice meeting you, too."

Blake turned and walked away. I quickly looked back at Will.

I grabbed his hand and smiled. "Come on, let me show you our room!"

He chuckled and quickly kissed me on the lips. "Sounds good."

I opened the door.

Grace screamed and ran into Will's arms. "It's so good to see a familiar face! I've missed you, William Hayes."

Will laughed. "Same here, Grace."

Grace and I showed Will all around our dorm room, the building, the café, and a few other places around campus.

Finally, Grace said, "Well, I think I'll go get my phone and hang out at  Starbucks for a couple of hours or so. I have a book I've been dying to  read."

Will grabbed my hand. Then, he leaned down and kissed Grace on the cheek. "Happy reading. Love ya, girl."

He quickly turned and began pulling me back toward our dorm.

I looked back at Grace and yelled, "Thank you! Love you!"

She lifted her hand. "Yeah, yeah. See ya soon. Have fun!"

Will opened the door to my room and shut it before pushing me against  the other side of the door. He began stripping me out of my clothes.

"Oh God … Will … " I was panting heavily.

I quickly began unbuttoning his pants. He grabbed a condom before I  pushed them down, and his dick sprang free. I grabbed it and began  stroking him.

"Jesus, Lex, I want to make love to you. I want you so bad."

I dropped my head back against the door. "Take me, Will. I need to feel you."

Will reached down for a condom and quickly put it on before he ripped my  lace panties off and picked me up. The moment I felt him inside me, I  felt whole again. It was like something had been missing this whole  time.

"Yes! Oh God, yes!"

"Lex, I can't stop myself."

He pounded in and out of me, fast and hard, and I loved every second of it.

"Harder. Will, I'm so close."

"Lex, baby, hurry."

He pulled out and then slammed back into me, causing me to slam against  the door. I was sure anyone walking by would know what was going on.

"That's it! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

He pressed his lips against mine and let out a moan. He moved in and out  of me a few more times before he stopped. He stopped kissing me long  enough to pull out, take off the condom, and toss it into the trash. He  kicked off his pants, picked me up, and carried me to my bed. He laid me  down and crawled on top of me where he began teasing my entrance with  his semi-hard dick. The way he was kissing me was both tender and  passionate. I couldn't get enough of him.         



"I'm. So. Sorry," he whispered between kisses.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "For what?"

He shook his head, and his eyes looked so sad. "For fucking you when all I really wanted to do was make love to you."

My stomach did a crazy flip, and my heart felt like it had dropped to my  stomach. I placed my hands on the sides of his face. "I loved every  second of it. It was hot as hell, and I'd love to do that more often."

He smiled bigger. "It was pretty hot, wasn't it?"

I bit my lower lip and nodded my head. He leaned down and kissed me as  he began pushing himself into me, a little bit more each time. It felt  amazing.

He moved his head back and closed his eyes. "Motherfucker. That feels so good, Lex, but I don't have a condom on."

No wonder it felt so good. "Just a couple more times, Will. Please, I just want to feel you."

He pushed all the way in, and we both let out a moan.

"Don't move, Will."

I wanted to feel him inside me with nothing between us.

"Lex … " he whispered as he moved just a little bit.

He quickly pulled out of me and jumped up from the bed. He went to his  pants on the floor. When I saw him grab a condom, I felt disappointed. I  was on birth control, so why he insisted on a condom was beyond me.

He rolled it on and climbed back over me.