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Without You(29)

By:Kelly Elliott

She shrugged her shoulders and looked around. "No one else seems to be  worried about it. I heard someone say he was gone for the weekend, so  that's why they threw the party here."

I glanced around again. "I guess I'll have a beer. Seems to be what  everyone is drinking. Make sure no one touches it!" I shouted.

Grace laughed and walked toward the other side of the room. I stood  there and looked around. The French doors were open, and a group of  people were dancing outside.

A bit later, Grace tapped my shoulder and handed me a beer. "Let's go outside. I feel like dancing."

I followed Grace outside. She instantly began moving her hips, and about  ten guys focused on her. Three came up, one right after another, and  asked her to dance, but she turned each one down.

"You weren't kidding when you said you've given up on men."

She shook her head. "Nope. I'm done. D.O.N.E."

Then, "Turn Down for What" by DJ Snake and Lil Jon started playing, and Grace really started dancing.

"Will you dance with me?" someone asked while I was watching Grace dance.

I didn't even bother to look at the person. I shook my head and turned it a bit as I shouted, "No, thanks."

"I can't believe you won't even dance with the birthday boy."

Then, I recognized Blake's voice. I spun around to see him standing there, wearing a silly birthday hat.

I smiled and shook my head. "It's your birthday? This is your party?" I let out a laugh.

"Yes, ma'am. It's my birthday, and I have to warn you. I'm feeling a bit tipsy."

Grace walked up and looked at Blake. "Hey, it's the hot guy from our tour!"

I instantly felt my cheeks warming up.

Blake looked at her and then at me. "Hot guy, huh?"

Grace laughed. "Yeah. You got a name?"

"Grace, this is Blake Turner. Blake, this is my best friend and roommate, Grace Johnson."

Grace stared at me.

"I ran into him at the café the other day."

She smiled and looked back at Blake. "Happy birthday, birthday boy!"

Blake smiled big and pointed to Grace. "Dance with me?"

Grace laughed. "Sure. Why the hell not?"

I watched as Blake grabbed Grace's hand and pulled her to where everyone  was dancing. "Wiggle" by Jason Derulo began playing, and I watched as  Grace and Blake danced close to each other. He was moving his hands all  over Grace's body, and for some reason, it was starting to irritate me.  Grace turned and pushed her ass into Blake. As they moved together, he  said something into her ear, and she began laughing.

I looked away and pulled out my phone. Nothing from Will.

Looking back out, Grace was facing Blake. They weren't as close as they  had been before, but talk about dirty dancing. I'd never in my life been  jealous of Grace-with the exception of this very moment. I shook my  head. I decided I was just missing Will, and I was mad and upset that I  didn't get to see him.         



I glanced around at everyone dancing, and my father's voice popped in my head.

Have fun, Alex. Just enjoy being young and experiencing new things.

I downed my beer and walked back inside for another one. I ran into  Chrissie, who was in my calculus class, and I hadn't even known it until  this last week. We talked for a bit while I finished my second beer.  Then, Chrissie got us three Fireball shots each. I was starting to feel  pretty good. I asked for another beer and decided I should go check on  Grace.

She's probably making out with Blake.

For some reason, that thought made my stomach upset.

I stepped outside and took in a deep breath. I looked around and saw  Grace talking to a girl and two guys, and neither guy was Blake.

"Stupid Love" by Jason Derulo started playing.

Someone must like this guy because they keep playing his songs.

A hand was suddenly on my lower back, and it began guiding me to the  middle of the dance floor. Somehow, I knew it was Blake. I turned to  face him and smiled when I saw him.

"You have to dance with me. It's my birthday."

I pulled out my phone. It was twelve thirty. "I do believe your birthday was yesterday, Mr. Turner."

He tilted his head and raised his eyebrow at me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Just have fun, Alex. Discover what's out in the world besides Mason.

I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or my slight attraction to Blake,  but I wrapped my arms around him and began moving my hips against his.  He smiled as he dug his fingers into me a bit more. We slowly moved to  the beats of the song, and I closed my eyes as I wished I were dancing  with Will.

I felt a warm breath on my neck.

"Are you thinking of your boyfriend, Alex?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Blake's lips. I instantly licked my lips, and Blake let out a moan.

"If you are, he is one lucky son of a bitch."

I couldn't even think of anything to say, so I smiled. "I should probably head back up to my room. I think I drank too much."

Blake pulled me closer to him, and I felt his hard dick. He moved his  lips to my ear. His hot breath was making me feel light-headed, and I  was so confused by what I was feeling. I wanted Will so much, but being  in Blake's arms aroused me.

"I want you to know what you do to me."

He moved his lips across my neck, not kissing me but just barely  brushing them against my skin. My head was spinning, and when he stepped  away, he was smiling. He knew what he had done to me. I was a weak and  stupid idiot for letting him get to me like he had.

I shook my head and walked away to find Grace.

"Grace, I'm not feeling very well. I think I had too much to drink. I had three Fireballs."

"You had shots? With who, Alex?"

"Um … a few girls from my calculus class. Grace, I'm not feeling well."

Grace pulled me to her side, and we made our way back into the commons  area. Then, we headed to the elevator. Once we got into our room, I made  a run for the bathroom. I hit the floor and began throwing up into the  toilet.

"Jesus H. Christ, Alex. How much did you drink?"

I began crying as Grace handed me a warm washcloth. "Too much I guess."

Grace sat down on the side of the tub and sighed. "I'd say so, Alex. I  knew the moment I saw you dancing all up on Blake that you must have had  too much to drink."

I looked up at Grace. "What? I wasn't all up on him."

Grace gave me a dirty look. "Please, Alex. I saw the way y'all were dancing. I almost walked over and pulled you away from him."

"Grace, I wasn't doing anything. Blake respects the fact that I have a boyfriend."

"Uh-huh. That's why he was pushing himself into you and running his lips along your neck."

I fell back onto my ass. "What the fuck, Grace? Should I dissect your dance with him when you had your ass all up on his dick?"

Grace stood up and looked down at me. "The difference with that, Lex, is I'm not dating anyone."

She turned, walked out of the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. I sat  there on the cold tile floor, trying to make sense out of everything. I  got up and brushed my teeth. I decided I would think about it all in  the morning when my head wasn't fuzzy from alcohol.

After making my way back into our room, I stripped out of my clothes,  grabbed a shirt, and pulled it over my head. Grace was already in bed. I  walked over to my bed, pulled the covers back, and crawled in bed.

I'm so tired. I just need to sleep.

"Alex. Alex!"

I pulled the pillow over my head. "Grace, leave me alone. I have a hangover."

"Alex, damn it! Get the hell up. Will has been blowing up your phone!"         



I sat up faster than I should have. I put my hand up to my mouth, jumped  out of bed, and ran into the bathroom. I no sooner got in the bathroom  before I was throwing up. I sat down and leaned against the wall.

"Oh my God, I've never felt so terrible before in my life."

I looked up to see Grace staring down at me, holding my phone.

"You left it in here last night. It looks like he has been trying to call you since one in the morning."

I reached for the phone. I had twenty-five missed calls and ten text messages. The last call was ten minutes ago.

"Oh shit."

I pulled up and read the messages. They were all pretty much the same.

Will: Lex, call me.

Will: Lex, I'm starting to worry.

Will: Fuck, Lex, you're scaring me.

The last one really caught my attention.

Will: I'm heading to Austin. Borrowing a friend's car.

I snapped my head up and looked at Grace. Then, I let out a moan and  held my throbbing head. "Oh my God, Will is on his way here."

Grace turned and walked away.

What in the hell is wrong with her?

I stood up and quickly brushed my teeth. I took a few Tylenol and headed back into the room.

"I need to get dressed."

"You need to take a shower. All I smell is alcohol and the remnants of Blake Turner."

I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned slowly to look at her. "Excuse me?"

"Smell your hair. You smell like his cologne."

I shook my head and went back into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, I tried to remember what had happened last night.