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Without You(27)

By:Kelly Elliott

Meet new people, Alex. Make new friends. Have fun and experience new things.

"Both. I have a huge test in calculus and another in chemistry."

When he smiled, I found myself smiling back. He opened the door to the  Littlefield Patio Café and motioned for me to go inside. I did, and he  followed behind me.

"You're in luck. I aced both classes last year, and I'm hungry."

I laughed. "Well, would you like to join me for lunch then?"

He winked. "I thought you'd never ask."

We made our way over to a corner table.

I went to sit down. "Wait-I still don't even know your name."

The way his eyes moved across my body made me both nervous and excited.  He set my books down and held out his hand. I reached for it, and he  shook it.

"Blake Turner."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Blake Turner. Alex Mathews."

He pulled my hand up and kissed the back of it. "The pleasure is all mine."

His eyes danced with passion, and I knew I should immediately tell him about Will. Instead, I pulled my hand away and sat down.

The waitress came over and glared at me before she turned to Blake. "Hey, Blake. How are you?"

Blake looked up and smiled. "Hey, Chrissie. I'm doing good. How are you?"

She glanced over to me quickly before looking back at Blake. "Just got  here for my shift and already looking forward to getting off."

Blake smiled and nodded his head. "Alex, you know what you'd like?"

I grinned and said, "I'll take a grilled chicken salad and Diet Coke, please."

"I'll have a grilled chicken wrap and iced tea, Chrissie."

Chrissie winked at Blake. "Sure thing. I'll go get your drinks."

He looked back at me. "How are you liking UT?"

I shrugged. "It's okay. Kind of big for this small-town country girl."

"Where are you from?"


I smiled up at Chrissie as she set my Diet Coke and Blake's tea down.

"You need anything else, Blake?" she asked.

The way she was eye-fucking him was unreal. I smiled and looked at Blake.

He smiled at her and said, "No, thanks."

I bit down on my lower lip as I looked at his lips. They looked so soft.

I bet he's a good kisser.

Oh. My. God. Alexandra, stop this now!

"You, um … free this evening, Blake?" Chrissie asked.

I snapped my head at her.

How does she know we aren't on a date or something? How rude.

Blake looked at me and then back to her. "Sorry, Chrissie, I'm not free."

She nodded her head and turned to leave. Blake watched her walk away and then looked back at me.

I busted out laughing. "Wow."

"I'm sorry. We went out a few times last year."

I held up my hands. "Please, you don't owe me any explanations. If she  had done that to my boyfriend though, I would have been pissed."         



Blake's smile faded some. "You have a boyfriend, huh?"

Well, I guess I just took care of letting Blake know about Will.

I smiled. "I do. His name is Will. He goes to A&M."

Blake smiled slightly. "Why did you not go to A&M with him?"

I began chewing on my bottom lip. "Well, um … "

He reached across the table and pulled my lower lip from my teeth. My  body instantly came to attention. His touch didn't affect me like  Will's, but it certainly did something.

"That is a bad habit, Alex. Now, what were you saying?"

Shit. What was I saying?

He smiled bigger. He knew he had just flustered me with his touch, and  he was enjoying watching me struggle. I didn't know if I should be  pissed off or not. The only thing I knew was that I was incredibly  turned-on right now.

I shook my head and felt my phone go off.

Will's text. I'm just all hot and bothered by it, and that's why I'm behaving like this.

"My father went to UT. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps,  experience life in the big city, meet new people, blah, blah, blah."

Blake started laughing, and I smiled. I pulled out my phone and saw that  I had a new text from Will. I couldn't help but let a smile grow across  my face. I missed him so much.

"Excuse me just one moment. I have to answer this text."

Blake nodded. "Have at it."

Will: Hey, did you get my last text? You went MIA on me.

Me: Sorry. I ran into someone I met at freshman orientation. Eating a quick lunch while studying for calculus.

Will: Okay, baby. I'll let you go. I have to meet Luke for a workout  anyway. I'll see you Friday. I made hotel reservations for us.

Me: Counting down the days. Have a good workout.

Will: I will. Have fun studying. I love you, Lex.

I was instantly filled with guilt. I stared at my phone. An uneasy  feeling moved through my body. I hated that Will hung out with Luke,  especially with Luke's player ways.

Stop being so jealous of nothing, Alex.

Should I tell Will I'm with a guy?

What good would that do? He'd just worry.

Me: It won't be fun. I love you, too, Will.

I put my phone into my back pocket again and looked at Blake. He was  reading something on his phone and smiling. I didn't want to like his  smile, but I did.

I pushed my thoughts aside. "Sorry. Will is making plans to come visit this weekend."

Blake nodded his head and looked down at my books. "So, calculus, huh?"

I moaned and rolled my eyes. I opened the book, and before I knew it, we were neck high in all things calculus and chemistry.

Three hours later, I was taking a sip of coffee as Blake helped explain the last problem to me.

"Gosh, Blake, I don't know how to thank you enough. You've really helped me a ton."

He smiled as he reached across the table and pushed a piece of hair  behind my ear. "You, um … you had a piece of hair fall out of your  ponytail."

I smiled and nodded my head. "Well, I guess I'd better get back to my  room. Grace is probably wondering where I am." I started gathering up  all my books and then stood up. I reached across the table and shook  Blake's hand.

"Should we exchange numbers?" Blake asked as he stood up.

My stomach took a fast dive. "Why?"

He laughed. "I'm in a study group. We meet a few times a week. If you  need help again, you're more than welcome to join us. Grace, too, if she  wants."

It seemed innocent enough, and he'd even invited Grace.

"Okay, sure."

I gave him my cell number, and he immediately sent me a text.

"Now, you have mine. Good luck on the tests, Alex."

I smiled. "Thank you, Blake. I really appreciate all your help."

He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the door.

Once we got outside, he leaned down and put his mouth to my ear. "The pleasure was all mine, Alex."

He turned and began walking away, leaving me standing there. I felt  utterly confused and in desperate need of … something. I just didn't know  what that something was.

"Motherfucker, this is not happening." I pushed my hands through my hair  and stared down at my truck's engine. I pulled out my cell phone again  and texted Luke.

Me: Dude, where in the hell are you? My truck broke down, and I'm supposed to be in Austin in an hour.

I didn't get a response, so I hit Libby's number.


"Lib, do you have any idea where Luke is?"

"No. Why would I?" Her voice was laced with anger.

"Um … I just thought you might have talked to him. Damn it, Lib, why didn't you bring your car?"         



She laughed. "'Cause you and Luke both have trucks, and I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere this semester. Why? What's up?"

I let out a sigh. "I made plans to spend the weekend in Austin with Lex.  My truck won't start, and Luke isn't texting me back." My phone pinged,  and I pulled it away to see a text from Luke. "Hold on. Luke just  texted me."

Luke: I'm with Abigail.

Me: My truck broke down. I need to get to Austin.

Luke: Sorry, dude. We are in Port Aransas at her parents' condo.

Me: Isn't Abigail just your fuck buddy? Why are you out of town with her?

Luke: I needed to forget about some shit and just relax and have a good  time this weekend. Abigail asked if I wanted to go, and I said yes.

Me: Okay. I'll just have to let Lex know that I can't make it.

Luke: Sorry, dude. I'm coming back tomorrow. I'm only staying one night.  That's all I can take of Abigail. She's an awesome fuck, but damn, she  gets on my nerves.

"Will? Are you still there?"

I sighed. "Sorry, Lib. Luke texted me to say he was with Abigail at the coast for the night."

"Who's Abigail?"

"His fuck buddy."

Libby sucked in a breath of air, and I cursed inside.


Luke hadn't wanted Libby to know about Abigail, and I'd just fucked up.


Great. Now, what am I going to say?

"Lib, sweetheart, I'd better call Lex and let her know I can't make it."


"Lib? Libby?" I swore I could hear her crying. "Honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Tell Alex I said hey." Libby hung up without so much as a good-bye.

Ah shit.

I pulled up my last text message from Lex and read it.

Damn, I wanted to see her so bad.