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Without You(20)

By:Kelly Elliott

I let out a groan.

She whispered, "Yes, that feels good. I've been wanting you all day."

"Lex … "

She began grinding against me as she brought her lips back to mine. "Will … oh God, this turns me on so much."

I began walking a little ways down so that we were somewhat away from  everyone. I stopped and looked around, making sure I didn't see any  snakes. One quick look back at the party, and I was satisfied no one  could see us.

I turned back to Lex and decided to give her a little taste of something different. "I'm gonna fuck you now, Lex."

Her mouth dropped open as she slowly sucked in a breath of air and then whispered, "Yes."

I grabbed her hips and began moving in and out of her body, hard and fast.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and dropped her head back. "Yes! Will, yes!"

I could feel her tightening up.

She snapped her head forward and looked into my eyes. "I'm gonna come."

I stopped moving.

"No! No, no, no, Will. Why did you stop? I was about to come."

I could hear the frustration in her voice.

"I don't want you to come yet, baby."

Her eyes grew bigger. "Will, I want to come!"

After looking back again, I slowly made my way farther down the river,  still buried deep inside Lex. I wasn't sure what in the hell I was  thinking. We could be seen at any moment, and there could be snakes  around us. At this point though, the only thing thinking was my dick. I  saw the rock I was looking for, and I made my way to it. By the time I  reached it, Lex was panting with need.

"Will, I don't want to go swimming. I want you to do what you said."

I looked back and couldn't see anyone.

When I turned back to Lex, I smiled. "Tell me what you want, Lex."

"What?" she barely said.

"I want to hear you say it, Lex, from your sweet, innocent lips. I want to hear you say it."

She closed her eyes, and when they opened again, I could see the moon in her eyes, and they were sparkling with lust.

"Fuck me, Will. I want you to fuck me."

I pulled out of her and spun her around. We were in waist-deep water  now, so it was easier to stand. I pushed her bathing suit top up,  exposing her breasts.

I kissed her neck and said, "Touch yourself, Lex."

She quickly brought both hands up and began playing with her nipples.

"Shit … that is sexy as hell."

She dropped her head back and moaned.

I couldn't wait another second. "Spread your legs some, Lex, and promise me, you'll tell me if I hurt you."         



Her breathing became heavier, and she looked over her shoulder at me. "I-I promise."

"Put your hands on the rock, baby. I'm gonna fuck you from behind. I've been dreaming about this for weeks."

"Oh God, Will … yes … please now … "

I pushed myself into her, hard and fast, and she let out a gasp.

"Are you okay?"

"Move! Will, move!"

I grabbed her hips and began doing just what I'd said I was going to do.  The sound of our bodies hitting in the water and Lex moaning had my  dick growing harder. It was so damn hard that it almost hurt.

"Jesus, Lex. You look so damn sexy. Does it feel good?"

"Yes! Will, I'm going to come. Harder! Please … harder."

I grabbed her hips and began fucking her harder. The friction of our  bodies and the sounds of splashing water were soon replaced by us  calling out each other's names at the same time.

"I'm coming! Oh God, Will … it feels … so … good. Will … oh, Will!"

"Yeah … right there it is … ah … Lex, I'm coming. Oh God, Lex."

I'd never had an orgasm like that before. It was more than intense. It  was unbelievable, and it lasted for what seemed like forever. It had  never felt so damn good, and for the first time, I wished I wasn't  wearing a condom, so I could just spill myself into her.

Lex collapsed over the rock as she gasped for air. "My. God. That. Was. Incredible."

I quickly looked, and no one was around. I pulled off the condom and gave it a toss.

"Lex … I've never felt something so … amazing." I was trying to take in slow deep breaths.

She turned and pulled her swim top down, covering her breasts. She  walked up to me and smiled as she wrapped first her arms and then her  legs around me.

"It just keeps getting better and better, Will. I wanted to just scream out because it felt so good."

I gently kissed her lips. "Yes, it did. We're gonna have to fuck more often."

She giggled and nodded her head. "Yeah, we are."

"I love you, Lex."

"I love you, too, Will. I always will."

I gently sucked her bottom lip into my mouth as she let out a small  moan. I began moving us back up the river, and we drifted back to where  everyone was.

"What are y'all doing alone down here in the river at night?"

My lips pulled away from Lex's, and she had a look of horror on her  face. We both turned to see Gunner and Jeff standing on the edge of the  river.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Where did I throw the condom? In the river? On the bank? Oh, holy shit, Lex doesn't have her bottoms on.

"Swimming, Daddy. What does it look like?"

I swallowed hard.

"Get off of him, Lex. Will, you know better. There could be snakes. Both of y'all get the hell out," Gunner said.

Lex got off of me, and she stuck her hand in the pocket of my swim  trunks. I jumped back, but she glared at me. She pushed her hand in  again and pulled something out.

Her bottoms.

As we moved farther up the stream, Gunner and Jeff walked along the edge. I pulled up my trunks and attempted to act normal.

"What are y'all doing down here?"

Jeff looked at me and then back at Lex, who was attempting to put her  bottoms on while making it seem like she wasn't putting her bottoms on.

I stood up and began walking out of the river.

Gunner looked back at the party and then back at me. "Where did y'all get the beer? And who is drinking?"

I silently said a prayer that Colt wasn't drinking. He had football  practice the next day, and he wouldn't want to get sick from drinking.

"Um … Luke, me … " I turned back and looked at Lex.

She was still trying to get dressed, but she just looked like she was  sitting there. She nodded her head, and I looked back at Gunner.

"Um … Lex had one, and Libby had one."

Gunner tilted his head. "Taylor here?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, sir, but both Lauren and Taylor know they aren't allowed to drink."

Jeff and Gunner both nodded their heads.

Gunner looked back out at Lex. "Alex, what in the hell is wrong with you? Get out of the water right now."

I was just about to say something when she popped up out of the water … with her bottoms on.

She got out and walked by, making her way over to her T-shirt and  shorts. I watched her every move and got a slap on the back of the  head … and then another slap.

"Hey!" I shouted.

Gunner gave me a look that honestly scared me. "Put your damn eyes back in your head."

Jeff laughed and shook his head. "Will, is Luke drinking?"         



I nodded my head. "Yes, sir, a lot, but I'm planning on keeping my eye on him."

Jeff nodded his head. "I'll kick his ass if he tries to drive."

I shook my head. "No, sir. No one will be driving if they've had  anything to drink. We took the keys, and Taylor put them in a safe  place."

Both Gunner and Jeff nodded their heads.

"Y'all have fun, and don't get too crazy. No more swimming, you two."

Lex gave an awkward laugh and just stood there, not saying a word. I  watched as Gunner and Jeff began walking back down the river trail. They  both got on their horses and started to ride away.

I let out the breath I had been holding.

Lex grabbed my arm and said, "Oh my God! Will, we almost got caught!"

I slowly nodded my head and whispered, "I know. I think I just saw my whole life flash before my eyes."

Thank you, God. I owe you so big for this one.

Lex giggled and began skipping toward everyone. She turned around and threw her hands up in the air. "I feel amazing!"

I laughed as I watched her run up to Grace and Libby. She said  something, and Libby put her hands up to her mouth as Grace started  laughing.

When I walked up, Libby turned to me. "My ears! Oh my God, I need to  wash out my ears!" She walked off as Grace and Lex started laughing.

Grace looked at me and winked. "Fuckin' in the river. That should be a title to a song."

Lex hit her. "Grace! Oh my God!"

I smiled as I looked at Lex. She was beautiful and happy.

She's all mine.

If only I could shake the uneasy feeling I had about that last statement …

"Alex, just relax. Everything is going to be fine."

I paced back and forth in our kitchen as I glanced up and looked at my mother. Relax? Relax! I can't relax.

I was leaving for college in a little over a week. I was leaving Will.

"I don't know if I can do this, Mom. I don't know if I want to do this."

My mother frowned and shook her head. "Nonsense. Of course you can do  it, and you will do it. You're getting your degree if I have to go and  sit with you in each class for the next four years."