I pick at the tattered strings fraying from the bottom of my T-shirt. “Thank you. May I ask what happened between you two? My uncle mentioned something about her wanting to raise me alone. I’m just wondering why she would’ve wanted that.”
“We didn’t really get along too well. Except for that one time.” A soft tapping noise comes through the phone. “One second, Beth.”
He sniffs several times a short distance away from the phone. I tug hard at the string I’m twisting around my finger and pull it from the shirt, waiting for him to finish blowing his nose.
“Anyway, like I was saying,” he continues, sniffing a few more times and clearing his throat again. “Your mom and me, well, let’s just say we fought better than anything else. Honestly, Beth, I was only twenty-three when you were born. I wasn’t ready for all that shit yet. Your mom taking care of you was the better thing at the time. I moved a few weeks after you were born to go live with a buddy of mine. Never told your mom I was leaving. Never called her after that. If you’re looking for somebody to blame here, blame me.”
“I’m not looking for somebody to blame. I just wanted to know why she never told me about you. I asked who you were and she never would give me a name.”
“I don’t know about all that. I guess she could’ve been bitter after I left her. Maybe that’s the reason.”
“Yeah,” I agree softly.
Maybe she was worried if I knew who he was, I’d get attached and he’d leave me too. Maybe she was only protecting me.
“We can get to know each other now,” Jon suggests, cutting into my thoughts. “I only missed, what, twenty years? That’s not that bad.”
“Twenty-two,” I correct him, smiling.
Laughing, I wrap another string around my finger. “How far away is Tennessee from Alabama?”
“‘Bout eight hours, I’d say. Never driven it myself, though. Can’t be positive.”
Eight hours. That’s too far to drive just for a quick, get to know you, visit. I wouldn’t want to drive to his house anyway. I don’t know him. I need to get to know him first before I make a house visit. An idea pops into my head.
“Would you be interesting in meeting halfway? Like at a place to eat or something? We can sit and talk. I’m free next weekend if you are.”
“Yeah, yeah, all right. That sounds good. We can get a bite to eat and talk in person. I like that.”
“Really?” I sit up straighter. “That’s great. Do you want to do it Saturday? I can look online and pick a spot to meet up.”
He wants to meet me. I’m going to meet my dad!
“Yeah, yeah, sounds good. You handle that and call me with the time and place,” his voice is suddenly anxious, rattled with his abrupt energy.
I smile at his excitement. “Okay, great. I guess I’ll talk to you later on this week.”
“Yeah, yeah, perfect. Sounds good. All right, yeah.”
I pull the phone away from my ear when the call disconnects, then quickly scroll through my contacts.
Wow. He might be more excited about this meet up than I am. His tone went from borderline sedated to fan girl status in five seconds. He’s eager to meet me. He wants to make up for lost time.
I’m meeting my dad. In less than a week, I’m meeting him. This is crazy.
I smile at the sound of Reed’s voice. It still carries the same tone he had when he left here so suddenly. Like something’s weighing heavy on his mind.
Or, he’s just tired, Beth. That is what he said.
I don’t let my worry bother me. “Hey, I talked to my dad.”
“Oh yeah?” The sound of a machine cutting wood dulls out in the distance. “What did he say?” he asks, his voice clearer.
“He said he wanted to get to know me. We made plans to meet halfway between Alabama and Tennessee on Saturday. Get a bite to eat and talk face-to-face.”
“Really?” Reed asks harshly. “You’re going to meet up with this guy, and you know nothing about him? You think that’s a good idea?”
“He’s my dad,” I explain quietly. “And I was hoping you would come with me.” I listen to him take in a deep breath, the soft sound of Nolan’s laughter in the distance, and Ben’s deep, muted voice, most likely directed at Nolan. Sighing, I find another string and wrap it around my finger. “I don’t want to go by myself, but it’s more than that. I want it to be you with me when I meet him. I’m really nervous, Reed, and I know if you’re there, I won’t be freaking out as much. Will you go with me? Please? You and me?”