Warriors' Providence (Cadi Warriors Book 2)(58)
She glanced down and shrugged, not a lick of fear registered in her eyes.
On their way home last night Dagaa said he asked Providence why she was competing against them, but she hadn't really admitted much. They both were at a loss. Cadi females weren't nearly as independent, brave or obstinate as human females seemed to be. Madhava loved everything about Providence, but he drew the line at her putting herself at risk, a thing she seemed to revel in.
"I'll go last." Providence smiled as she stepped back.
"Fine I'll go first." Madhava said. "If you are bothered by this, you don't have to do it." He suggested.
"Oh please, and let you guys have all the fun. No way." Providence cast him an ornery smile.
Madhava stepped forward and took a deep breath as he lined up at the edge of the platform. The spectators' heads were tipped up as they eyed him expectantly.
"Here goes nothing." He said mimicking a phrase he'd heard Giselle say, then jumped, hands outstretched.
Madhava was pretty sure he hit the water smoothly as he held his breath and kicked back up towards the surface.
"Not bad." Kagan said as he joined the warrior and the judges at the lake's edge.
Madhava turned to see Dagaa approach the edge. He held his breath as his friend leapt off as if he were diving again himself. Dagaa was perfectly vertical as he descended, splitting the water with barely a splash.
Dagaa's form looked really good. Madhava wished he'd seen his own dive to know how it compared. Providence watched Dagaa. Madhava could just make out the smile on her face.
Madhava wondered how she felt about him as Dagaa swam ashore. Did she like him the way she did Dagaa? He wasn't nearly as handsome as his friend. Providence didn't seem to mind, but Dagaa's looks and jovial personality had to sway her in some way. Madhava would feel blessed to be her Second, but the driving need he felt when in her presence, pushed him to be her Prime. The fact he'd almost bitten her said it all.
"How'd I do?" Dagaa asked.
"Pretty good." Madhava replied as he turned to look at Providence on the platform.
Suddenly the platform was rising higher in the air.
"What is she doing?" Dagaa looked at him in concern.
Madhava shook his head as it rose higher still.
"She's going to get herself killed. Kagan you have to stop this." Madhava insisted.
"Damn that stubborn female. We have to do something." Dagaa said, his eyes riveted to the platform.
The hovering pad stopped at twice the height he and Dagaa had dived from. Madhava and Dagaa looked from Providence to each other. Nothing was worth Providence risking her tail like this. As much as it pained him Madhava couldn't allow this to continue.
"I forfeit." Dagaa blurted.
"I concede." Madhava said to the judges simultaneously as Dagaa.
"Someone bring that thing down." Dagaa demanded.
It was too late. Providence had already leapt from the perilous height. Her arms arced out in front of her as she dove towards the lake.
Madhava's mouth dropped open as she cut the surface of the water like a knife.
He dove in and headed towards where she'd entered the water, Dagaa splashed half a pace behind him.
Providence rose to the surface with a wide grin on her face. She looked at them in surprise when she saw them swimming her way.
"What were you thinking female?" Madhava bellowed as he tread water.
"I'm going to tan your hide when we get home." Dagaa growled.
"I jump out of planes, that was nothing." Providence said as she took off for the shore.
Madhava and Dagaa quickly flanked their foolish woman. Madhava was so relieved, but ready to bust something he was so freaked out, as they made it to land.
"You are never to risk yourself like that again. Do you hear me?" Madhava said as he gripped her shoulders.
"Providence you could've been injured. Promise us you'll stop pulling these stunts." Dagaa snarled as he got in her face.
"You see this." Providence pulled back and showed them the warriors ink on her back. There was a planet flanked by wings with writing. "It says 'So that others may live.' I trained to risk my life for others."
The seriousness of what Providence did back home finally sunk in. She was very much a warrior, the likes of which rivaled any male. Still the idea of her risking her life for any reason did not sit well with him at all. Certainly not for this competition he and Dagaa had waged.
"It appears we have a winner." The lead judge said looking at the trio slightly perplexed.
Madhava turned to him in surprise.
"Dagaa and Madhava conceded to you before you dove, however your dive was the most impressive one today." The judge said.
Madhava nearly forgot that he and Dagaa had pulled out of the competition in an effort to stop Providence from risking herself.