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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(8)

By:Savannah Rylan

"Give it time. They'll leave. They always do," Nick added. So, now that  is out the way, moving on. .Cash, how'd it go with the doctor?"

I took out the prescription pad, and tossed what was left of it on the  table. It landed with a smack. "He gave me his pad, and told me to get  the fuck out. I turned seven of them in at different drug stores and  sold to Ricky at The Watering Hole. I explained our situation, and told  him the rest was coming."

"Did he forget about our deal?"

"He thought he fulfilled it. He doesn't realize how fucking deep he's  actually in. He can say no to us all he wants, but you and I know that  he can't. We can run him out of business, and get his ass thrown in jail  without even lifting a finger."

"And we will, if we have to, if it comes to that, but right now we need  him. All our shit in Mexico is gone," Nick explained, leaning back in  his chair. "Feds have it all, and there's no getting it back. I'm  working with my connections in Florida to see if they can get us a  shipment from the Caribbean until the shit in Mexico gets figured out.  Problem is, some of us might have to make a trip to Florida to pick it  up."

"Have the prospects do it," Bentley offered, running a hand over his dark stubble.                       


Nick shook his head. "Not an option. I don't even want a prospect along  for the ride." He tapped his finger into the oak to drill his point in.  "I need skilled guys to take care of this."

"I'll do it," Dice said, raising his hand. "Can make a visit to my Ma  while I'm there, and get her off my fucking case about never going to  see her."

"Mama's boy," Miles mumbled, which caused the rest of us to smirk except for Nick.

Nick put his hands out, and we all quieted at his request. "That's fine with me. All in favor."

"Aye," we all said in unison.

"Who's going with him?" Nick asked, looking across the table to Miles.

Miles turned to Dice, his lip curled in a smile. "Will your ma cook for me?"

Dice gave him an evil eye, then sat back in his chair. "She'll throw you some food on the floor. You can eat with the dogs."

"On the floor with the bitches. Sounds like home," Miles offered. "I'm in."

"All in favor."

"Aye," we all said and raised a hand.

Any problems, it's your fault." Nick pointed a ringed finger at Miles.

Miles put his hands out in front of him. "What the fuck did I do?"

"Nothing, yet."

Miles shrugged, and nodded his head, because he knew damn well Nick was  right. Whenever and wherever there was fire, Miles was usually the one  holding the match. Sending him across country to pick up our backup  shipment could be considered a bad idea. Although, there was one  redeeming thing about Miles: no matter what he did, or how much trouble  he got himself into, he always got shit done. He was not only a master  manipulator, but he was fucking MacGyver.

"But, I mean it! If you have to take the trip, just remember our  connections with the police only go so far. Once we're out of Black  Hills, we're not protected anymore. Stanson won't be able to do shit for  us if you get nailed outside of the state. Understood?"

Both Miles and Dice nodded their head in understanding.

"Good," Nick stated, and then turned his attention back to the rest of  us. "Any other business to discuss?" Nick eyed everyone around the  table, but no one spoke. "Good, let's go drink!"


It had been almost a week since my cock was sunk deep into the tight  pussy of my Sunshine. Girls never lingered on my mind. I usually fucked  them and went on with my day. If they came around again, I just went for  it, not because I wanted them, but because they were guaranteed.  Sunshine, though, that girl was stuck on my mind and it was driving me  fucking crazy.

She wasn't like the whores I was used to. She was delicate and soft.  Smelled fucking sweet and tasted even sweeter. She wasn't hardened by a  tough life, or tainted by a million other guys' cocks. She was fucking  pure and … vanilla.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I didn't do vanilla. I didn't want  vanilla. I liked my girls and sex the same: dirty and raunchy.

It wasn't about the girl, never had been. It was all about me and  getting off. I needed to get that pure bitch out of my goddamned mind.  She was ruining the one thing I enjoyed most in life, and there was no  fucking way I was going to let that happen.

I grabbed a bottle of Jack, and sat at the bar in the clubhouse. It was a  Friday night, and there were whores everywhere, waiting to be chosen by  one of the members, hoping that, by spreading their legs, they would be  on their way to becoming an old lady. These bitches had no fucking clue  how it really worked. None of us wanted an old lady. We just wanted to  fuck, and because they made it so easy, we looked at them as toys  nothing more.

It didn't even take a full minute from the time I sat until arms wrapped  around my neck, and tits were pressed into my back. "Hey gorgeous,"  Tammy, a bleached blonde with big fake tits and a lot of red lipstick,  said, running her fingers through my hair.

I nodded, and poured some Jack into a rock glass.

"For me?" she said with mock shock.

"No," I stated, and then gulped down what was in the glass. I refilled it, and pushed it toward her.

She took it in her hand with a smile. "Thanks."

I knew she'd be down to fuck, and it would be a hell of a time, but I  wanted more. I dipped my head to be level with Tammy. "Why don't you go  grab Donna?" I said, dropping my eyes to another blonde in the corner.  What was fake on Tammy was all real on Donna. "And come find me in the  back room."

Tammy arched an eyebrow, knowing damn well what I was asking. She  dragged her finger down my chest. "You go make yourself comfortable, big  boy. We'll be in soon."                       


I downed another glass of Jack, and watched as Tammy swayed her ass over  to Donna. She bent down, her tits just shy of Donna's lips. She cupped  her hand, and whispered into her ear, giving me a seductive wink. Those  two were the farthest thing from vanilla, and exactly what I needed.

I grabbed the bottle, leaving the glass behind, and headed toward one of  the rooms in the back. Miles lived in the one on the right. It worked  for him because he didn't have to pay rent, and it worked for us because  he could keep an eye on the clubhouse when the rest of us went home.

I lived there for a while after Dad died, because it was easy to get  drunk and stumble to the closest bed, but there was never any separation  from work, obligations and fun.

The only home I ever knew was the one I shared with Dad, but I couldn't  bring myself to go back there. I was tough as shit, could take a beating  that would leave me clinging to life, but I couldn't face the memories  scattered in every room of the house I grew up in.

I turned into a bitter drunk that the guys had to carry to bed at night,  and throw in an ice cold shower in the morning. My anger and guilt  consumed me, and it probably would have ruined me if Kade didn't offer  me a place to stay. Once I left the clubhouse, things slowly fell back  into place. Six months later, I was finally able to return home.

Nothing changed, except Dad wasn't there, but at that point I had become  so numb to the pain that it didn't matter. Even now, looking at the  room I spent so many nights in had no effect on me. It was just a room.

I pushed into the other room, and sunk into the worn cushions of the old  leather sofa. Moments later, Tammy and Donna walked in, closing the  door behind them with a giggle. They stood in front of me, and I took a  swig from the bottle of Jack.

I lifted my chin, urging them to start the festivities. Tammy moved  toward Donna, her lips stopping just shy. She moved her head as if she  was going to go in and didn't. She was teasing the shit out of her and  me. I sunk farther into the couch, and adjusted my cock.

Donna took control and went in, wrapping her hand around Tammy's head  and crushing her lips to hers. Tammy's hands ran up Donna's leg, across  her stomach and right to her tits. She pinched the tight bead through  the thin t-shirt between her fingers. Their lips touched, but not  completely, giving me an amazing view of their tongues sliding against  each others.

Tammy's head fell back as Donna dragged her tongue down her neck, and  lifted Tammy's shirt over her head. She tossed the tiny tank top to the  other side of the room and ripped her red lace bra down. Tammy's massive  tit's popped loose, and Donna bent her head, taking a nipple in her  mouth while she rubbed the other.