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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(6)

By:Savannah Rylan

Cash bent his head and caught my nipple between his teeth, causing a  shocked cry to spill from my lips. I held his head, knotting my fingers  into the long strands of hair. My breathing picked up, moans of pleasure  flowing out of me, and making it almost impossible to catch my breath.

"I want you to come for me, Sunshine. I want your sweet juices all over my dirty cock."

No one had even spoken to me so crudely, but his words enticed me,  making me want everything he had to offer. I continued to rock against  him as his hands dug deep into the soft flesh of my ass. My skin became  sensitive beneath his touch, a weird combination of pain that gave way  to pleasure.

I felt a quickening deep in my belly, and, with one sweep of his thumb  across my clit, I burst apart. Convulsions wracked my body as the most  intense feeling of pleasure I ever felt consumed and overwhelmed me. My  head was swimming in an abyss of stars and fireworks as Cash continued  rubbing my clit and sucking my tits. I fell against his rock hard chest,  trying to get control of my breathing, as my pussy continued throbbing  and pulsing around Cash's hard cock. He pulled his cock out of me, and  got off the bike, lifting me with him. He turned me so I faced the seat  of the bike, and I had no clue what he was doing. He didn't come yet,  and I couldn't imagine that he would stop without satisfying his own  needs.

He walked behind me, and grabbed hold of my hips. "Hold on to the bike,  Sunshine," he commanded as he thrust into me with one swift stroke from  behind. He started pounding into me, and delivered blow after  mind-numbing blow. I held on for dear life as he continued thrusting in  and out of me at an incredible speed, my body too satiated to do  anything else. My belly burned and legs shook, as another body pulsing,  mind-blowing orgasm pushed its way to the surface.

My muscles tightened around his cock, and he screamed, "Oh, fuck!" His  fingers flexed, turning into a death grip on my hip as he thrust into me  one more time as I felt him come with the force of a volcanic eruption.

He kept pushing into me in short little bursts, as he continued emptying  himself into me. I prayed the condom would hold because it seemed like  he was filling it beyond capacity as his cock kept pulsing inside me and  emptying his seed.

Finally, he collapsed on my back, his breath hot and heavy against my  wet skin. He stayed there only moments before standing and cleaning  himself up.

"Get dressed," he said, and I don't know why I was surprised. He didn't  seem like the cuddling type, but I hoped for something a little more  than just a hard fuck. Not that I didn't enjoy it. Truth be told, it was  the most mind-blowing orgasm I ever experienced. Still, I thought maybe  he would end with a sweet kiss. Not the wham bam thank you ma'am, get  the fuck off me attitude he was displaying.

Pissed off at his brashness, I angrily pulled my dress back into place,  and went to grab my panties from his back pocket when he abruptly  snatched them away.

"I'm keeping these," he said, pulling them onto his handlebars. "Now get on."

He started the bike up, and I wrapped my arms around him, accepting that  this was the closest thing I was going to get to after sex cuddling. I  told him where to drop me off, and we took off into the night. Other  than the roar of the bike, and the thoughts running through my head, the  ride to my house was silent. I was going crazy because I wanted to know  what Cash was thinking. Did he enjoy the sex we just had, or was I just  another notch in his long list of one-night stands?

When we got a block from my house, I motioned for him to pull over. I  held on for a second longer, savoring his hard ridges and tobacco and  leather scent. Finally, I let go and got off the bike.

"Thanks for a good ride, Sunshine," he grinned and put his foot up on  the bike, ready to take off. Before he could pull away, I jumped back  toward him.

"Where can I find you again?"

He smirked. "I'll always be in your dreams, baby."


I leaned under the hood of a Toyota Corolla, and tightened the  alternator. The customer was picking the car up in two hours, and I was  behind on getting the damn thing done. Kade, my best friend and member  of the Righteous Outlaws, walked over.

"We have business to take care of," he said, and let out an exaggerated breath.

"Surprise, surprise. What the fuck is it now?" I asked. It was always  something with the club. And, though it was my life and I would drop  everything for it, I hated leaving things unfinished. I tightened the  belt tensioner, and wiped the grease onto a dirty shop rag.

Kade cracked his knuckles one by one with his thumbs. "Found out there's  someone dealing in our territory. I set up a deal to teach him a  lesson. Since I have no fucking clue who this guy is, I just need a  little back up in case."                       


"Do you think it's the Montamos?"

"Not sure, but I doubt it. They'd be pretty fucking stupid to step into our land."

"Doesn't mean they aren't," I said, knowing damn well that it wouldn't  be the first time. The club had been battling the Montamos for territory  as far back to the original days as I could remember. Back when my Dad  and his friends started the charter.

Montamos was the reason for the formation of the Righteous Outlaws. They  came into our town and destroyed it. Made people scared to walk the  streets, and even shop locally. Nick made a deal with the sheriff: he  turned his cheek to the club's business ventures, and the club would  protect the town from the likes of the Montamos, or any other club who  tried to weasel there way on our turf.

It was an unwritten contract, sealed with a handshake twenty-five years  ago, and neither side had breached it yet. Montamos, though, sure had  kept us busy, doing everything in their power to try and get their  grubby hands back into Black Hills. The only way we would let that  happen was over our dead bodies.

Kade nodded, knowing the same shit as me. "Anything is possible, which is why I need the back up.

"Let me get Miles to finish up here. I'll meet you out front."

"Thanks, brother," he said, before heading out the open garage door to  the parking lot. He didn't need to thank me. I would do anything for my  club, and for my brothers, especially Kade. I'd known him since high  school. His old man skipped out on him freshman year, and he spent most  days at my house. My dad treated Kade like he was his own. We didn't  need blood to prove we were family. Though, Kade shed blood for me. Took  a bullet to the leg that was meant for my head, and would've ended my  life. If a situation ever arose where the tables were turned, I would do  the same for him. It's what we did. How we lived our lives. We  protected family and what was ours. Always.

Miles came in, running a comb through his dark hair, before shoving the  comb into his back pocket. He was the sergeant at arms of the Righteous  Outlaws and also the best mechanic we had at Daly's Dealers.

"Trying to look pretty for the cars?" I asked, smacking him on his chest.

Nope, for you," he said with a wink, then puckered his lips and came at me. I got him in a headlock and messed up his hair.

Miles might've been a few years older than me, but mentally he never  really got past sixteen. He was a smartass with a sick sense of humor  that we all just laughed off. Those that didn't know him were usually  offended by his antics. I've lost count of how many times I had to bail  his ass out of a bar fight because he said something stupid.

I pushed him away, and pointed to the car. "Just needs an oil change."

"Got it. By the way, what happened last night? Phil said you'd be back, and you never showed."

"Got tied up," I said, and kept it at that. Not exactly sure why I  didn't want to share the details of my night since I was always the  first one to share my sexcapades. There was something about Sunshine  that made me want to keep her to myself.

"So did I, thanks to you! Fucking Mindy is a goddamned freak. She was  waiting for you, but, since you never showed, I jumped on it."

"You can have her," I said. Mindy was just another whore who I had  fucked a million times over. She was boring at this point and couldn't  compare to what I had last night. I always assumed a pussy was a pussy,  no matter who it was attached to, but Sunshine made me wonder if that  were really true. Fucking was a goddamned sport for me, and I was an  All-Star, but fucking Sunshine was like being in an entirely different  league.

"Good because I'm seeing her tonight. Hey do we have any duct tape?"

"Wh … " I stopped myself when I saw the perverted look on his face. "You  know what, I don't want to know. In the bottom drawer of my tool chest."

I tossed the rag in the bucket with the rest of them, and headed out to  meet Kade. He was by his bike, staring down Sienna from across the way.  Out of all the pussy in town, he wanted the only one he couldn't have:  the president's daughter.