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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(33)

By:Savannah Rylan

"Aubree, it's so good to see you," he said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not here to talk niceties. I just want to know why?"

He linked his fingers together, and rested his head against his hands.  "Why does anybody do anything?" He leaned back, his lips pointing  downward, revealing more lines in his face. After a few moments, he  leaned his elbows on the table and offered me a half-hearted smile. "I  built a life that you, your mother and brother were accustomed to. I  worked my ass off to provide everything I could. I made a few bad  investments, and I tried to fix it. What can I say? It backfired. But,  everything I did I did it for you and your mother and your brother."

"No!" I growled. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to put the blame on us. You fucked up. That's on you."

He turned his face into his hands. "I know."

"Do you? Because you don't seem like you do."

"I do."

"Was it worth it? Because you lost everything anyway. If you went about  it differently, it might have just been a bump in the road instead of a  dead end."

"If I could go back and change things, I would. You need to believe that."

"I don't know if I can believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Maybe, in time, but it's too soon."

"I want you to know I'm sorry."

I flipped my watch and checked the time. I had been here long enough. I  came. I saw. I spoke. I was done. "I'll take care of Mom," I said,  standing from the chair.

Realization dawned on Dad's face. "I don't want your dirty money," he seethed.

"Why? It's no dirtier than yours was." I stared at him for a long  moment. "You might not care, but I'm happy, Dad. For the first time in  my life, I'm truly happy. Cash might not be the guy you would have  handpicked for me, but that shouldn't matter. All that should matter is  that I'm happy." I shrugged and forced a smile, trying to hold back the  stupid tears that were pricking my eyes. "And I shouldn't care what you  think, but, despite everything, you're my father and I still love you."

I stormed away from the table, needing to get out of there. Needing to  get as far away from him as I could, when I he called after me. I  turned, looking back to him.

"I love you too, Aubree. More than you'll ever know. And I am happy that  you're happy. Whether you want to believe me or not, it's all I ever  wanted. I just hope he can keep you safe."

"He will," I said, with a hundred percent certainty.

"I hope you're right." He stood up, and an officer came over to him to  escort him out. "Will I see you again?" he asked before being taken from  the room.

From the minute I found out the truth, I never wanted to see him again. I  wanted to cut ties completely. I chose Cash. But now, looking into his  aging eyes, seeing the pain and agony deeply embedded within, I felt a  shift.                       


People made mistakes; it's what made us all human. And maybe some were  worse than others, but why shut the door when you could keep it slightly  ajar. I offered him the only thing I could. A smile. "We'll see," I  said, and watched him be taken away, but this time I didn't cry.

I headed outside to the parking lot, and spotted Cash where I left him.  He was like a model for Biker GQ, with his long blonde hair tied back  and his piercing green eyes shining bright. I couldn't believe that he  was mine, and I was his.

If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be a biker's old  lady, I would have laughed in their faces. Now, I couldn't imagine any  other life for me.

He got off the bike and came to me, taking my face in his hands. He  kissed my forehead, and I relished in the softness of his lips, loving  the contrast of his exterior. "How'd it go?" he asked, concern in the  flat line of his mouth.

"You were right. I needed that. But, now, I'm ready to move forward. With you."

"That's my Sunshine," he said and we walked back to the bike, hand in  hand. When we got there he placed my helmet on my head and secured the  strap like he always did. Then, he handed me my own leather jacket.

I pulled it on, and hopped on the back of the bike, wrapping my arms around my biker boy. "I love you," I said against his ear.

"I love you too," he said, before revving the engine and driving off to our future.



Friday nights looked like they were about to become a thing at our  house. Aubree insisted on inviting the entire club over for a big dinner  to celebrate the start of the weekend, and her new business venture.  She was a proud owner of a small boutique on Main Street. I think my dad  would have been proud to see his life insurance being put to good use.

Martha, Aubree's cook from childhood who apparently was also Stumpy's  aunt, had spent hours in the kitchen preparing the feast. Aubree might  have lost her dad to the state prison, but she also gained an entire  family. Every person in this room would fight for her …  or die trying.

Aubree raised her wine glass and stood up. "I want to thank everyone for  coming. For helping me get the boutique up and running while dealing  with me for the past couple of months. I know I was a bit of a pain."

"You said it," Miles mumbled, and we all laughed.

She wasn't a pain, she just wanted everything to be done right, and it  was one of the many things I loved about her, but I still laughed. I'd  seen this man endure torture, but the indecisiveness of a woman nearly  drove him insane. He must've repainted the same wall for her six times. I  paid him in Jack, and took on a few of his oil changes.

"I heard that, Miles," Aubree quipped, and all the guys chuckled.  "Anyway. I also want to thank all of you for accepting me. I've never  felt more at home than I do now. So, thank you. Cheers," she said,  holding up her glass.

Everyone added their cheers and knocked glasses. I pulled Aubree back  down onto my lap, and pressed my mouth to hers. She wrapped her arms  around my shoulders and smiled against my lips. "Most of all," she said.  "I want to thank you for being my rock these last few months. I  couldn't have got through them without you."

I didn't say anything with words. I didn't have to. She stared into my eyes, and could read everything I was feeling.

"I love you, too," she said, giving me a chaste kiss. I tightened my  hold on her waist and hugged her to me. Over her shoulder, I could see  Sienna and Kade, sitting closely and whispering in each other's ears. We  all had a lot to drink, but I wondered what the hell Kade was doing.  Nick was only a few feet away at the table. Luckily, his back was to  them, but I didn't know for how long.

I kept my eye on Nick, while running my hands up and down Aubree's arm.

"Nature calls," Nick said, and stood up. My eyes darted back to the couch, but Kade and Sienna were already gone.

I let out a sigh of relief, and Aubree turned in my lap, causing my cock  to throb with need. I couldn't wait for the house to clear out, so I  could make love to my girl.

"You okay?" she asked.

I took her face in my hands and smiled. "Yeah, Sunshine, couldn't be better."

The End