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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(32)

By:Savannah Rylan

I walked away, holding my head high, channeling the strength I needed to  get through this. I was just about to pass the Robinson's driveway,  when a million cars, some with lights, others without, came racing down  the street.

What the hell was going on? They barreled past me, pulling into my  parents driveway, and up on the front lawn, completely surrounding the  house.

Officers jumped out of the cars, running toward my house.

A hand clamped down on my arm, and yanked me back. I landed hard against  Cash's chest. "What's happening?" I cried out. He hugged me to him, but  I ripped away, turning back to the chaos as officers with guns kicked  down the door to my childhood home.

Fear consumed me and my legs froze in place. I couldn't move.

"We need to go. Now!" Cash yelled, guiding me back to his bike.

"No!" I screamed, ripping out of his grip. "I can't. I need to know what's happening. I need to make sure my family is okay."

His arms wrapped around my stomach, and he picked me up, carrying me  away. "No!" I yelled, kicking and flailing. I managed to break loose and  I ran. Ran toward my house, my family.

Cash's hand latched onto my shoulder, pulling me back. He couldn't stop  me. I needed to know. Needed to make sure my family was okay. My head  spun with so many thoughts. I couldn't seem to get a single one to form.

"Look at me!" he demanded, but I couldn't. I couldn't take my eyes off  of what was happening. Cash shook my shoulders. "Aubree! Look at me!"

I snapped my attention to Cash and, once my eyes met his, the frantic horror coursing through me began to calm.

"We need to go."

Tears pricked my eyes, and I didn't even try to force them back. "I can't go. I need to know what's happening."

He reached up, tucking a loose brown strand behind my ear. "You already made your choice."

His words hit me like a brick wall, and I fell against his chest. He  wrapped me in his arms, and carried me back to his bike. I secured my  arms around his waist, and he took off away from the chaos. But, not  before I looked back and watched as my father was shoved into a cop car.


I drove away as fast I could before the cops could detect me. Even if I  had nothing to do with what was going down, this wasn't exactly the type  of neighborhood I would be found in. I'd be guilty by suspicion. Aubree  was losing her dad, and I wasn't about to let her lose me, too. I  promised her I would always come back to her and, right now, by taking  her away, I was keeping that promise.

I flew through the streets and across the bridge. I didn't stop and look  back once, not until I pulled into the club's parking lot.                       


Kade walked out of the garage and smiled at us, but when he saw the look  on my face that smile vanished. "What's going on?" he asked.

"We need to talk. All of us."

"She okay?" he asked, nodding to Aubree.

"She will be."

"Nick was about to round us up to discuss last night anyway. You were  the only one who wasn't here. Let's go," Kade said, leading the way. He  stopped and turned back to us. "Sienna's inside."

"Come on," I said to Aubree, taking her hand and following Kade. Inside  the clubhouse, all the guys were around the bar, waiting.

Nick spotted me, and clapped his hands together. "Let's do this," he said, taking off into our sacred room.

Sienna sat at the end of the bar, taking a sip from a bottle of water. I  brought Aubree over to her. "Sienna, you remember Aubree," I said.

"Of course. You look like you could use a drink," she said, kicking a barstool out to Aubree.

"I could probably use a few."

Sienna put the top back on the water bottle and tossed it in the trash. "Good. I was getting sick of drinking water anyway."

I hung back for a moment when Sienna looked at me. "They're waiting on you."

I pressed a kiss to Aubree's forehead, and then disappeared behind closed doors.

"So, what the fuck happened last night, Cash?" Nick barked, reclining back in his chair at the head of the table.

"I don't know," I said. "I blacked out." And I wasn't lying either. It  happened once before when my old man died. I had so much shit going  through my head that one minute I was perfectly fine, and the next I was  gunning people down. That last time, they all understood. They knew  what my old man meant to me and how deep his loss ran. They all felt it  too. Knew I had a lot of shit going on in my head and just needed some  time to get myself together. They were just happy my little freak out  didn't end with me getting killed. "It won't happen again. I can promise  you that."

I promised Aubree I would always come back to her, and that meant that  there would be no more psychotic episodes of invincibility. Besides, we  had other problems that needed to be discussed that were more important  than my recent death wish.

"What was last night about anyway?"

"Montamos found out about the body. But, with the show you gave them  last night, I doubt they'll be coming around anytime soon. Not that I  stand by what you did, but it worked. You're damn lucky for that."

I nodded, accepting his criticism, and was thankful it wasn't worse. Still, there was more to discuss. "I have other news."

Nick nodded.

"The doc was arrested this morning."

"How do you know?" Miles questioned.

Kade laughed. "You all didn't know? Cash, here, is screwing his daughter."

I smacked him upside his head. "Shut up, asshole."

"That piece of ass out there is the doc's daughter? Damn, who would have thought," Dice said, and I jumped up.

"Don't call her that!"

Kade pushed in front of me, and put his hand on my chest. "Whoa there, buddy. Back it up."

I held my hands up. "I'm good."

"You sure?" Kade whispered.

"I'm sure."

He stepped out of my way, and got back into his seat. I straightened my cut, and sat my ass back down, too.

"Why'd the doc get arrested?" Phil questioned, turning his ring on his finger.

"Not sure yet. Saw the whole thing go down, and we got our asses out of there before anyone could see us."

"I'll hack into the system, and find out what they got him on," Hudson  said, and pulled out his laptop. He flipped it open, and his fingers  started typing a mile a fucking minute.

"Whatever it is, we need to make sure it can't get back to us," Nick  explained. "We need to make sure our hands are clean as a fucking  whistle."

"They will be," I said. "We weren't sloppy."

"Agreed," said Miles. "There's no way it can come back to us. We'll be good."

"Got it," Hudson said. "Looks like he's in for drug trafficking. He'll  be arraigned on a forty count indictment. From the looks of it, we  weren't his only clients. They're holding him on half a million dollars  bail."

I let out a loud breath of relief, and sunk into my chair. After a moment, I rested my hands on the arm rests and pushed up.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked. "We're not done here."

I turned back to him. "Sorry, but I have to go break the news to my old lady that her dad will be gone for a long time."                       


A hush fell over the room, and I wasn't sure if it was because I was  walking out of church before we were finished or if it was because I  shocked the shit out of them when I called the doc's daughter my old  lady. Maybe it was a little bit of both.

Nick nodded at me in understanding, and then lifted his chin to the door. Kade patted my back as I walked out to a fresh hell.


It had been a long couple of months. Dad's trial was all over the  television, internet and newspapers. Mom was always there, supporting  him, sitting behind him in the court room. I couldn't go. I finally knew  what it felt like to not be able to look someone in the eye. To not  want to be in the same room as them. I had pangs of guilt, not being  there. He was my father after all and had always given me the best of  everything. But it was all a lie. I lived a life of luxury built on lies  and deceit, and I was having a hard time feeling anything for him but  disdain.

He was given twenty years behind bars, but I guess that was better than  the life sentence they were dangling over his head. I hadn't seen him  since the day he caught Cash and I. If it were my choice, I'd go another  twenty years without seeing him again. But, Cash insisted I needed  closure. Told me that I needed to shut the door on the past in order to  move forward and, until I spoke with my dad, I'd still have one foot  behind me.

So, I sat at the table in the penitentiary, waiting for Dad to be let  in. The door opened, and I sucked in a jagged breath. I was so angry, so  pissed off at him, that I didn't think seeing him would affect me. But,  as he came closer, I could see the new lines around his eyes, and the  grays growing in along his temples. I stood as he approached. The orange  jumpsuit was a far cry from the tailored suits and expensive polo  shirts I was used to.