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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(27)

By:Savannah Rylan


"How you holding up?" Kade yelled over to me.

I gave him a nod, and continued on our path. It was only a few more  blocks. If I couldn't make it, then I sure as hell didn't deserve to.

My house came into view, and I gunned it until I was in the driveway. I  went right inside, holding my arm and trying to ignore the growing sharp  aches. I had taken care of bullet wounds before, and didn't think this  one would be much different, but, as I attempted to get the bullet out,  it was apparent that it wasn't going to be easy.

I bit into a leather belt as I searched the wound, trying to find the  bullet. Kade kept me numb with a bottle of Jack, and, while the Jack  helped with the pain, it wasn't helping to keep my head clear.

"I don't give two shits what you're about to say, but we're going to see the doc."

"No!" I growled. Over my dead fucking body would I ask that shithead for  help. Hell, he'd probably spit in my face now that he knew I was  fucking his daughter. There was no way he would help me. I was on my  own, and I was fine with it.

I'd survived worse.

Blood poured from the wound, and I wondered if I nicked something I shouldn't have.

"Despite what you may think, you're not a doctor," Kade tried reasoning with me.

"I don't care. No doctor! Fuck him. I don't need him. I can do this on my damn own."

I held the tweezer to my arm again, but I couldn't focus on the wound.  The room began to spin until I couldn't keep my eyes from closing. I  popped them open, determined to get this shit done.

"Sorry, brother," I heard Kade say, just as pain shot through my face and the blackness consumed me.

* * *

Sounds rushed through my ears, but I couldn't make any of them out. I  tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't find the strength to do so.  Slowly, things started coming back to me. Bits and pieces from right  before the lights went out.

"You will do it." Kades voice broke through the fog in my head, then the  sound of a gun cocking. I forced my eyes open, and saw the black barrel  of Kade's gun pointed at the Doc's head.

"You know this isn't how it works in the real world," the doc said.

"Isn't it? You're a doctor, you help people. So fucking help him."

"I'm talking about the gun. You can't just go around threatening lives.  You aren't God. You don't have the power to give and take life."

Kade pushed the barrel of the gun harder into the doc's head. "My gun here says differently."

"Put the gun down," I managed, and pushed myself up against the wall.  Kade looked at me with annoyance. A stupid smirk settled on Kade's face.  "Look who decided to wake up."

"You knocked me out, you fucking bastard."

"You didn't give me much more of a choice."

"No you didn't. And now I'm not giving you one. Put the damn gun down." I  reached into the waistband of my pants, and pulled out my gun, pointing  it at my best friend.

He rubbed at the scruff on his chin. "I'm taking care of it."

"If he doesn't want to help me, then fine. I told you I didn't want his fucking help anyway."

Kade stared me down, but I didn't waiver. I kept my hand as steady as I could, refusing to put the gun down until he did.

"Alright," Kade groaned, dropping his arm. "Do whatever the fuck you want. But just so you know. You die and so does he."

Kade slammed his hand into the door and shoved it open, disappearing into the hallway.

"Sorry about him," I said. "He's a little gun happy."

The doc didn't say anything. He got up from his chair, and propped himself up in a corner, arms crossed against his chest.

"How is she?" I asked, because despite everything: Aubree choosing him  over me, being ambushed by the Montamos, and being shot, I cared. I  didn't fucking want to, but I had no control over it anymore.

"Don't talk to me about my daughter. Don't ask about her. Don't even use her name in my presence. You got me?" he seethed.

"I just want to know if she's okay."

"It's none of your fucking business. She's none of your business. You will never talk to her or see her again."

"That's all I needed to hear." I pushed off the doctors table and headed  for the door. My hand went for the knob and missed. The world tilted,  and I grabbed the wall to keep my balance. I just needed some sleep.  Once I got that, regained my strength, I'd be able to take care of my  damn self.                       


I didn't need the doctor. He could keep his expensive education and  shove it up his yuppy ass. My hand slipped, and I used my shoulder to  keep from tumbling to the floor.

"You lost too much blood. Sit down," the doc spat. "Before you go down."

"Why?" I questioned. "You actually going to help me?" I laughed, feeling like I was on the verge of losing my damn mind.

"I haven't decided yet, but I don't need you passing out on my floor and bleeding all over my carpet."

"Why? Don't have enough money to replace it?"

"That's none of your fucking business."

I wanted to say fuck you and leave, but my energy levels had plummeted  and it was getting increasingly harder to hold myself up. I plopped back  onto the table.

Kade poked his head in. "What's going on? He helping or not?"

"I'll help on a two conditions."

Kade came into the room and closed the door. It was after office hours,  and there was no one there. It didn't matter whether the door was shut  or not, but it was habit. "We don't bargain."

I held my hand up to Kade. "Let him talk."

Kade let out a loud rush of air. "This is fucking ridiculous. Talk, pretty boy. We don't have all night."

The doc sat down and rested his foot on his knee. "First, I want you to promise you will stay the fuck away from my daughter."

"I can't promise that," I mumbled, and he stomped his foot down.

"Then you're on your own."

"Cash, you couldn't just fucking lie?!" Kade barked.

I shrugged and forced myself to sit a little straighter. "She already  made her decision. She chose you. But, if she ever came back to me,  there is no way in fucking hell I would turn her away."

The doc jumped up, his chair toppling over. "She is too good for you. She has a future!"

"Getting knocked up by that polo-wearing douchebag." I took a deep  breath, trying to make the lightheadedness go away. "Letting that  education you paid for go to fucking waste because she gets stuck being a  stay at home society mom. Yeah, because that life is so much better for  her."

"At least she'd be safe and out of harm's way."

"Safe. Yeah she'd be safe alright. Safe from ever having a real future.  What you envision for her is to satisfy your own agenda. I know who that  guy is. What his company is. He's fucking loaded. Makes you look like a  goddamned pauper. If she marries him, you'll never have to worry about  money again."

"If she marries him, I'll never have to worry about her again. She'll be  taken care of, and I'll be able to sleep easy at night. If you care for  her, really care for her, like you say you do, you know it's the best  choice for her."

"Even if it is," I said, resting my head back and trying not to let my eyes slip shut. "You can't force her into it."

"Maybe not, but forcing her away from it shouldn't be an option either. Can we both agree on that?"

I took a moment to ponder it, but it didn't take long for me to come to a  conclusion. "Fine." At least then it would be her choice to make.  "What's the other thing?"

"I want out. I've paid my dues twice over, yet I still keep getting  roped back into your shit. I take care of you and you let me out."

"Deal," I said.

"Whoa!" Kade intervened. "That is not your decision to make, Cash, and  you know it. It's a club decision. It needs to be brought to church."

"And, we need a majority rule. You'll vote in favor, won't you?"

Kade and I never stood divided. We made a pact a long time ago that we always stood together. I knew I could count on his vote.

"Even if I do, the others won't agree to it."

"I'll find a way to make it happen. After today, the Righteous Outlaws and me are through with you. I give you my word."


Today was a total nightmare. Dad came to dinner at the club, but he  wouldn't even look at me. He barely spoke to me and, when we got home,  he didn't even acknowledge my presence. I thought that, by choosing him  over Cash, it would fix things, but it didn't. If anything, it made  everything worse. I would never be Daddy's girl again. His little  princess. Funny, how I always wanted to be more than that, but, now that  I lost the title completely, I just wanted it back.

Dad had never done anything to disappointment me. He always had my best  interest at heart. He only wanted me to be happy safe, and secure. How  could I have faulted him for that? I needed to fix this. Fix us. I  needed to repair all the damage I caused. Make him see that who I chose  to be with doesn't change who I am. Who I have always been. I'm still  me. And I am still his daughter, regardless of what I've done.