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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(13)

By:Savannah Rylan

"What's going on with the Feds?" Braxton asked. "They're not sitting outside anymore. Does that mean they're gone?"                       


"For now," Nick answered. "Stanson said we're no longer on their radar,  but that doesn't mean they won't show their nosy asses up here whenever  they fucking feel like it. So, just be on alert and stay out of  trouble."

Nick telling us to stay out of trouble was like telling a fat kid to stay away from cake. It was never going to happen.


My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I slid it out. Mom popped up on my  screen, and I swiped to see what she wanted to bother me with today. It  was a picture of my half sister, Cara, in a cap and gown with the  caption: The proud grad! She did it.

I smiled before texting back and telling Mom to tell her I was proud. I  hadn't seen either of them since Dad's funeral. Mom had skipped out on  Dad ten years before, and moved to New York, where she met her current  husband. The complete and total opposite of Dad, from the way he dressed  to his nice cozy office job. He was safe, and that's exactly what Mom  wanted. She was sick of the biker life, and desperately tried to make me  go with her, but I refused. I was born into the Righteous Outlaws, and  the only way I was leaving was in a body bag.

After a few years, she finally gave up trying to persuade me with New  York pizza and bagels. It was only then that we were able to pick up the  pieces of our relationship. I might not have wanted to go with her, but  I still looked at her as if she abandoned Dad and me.

I don't think Dad was sober that entire first week after she left. He  was the toughest son of a bitch I had ever come across, yet losing his  Old Lady broke him. I couldn't imagine what he would've done if I would  have left with her. I never once doubted my decision. I didn't fit into  the cookie cutter life Mom was living anyway, so it was best that I was  on the other side of the country. We texted a few times a month, and  that was more than enough. I had my family. My brothers. They were all I  needed.

I pulled out of the warehouse parking lot, and headed into the city. I  had just finished up a few club errands, and wanted to go for a ride.  There was nothing better than the open road when you had no agenda.

I drove down the street, passing the tall buildings and overpriced  stores that composed Rainier Square, and came to a stop at a traffic  light. The corner of my eye caught on a splash of yellow in the busy  weekend crowd. I turned just as Sunshine, in a yellow sundress, waved to  a group of people, opened a door and stepped into a store.

The obvious choice was to ignore her and keep going, but, after she  ditched me the other night, we had unfinished business to attend to. I'd  been walking around with a goddamned hard-on since she took that tight  little ass away from me without even a taste.

So, I brought my bike to the side of the road and eased between two  parallel parked cars. I killed the engine, took off my helmet, and  walked into retail hell. As soon as I stepped through the doors, all  eyes turned to me. The woman behind the register shifted uncomfortably  as she rung up some woman who had so much plastic surgery she was  starting to look like a cat.

I made my way around a rack of coats that cost more than my bike. A  woman on the floor, clad in a stuffy pantsuit, eyed me as I went. She  casually changed direction and followed me. She was about as smooth as a  deer on ice. I'd been in a dozen situations where I was being followed,  and their weapon of choice was a lot more intimidating than her. If I  was in here to steal something, I would have already done it and they  would never know, but the only thing I wanted I couldn't stuff under my  cut.

"Can I help you with something?" the woman finally asked, just as my  eyes landed on Sunshine who was skimming through a rack of shirts.

"If I wanted your help, I would have asked," I said, just as the woman  stepped in front of me and blocked my path. I rested my hands on either  side of her arms, and she let out a loud gasp, as I geared her away from  me.

She didn't move from the spot I moved her to. Instead, she stayed firmly  planted there, hands on hips, staring me down. I laughed and continued  over to Sunshine. She held the sleeve of a yellow shirt in her hand, and  her lips pushed to one side in thought.

"Do you own anything that's not yellow?" I asked, and she jumped at my voice.

"Cash! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed in a whisper, her eyes nervously searching the area around us.

"In the area," I said, keeping it vague. I wasn't about to tell her that  I couldn't resist the urge to see her. "What about you? Don't have  enough yellow in your wardrobe already? Thought you would add to it?"

Her head tilted in what looked to be annoyance. "My stylist told me it was a good color on me."                       


"Your stylist?"

"Yes, my stylist. My mother got me one for my birthday last year, and  she told me all the colors that work well with my complexion."

I lifted an eyebrow at the absurdity. As far as I was concerned,  Sunshine could wear a burlap sack and still look fucking good. "You know  what would look good on you?"

"What's that?"

I stepped toward her, snaking my hand around her waist, and pulling her tight against me. "Me."

For a moment, we stayed there. It was as if she was soaking up the heat  that was rolling off of me in waves. Her gaze met mine, and I could see  the desire burning brightly in her eyes. Unable to resist temptation a  second longer, I crushed my mouth to hers, desperate to taste her  sweetness.

She moaned against my lips, and her fingers knotted in my hair. I wanted  to fuck her against these designer shirts, and come all over the  expensive material, but I forced down the urge, pulling away slightly.

I rested my head against hers, listening to her heavy intakes of breath.  My fingers toyed with the hem of her dress as my hands skimmed the bare  skin of her thigh. "Come with me," I said.

"I can't," she replied, but the way she bit her lip told me she wanted to.

The woman that had been following me poked her head around the corner,  and gasped at us. Sunshine pushed me away and straightened her dress.

"Is there a problem here, ma'am?" the woman asked, looking at me like I was some fucking thug.

"No, no. No problem. He's a friend," Sunshine explained.

The woman seemed skeptical about this admission, and continued to linger. "Are you sure?"

Sunshine rested her hand on my chest, and my raging hard on turned to  fucking stone. "Positive. Besides, we were just leaving. Have a good  day," Sunshine said, taking my hand and guiding me out the door.  Outside, she came to an abrupt stop and spun toward me. "I have to go."

I yanked her to me, and her hands splayed across my chest. I bent my  head to her ear. "But you don't want to," I said against her skin before  swiping my tongue against her lobe. Her fingers dug into my chest, and I  could feel her trying so desperately to resist. "Come with me."

Her eyebrows pinched together, causing little wrinkles to form. "But I'm here with my friends."

"Ditch them."

"I can't do that."

"Come on, Sunshine. Be the wild girl I know you can be, and get that pretty little ass on the back of my bike."

"I'm supposed to meet them for lunch though."

"I'll give you something to eat," I said, and nipped at the sensitive spot between her neck and her shoulder.

Red flared up her neck and her cheeks as she scanned the area.

"Time's ticking," I said, letting my hand run down the side of her body,  skimming her gorgeous tits before settling just above her ass.

"Okay, but I want real food. I'm hungry," she said, and I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You," I said, as I grabbed her wrist and brought her to my bike. I  placed a helmet on her head and fastened the strap, letting my fingers  linger on her soft skin. I loved how out of place the flat black looked  on her pretty head. "Hold on tight," I demanded as I revved the engine  and then pulled out into traffic.

Her arms pressed firmly against my sides, and her hands latched securely  onto my front. Her tits pushed into my back, and it was the one time in  my life I wished I wasn't wearing my cut. I wanted to feel her against  me with no material blocking our skin from touching.

She had given into me so easily that first night, and now she was making  me work for more. It was killing me. I felt like a thirsty man in the  desert, desperate for a drop of water, and willing to do anything to get  it.

Normally, I'd drive to a secluded place and claim what I wanted, but she  needed her stamina for what I had planned. So, I drove through the  streets of Seattle until we came upon my favorite pub. The food was  good, and the beer selection was even better. As I dismounted the bike,  and looked from Sunshine to the worn wooden door of the pub, I couldn't  help but wonder if she'd ever set foot into a place like this.