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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(11)

By:Savannah Rylan

"I've been told I only hear what I want to hear."

"That's obvious." I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my gaze. "Hear this. I'm leaving."

"You're cute when you get angry," he said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't try to smooth talk me. It's not going to work."

He took my hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to my  knuckles. I cringed, thinking of where those lips just were. It hurt  because I wanted to treasure the moment. To savor the sweetness that  this big burly man was putting forth even if it was just to get in my  pants again. But, I couldn't look past his earlier indiscretion. I  snatched my hand away. "Stop," I pleaded, but my resolve was waning.

"Okay, I tried to be nice," he said and, before I could question what he  meant, he bent down and picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder like  some ragdoll. His hand landed on my ass, and he stormed across the  parking lot.

"Put me down, you big ogre!" I screamed, punching his back, but it was  useless. He was solid brick, and my hits didn't even make him flinch.  "This is kidnapping!"

We came to a stop at his bike, and he lowered me back to the ground, my  body sliding ever so slowly down his. He grabbed my chin between his  fingers, and urged my eyes to his. "It's only kidnapping if I take you  against your will, and we both know you want to come with me. Come on,  Sunshine, live on the wild side."

My body craved him and wanted to do whatever Cash asked of me. There was  no doubt in my mind that I was addicted to him, but after what I just  witnessed, there was no way in hell I was going to give into my  traitorous body. I needed to get far away from him and out from under  this spell he cast on me. I refused to be another whore in his harem. I  might've been naïve but I wasn't stupid. So, I pushed his hands off my  face and took a step back.

I inhaled a deep breath and looked him square in his eyes. "I can't do  this. I don't want to be one of your many whores. I have to go," I  murmured as I turned and headed to my car. I went to open my door when I  felt Cash's hand on my arm.

"Come on Sunshine. Don't be like this. You know you want to go with me," he pleaded as he turned me around to look at him.

"Don't touch me," I ground out as I pushed his hands off me again." I  thought we had something special. Some kind of connection, but I guess I  was wrong. I want you, but I don't want to share you, and I know that's  never going to happen. So, I think it's for the best if we just end  this now."

Cash reached around me and opened my car door. "You're right, Sunshine, I  don't do monogamous. But if you ever decide you want a good fuck again,  come back and see me," he said and then walked away.


I fucked two girls last night, yet I couldn't get Sunshine out of my  goddamned head. She surprised the shit out of me when she turned me down  and walked away from me. Said she didn't want to share me. Did she  think she was going to pussy whip me and turn me into boyfriend  material? There was no way in fucking hell. But goddamn it, I wanted to  fuck her again. The girl was amazing and made me come like I'd never  come before. No matter how infuriating she was, she was right about one  thing though. I was used to getting what I wanted and, the more she held  out, the more I wanted to bend her over my bike and thrust hard and  deep into her tight, pink pussy.

"You okay, man?" Kade asked, as he sat on the barstool next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered, resting my elbows on the bar. The last  thing I wanted was to tell Kade I had some chick on my mind. He might  have wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to Sienna but that was a  completely different story. "Just need a beer."

Mikey's was a local joint that we frequented when we were out on  business. The crowd was low key, and the bartender always bought us back  a round. Besides, we needed to pick up payment. Tonight was about  killing two birds with one stone.                       


Mikey D, the owner, appreciated our services in keeping the community  safe. We might have run illegal drug dealings, and other questionable  business affairs, but we took care of our community. We kept the gangs  out that were making other towns uninhabitable. Never would we allow the  common person to be hurt by our ventures. We kept them safe and,  because of that, the local businesses gave us kickbacks.

Sammy, the bartender, slid an envelope across the bar and Kade put it  into the inner pocket of his vest. He held up two fingers and we nodded.  He came back with two pint glasses, and placed them in front of us.

The door opened, and Sammy let out a heavy sigh. I glanced over my  shoulder, and watched, as two guys strolled in like they owned the  joint.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Pains in my fucking ass," Sammy stated.

"Yo, Sammy boy. Two cold ones," the guy with greased back black hair and a goatee said.

The other guy walked up to two girls that were sitting at the end of the  bar and minding their own fucking business. "Hey, beautiful," he said,  with a nod of his head like he was hot shit. There was something  familiar about him that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

Kade elbowed me in the side. "Isn't that the shithead who was dealing in our territory?"

That's exactly who he was. I turned back to Sammy. "What do you know about those two?"

"They started coming in here about two weeks ago. They have no standards, and will hit on anything with tits."

"Have you ever seen them make a deal?" Kade asked.

"Not inside. A few times people followed them outside, but, until now, I  never thought much of it. Assumed they were going out for a smoke."

"Doubtful," I muttered, keeping my eyes on the two guys. "Do us a favor,  Sammy. Keep an eye on them. If you suspect anything, call us."

"Will do, boys." He tossed a rag over his shoulder, and headed over to a couple on the other side of the bar.

When he was out of earshot, I turned my attention back to Kade. "Who do you think they're working for?" I asked.

"Fuck if I know. Could be anyone, though it wouldn't surprise me if it  were Montamos. Those bastards have been trying to get this territory  back for a long time. When that dickhead Angelo became president, I had a  feeling it was just a matter of time."

The Montamos president, Carlos, was taken out last year in a drive-by  with another Outlaw group. Angelo took over the reins, which sucked for  us since we had an understanding with Carlos. Angelo didn't believe in  understandings. He wanted power and control, and he would do anything in  order to get it.

After Carlos's death, Angelo spent his time hunting down those that  carried out the assassination. It kept him busy, and out of our fucking  hair, but we should've known it was only a matter of time before he  started feeding his craving for domination. We might not have facts, but  it was pretty fucking clear who those two douchebags worked for. I bet  they didn't even know how deep they were really in.

"I think it's time we figured this shit out, don't you?" Kade asked, and  then downed the rest of his beer. He pushed the glass away and stood,  adjusting his cut.

"You read my mind," I replied and followed suit.

Kade rolled up on our friend from a few days ago, and latched onto his shoulders. "Hey buddy," he said with a smile.

The guy's friend, who looked like he was twelve, reached toward the  waistband of his pants, but I grabbed his arm and bent it behind his  back. "Not so fast," I said, putting pressure on his arm until his body  flinched in pain. He carried himself like a thug, yet I could break him  in half with one hand.

The girls who they were hitting on jumped up from their barstools with a  gasp and took off to the bathroom. "Let's go chat, shall we?" Kade  said, pushing the guy toward the door.

"Get your fucking hands off me!"

"Now, that's no way to talk to a friend, is it?"

"I'm not your friend," he ground out through his teeth.

"You might want to rethink that," Kade answered as he nodded to Sammy  over his shoulder, a signal for him to turn off the security tapes, and  shoved the guy out into the night.

I forced the other guy forward, not letting go of the hold I had on his arm. We joined his friend, and Kade, outside.

"Thought we told you to keep your business outside of our town?"

"I wasn't doing business. We were here to have a drink and troll for pussy," the guy spat.

Kade latched onto the back of his neck, pushing into his pressure point.  The guy's knees buckled, as Kade reached into his pocket and pulled out  his license.