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Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(10)

By:Savannah Rylan

You know what? I had no reason to be embarrassed. I wasn't the one who  was slobbering all over some guy with my tits practically falling out of  my shirt for the whole place to see. I had more class than that. I was a  respectable girl, and I was going to act like it.

There was no way in hell I was going to let some miscreants scare me,  nor was I going to care about what they thought. So, I stood tall and  strutted my way back to the front of the building, ignoring all the eyes  that followed me as I went. The door was in my sight, and I focused on  it. I pushed the chain of my bag more securely onto my arm and continued  on.

The place smelled of cheap booze and whores. I needed a shower to rid  myself of the filth I was currently surrounded with. The further away I  got from Cash, the more disgusted I was becoming. I picked up pace, and  was feet from the door, when a guy stepped in front of me.

"Whoa there, beautiful. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" His hand  landed on my shoulder, and I shook it off. He had a jagged scar across  his cheek that added to his frightening character.

"I shouldn't be here," I said, but didn't feel the need to explain  myself further. I doubt he even cared anyway. The desire to leave only  grew as I feared Cash would come walking out with those girls on his  arms, laughing at me. There was a lot I could handle, like holding my  head high and leaving with my dignity, but, seeing Cash with those  girls, that I couldn't deal with.

The guy took a comb out of his back pocket and ran it through his hair. I  wanted to tell him that 1955 had called and they wanted their signature  move back, but the last thing I wanted to do was piss this guy off.

"I'm guessing you were the distraction," he said as he put his comb back in his pocket.

"I beg your pardon?" I quipped.

"Why don't you let me get you a drink?"

"Unless you have something that doesn't come out of a can, no thank  you," I spat finally finding my voice. "Now if you'll excuse me." I  stepped around the man and as soon as I did, I heard him. My body froze  at the deep silky voice.

Despite myself, I turned. Cash walked toward us, pulling up the zipper  of his jeans, and then swiping a hand across the side of his mouth.

Repulsed, I took a step back. He could have at least had the decency to clean up before coming after me.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on my girl," Cash said, and went to put his arm around me, but I ducked out of it.

"He didn't, and I am most definitely not your girl. You made that  abundantly clear back there." I pointed toward the back room, and the  two girls stepped out into the hall. Unable to even look in their  direction, I turned on my kitten heel, pushed past Comb Boy, and took  off toward the door.

Cash's strong hand gripped my arm, and yanked me to him. My hands  splayed across his hard chest, and I shoved off. "Don't!" I screamed,  and swatted at his hand on my wrist. "Don't touch me after you touched  them!" I glanced over his shoulder to see the two girls, leaning against  the wall and snickering.                       


"Come on, baby, you're overreacting. I didn't even know you were coming."

"Somebody was coming alright," someone said with a snicker, which only fueled my raging anger.

"Shut the fuck up," Cash said and, when he turned toward the person, I ran out the door into the parking lot.

Now that the shock had worn off, I was appalled at the whole situation.  Pissed at myself for thinking I actually had a chance with someone like  Cash. Angry that he couldn't even wait a full week before he stuck his  manhood into someone else. Embarrassed that I thought we actually had  some sort of connection. I was a fool. A fool who thought a one-night  stand meant more than what it was. This was exactly why I didn't  casually hook up. I didn't know how to navigate the situation. I didn't  know how to let it go. Let him go …

"Sunshine!" Cash shouted after me, but I didn't look back. He was behind  me, where he belonged. It was time for me to move forward, and forget  about the hot biker who turned my world upside down for a night.

I got to my Audi, and put my hand on the handle, when a familiar  tattooed hand clasped mine. I ignored the current rushing through my  body and reminding me of the last time he touched me. How a single touch  from him changed me, and made me want things I never knew I wanted.

"Where you going, Sunshine? You just got here."

I swallowed down the rising emotion of anger and disappointment. "I never should have come."

He pressed his warm, hard body against my back, and lowered his mouth to  my ear. Twinges of need shot down my neck as his hot breath skittered  across my skin. Memories of our night together smashed into me. Every  touch, every breath, and every single sensation that coursed through my  body when we came together, stood out brightly in my mind.

He reached up, his hand brushing my hair behind my ear, before turning  me to face him. His beautiful green eyes reminded me of the waterfalls  of Hawaii where they spilled over moss covered rocks, and looking into  them calmed me just the same.

"But you did come here. Why?"

"I wanted to see you." I snapped my eyes away from his. "But, now I know that was a mistake."

"Mistakes are only what you make them to be."

I glanced back up, cursing myself as soon as our gazes met. I fought  through the raging desires streaming through my body, and reminded  myself of what I had just stumbled upon only moments ago. "What does  that even mean?" I questioned, not in the mood for riddles.

"Nothing has to be a mistake. It only becomes a mistake if you look at it that way."

"Don't try that psychological bull on me. It's not going to work. I have  a bachelor's degree in psychology." I pushed away from him, needing to  give myself a comfortable distance to keep my head straight.

"Is that supposed to make you better than me?" he questioned.

"No!" I exclaimed, shocked he thought that was a dig because it was not what I intended. "That's not what I meant."

"Really? Then, what did you mean?"

Despite myself, I closed the gap between us that I created and looked  back into his eyes. "I only meant that you couldn't manipulate me."

"What makes you think I was?"

I laughed. "You were just in there." I waved my hand toward the  building. "Doing … doing whatever you were doing, and then you thought you  could come out here and pretend like you weren't."

The side of his mouth curled and, dammit, if it wasn't the sexiest smirk  I'd ever seen. "I'm not pretending. That's one thing about me,  Sunshine. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not."

He didn't say it outright, but the insinuation in his tone pissed me off. "I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not."

"Aren't you?" His finger ran down the side of my pale yellow button up,  stroking the roundness of my breast. "You wear these clothes and act all  innocent, yet you weren't so innocent the other night."

"Haven't you ever heard of the saying, ‘don't judge a book by its cover'?"

"Oh, I have, but I know you're just as sweet on the inside as you are on  the outside." He licked his lips, and I forced my attention to the  ground.

"I have to go," I said, turning back to the car and opening the door.

He pushed the door shut, leaving his hand on the frame, and trapping me. "But you just got here. At least have a drink with me."

"I can't," I whispered.

"Can't or won't?"

Anger surged through me and I spun, pointing my finger at his chest.  "Honestly, I can't because you literally just had sex with two other  girls." I dropped my voice, not wanting to shout what I had to say next.  I looked around to make sure no one was around. "Their fluids are still  on you, and, I'm sorry, that's disgusting. I am not going to stand here  and act like that's okay. I'm not going to go in there and have a drink  with you when the entire place knows what I walked in on. So, please.  Just let me go."                       


"Come for a ride with me," he said as if my moment of honesty meant  nothing to him. That, somehow, he could still manipulate the situation  to get what he wanted.

"You always get what you want, don't you? You just have to give that  smoldering, sexy look with your eyes and girls fawn all over you. You're  not used to someone telling you no."

He smirked. "You think I'm sexy?"

"No. I mean yes. Maybe. That's not the point." I straightened, trying to  get my rattled nerves to calm. "Out of everything I just said, that's  what you picked out?"