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Virgin Bride(105)

By:B. B. Hamel

“Your father ordered me not to save you. He wants us to take down this whole compound, and in order to do that, I needed to stay on the inside.”

As he continues to explain the situation, I can’t say that I’m at all surprised that my father would be willing to sacrifice me for the greater good.

That’s the kind of man he is. He believes in great honor and the greater good, and is willing to destroy his own daughter for it. He’s a misguided bastard, my father, but at least he has his principles. Or at least that’s what he’d say.

I hate him. I hate my father. I don’t want to be rescued if I’m just going to be taken back to that bastard.

He could have saved me. Logan is supposed to save me. But he’s not allowed to get me out of here, all because he can’t blow his cover.

“Riley?” he asks. “Are you okay?”

“I just need to think.” I start walking away from him, down the beach. He follows but gives me space.

I don’t blame Logan for this. He’s been treating me very, very well, all things considered. He’s supposed to be pretending to break me into a sex slave, and he did everything he could to keep that act up while still treating me well. He did an amazing job, to be completely honest, and I can’t be angry with him.

But I am furious with my father. If he gave the order, Logan would get me out of here and away to safety immediately. But my father wants to keep me here.

He wants to save the other girls and to prevent more girls from being taken. I understand that. I want that, too. But I can’t help but feel angry and betrayed.

It’s so damn confusing and horrifying, but there’s a silver lining. I stop walking and face Logan again.

“You’re not a rapist?” I ask him. “Not a human trafficker? A bad guy?”

“Maybe a bad guy,” he says, grinning. “But no. I hate those fucking bastards back there as much as you do, probably more.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” I ask, not understanding.

“If you knew, you might give it away. I don’t know how good of an actress you are. You might have freaked out and ruined everything. I had to keep you in the dark.”

“So why tell me now?” I ask softly, but I know the truth even before he says it.

“Because this is all going to be over soon, and I didn’t want it to end without you knowing first.”

I nod slowly, staring into his eyes. “So who are you, Logan?”

He smiles at me. “I’m from Michigan,” he says. “Joined the SEALs, did a few tours, and ended up working for a private security firm.” He shrugs. “And here I am now.”

“What about the stories you told me?”

“All true,” he says. “I’d never lie to you, Riley. I had to keep things from you, but I never lied.”

I step toward him, eyes wide. “And all of this?” I ask him.

He takes my hand and puts it on his cheek. The moonlight bathes us and the ocean laps up against the shore.

“Real,” he says, “all of it is real.”

I stare into his eyes and then he kisses me, full and firm.

For the first time since being taken, I have hope. It’s a strange feeling, hope, but it’s real and it’s alive. Just like what I’m feeling for Logan. It’s real and overwhelming and means something bigger than the two of us.

Logan was sent here to save and protect me, and that’s what he did. But during that, something else happened between us and grew much bigger than we could have guessed.

The kiss breaks off and he holds me tight on that beach. We stand there in silence together, enjoying the moment. For the first time, there’s no mystery between us.

The truth is hard, but it’s the truth and it’s real. I can handle and accept that. I can accept Logan.

He’s not going to sell me into slavery. He’s my protector, my guardian, my savior. He’s here to bring me home.

“Thirty-six,” he says softly.

I blink up at him. “What?”

“That’s how many girls are there, besides you,” he says.


“Really. Plus another ten that Anton keeps as pets.”

“Forty-six girls,” I whisper.

“Forty-seven, including you.” He cups my chin and stares into my eyes. “Do you understand? We have to go back.”

“I know,” I say, sighing. “We’ve come this far.”

“It won’t be much longer. I promise. And now, at least, you know.”

“I can keep a secret.”

He grins. “I’m sure you can.” He kisses me lightly again. “I just wanted you to understand why we’re going back. Why I haven’t taken you out yet.”