“I would never ask you to ruin a good pair of shoes.” A devious smile creeps up his face, just one side. Wyatt is like a delicious piece of steak sitting in front of me that I cannot wait to devour. “I can get my own coffee.” He glides a stack of neatly bound papers toward me.
“What’s this?” Rags to Riches Two-Year Business Plan. “You did this?” I thumb through it quickly getting the gist. It’s pages and pages of outlines, suggestions, implementation techniques, and new ideas I’ve never even thought of.
“As you can see I have an initial plan of five seamstresses. That could free you up to purchase more fabric, clothes to up-cycle, whichever. And there’s even room for you to create a few pieces of your own thus keeping the integrity of where it all began.”
“Wow, okay.” I’m totally blown away as I continue to skim over the proposal like a drink of water in what had always been a vast, lonely desert. “You have a five point plan for a retail outlet in two different online locations?” I’m more than impressed.
“Three—three different online locations. I’ve already purchased the domain name for your website.”
“You don’t waste any time do you?” The words wobble on my tongue. I’m not used to someone going the extra mile for me. “What do I owe you?”
“For what?”
“The domain—the proposal.” I happen to know that a domain name isn’t too spendy but a professional proposal like this with such a deep scope and sequence can garner 10K on the light side. Maybe he’ll give me the good guy discount since I’m generously gifting my body to him for the time being.
“My payment is your proposal.” His jaw tightens before he flexes a genuine smile. “Where is it?”
God, he’s on the ball. And I’m sure his balls are what have him so on it.
“I’m afraid I’m not as efficient as you. I haven’t had a chance to digest that pizza from last night let alone formulate a fifty-page addendum of what our sexual future might hold.” Not that I didn’t fall asleep thinking of the twisted possibilities.
“Like I mentioned, I’ve read your articles.” A set of evenly matched dimples go off in his cheeks, but he withholds the smile this time. It’s a bit tantric in nature, and I can feel the big O begging for that devilish grin of his to take me all the way home. “I’ve no doubt you can be prolific if the moment calls. And, the moment is calling.” He mock checks his watch. “That’s how I want you to spend the day. Right here”—he gives a quick knock to the desk—“formulating a plan of action.”
“Consider it done.” I plop my blank notebook onto the glass overlay, and a slapping sound emits, a bit embarrassing, yet, most likely indicative of what’s to come. Namely me.
My pen glides over the stark white parchment absentmindedly. I give it a few good revolutions before I glance back up at his garden-green eyes.
“I’ve got nothing.” Crap. “Not that I’m admitting defeat. Its just sort of par for the course considering I have a knack to procrastinate if I have a big assignment due. I’m one of those people who really thrive under pressure. I didn’t think this was due so soon, Professor James.” A coy smile curls up my lips. I think I’ve just found his nickname, apropos as it might be, it adds a scorching flare. That cocky, I-know-I’ve-got-you leer, that self-approving grin. Wyatt James is drunk off his own charm, and it’s easy to see that the female world around him often partakes of his libations. He’s so perfect for my test subject that a squeal of delight emits from my throat.
His brows rise. “Excited?”
“Good.” He sets another report in front of me, this one considerably thinner in nature, the cover page simply reads Document. I skip to the next page and find both our names printed out at the bottom with a space for a signature to the right. Above that it reads; I, Marley Jackson, herein enter into a common law contract with Wyatt James to engage in consensual sexual activity that remains within legal bounds and in no way produces harm to either party. I agree to negate the right to any litigation that might arise in the event of emotional or physical trauma. This is a legally enforceable promise that adheres to state laws within North Carolina. The contractual terms are as follows:
•If litigation is necessary both parties agree to seek arbitration.
•No monetary exchanges will take place in lieu of consensual acts, prior to or post the span of contractual services.
•If either party feels the need to withdraw from this consensual relationship the term application as stated in this document is null and void, thus dissolving any further relations.