Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(49)

No matter how much I tried to persuade him, he said no more. Which had  me sulking because I was even more curious. The next morning, I had  gotten up to see Ian leaving Amy's room. He gave me a cheeky grin and a  shrug when I looked at him questioningly. All I knew was Amy emerged,  looking grim and refusing to come to the airport. Ian instructed me to  wait in the car, while they said their goodbyes, which he refused to  tell me what was going on during the car ride to the airport. No one was  telling me anything around here! I turned into a blubbering mess at the  airport like usual.                       


"No more crying Ace, won't be much longer and you will be wishing you  could drop me off at the airport." He joked and my tears stopped and a  huge grin erupted on my face.

"You're moving to the States?" I squealed.

"Nothings set in stone just yet, but me and some of the boys are  planning on opening a security business in LA." He explained, grinning  too.

I jumped up and down, slightly dramatic. "LA is only two hours away, this is awesome!"

"Alright Ace, calm the theatrics people are staring. Oh and, you've done  okay with Cade, he's not a total asshole. I'll be worrying about you a  lot less knowing your with him." He ground this out as if it was  physically painful to admit and I smirked at him.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Got a flight to catch, see you in no  time Gwen. Love you." He turned to the boarding gate with his duffel  thrown over his shoulder.

"Love you too! Be careful, don't get shot." I ordered him, a few people  gave me sideways glances. Ian turned and gave me a salute before  disappearing around the corner.

As soon as I had arrived home from the airport, red eyed from shedding a  couple of tears on the way home, Cade had been waiting on his bike. The  men were all with him. He had explained the situation with the Spider's  had gotten worse and he was going to have a man on me at all times. I  argued this, finding it hard to swallow that I would have someone  following me all the time, it was creepy.

"Don't fucking argue about this Gwen. You don't have any say. You think  I'm going to even let there be a slight chance of you being in danger?  I'm not having anything ugly ever touch you again. When I'm not with  you, you have one of the boys with you. No more discussion."

I had caved, obviously. It worried me a lot that Cade was putting a guy  on me, I wasn't worried for myself, I knew the boys would take care of  me, but that meant Cade was in a lot of danger, I didn't like that at  all. He needed to speed this process of getting the club clean.

I had hardly seen him during the next few days, he'd crawl into bed with  me late in the night. He would make love to me then fall asleep with  his arms tight around me, not releasing me until the morning, when he  made love to me again before leaving. It was not a fun situation, I  missed him, and worried about him. The cling of the bell brought me back  to the present. I smiled as a pretty young girl walked in.

"Hi sweetie, how's it going?" I called to her from the counter.

She didn't reply, her face blank as she approached me, setting a gift bag in front of me.

"This is from Rico." Was all she said before turning to leave.

"Wait!" I called to her, rounding the counter, grabbing the bag.

"I think you have the wrong person, I have no idea who Rico is." I held the bag out to her.

"You Gwen?" She asked and I nodded. "Its for you." She turned and walked out.

"That's weird." I said to myself. But never one to not open a present, I  took the wrapped box and set it on the counter. I ripped open the box  and screamed.

Chapter 13

Black tarantulas scampered out of the box and crawled up my arms, I  continued screaming as I swatted them off and tried and get as far away  from the box as possible at the same time. The door crashed open and  Dwayne entered the store gun drawn. He took one look at me and his eyes  flared.

"Get them off!" I screamed, feeling them crawling through my hair. He  was at my side in seconds, hands in my hair and at my arms getting the  last of those creatures off me before stomping on them.

"Outside now." He barked.

You didn't have to tell me twice. I darted out the door, pulling at my clothes with him following close behind.

He looked me over quickly. "You okay?"

"Um … " I stuttered, unable to process what just happened. I couldn't stop  running my hands up my arms, I could still feel them on me.

"Cade? Get down here, now. The Spider's paid a visit to Gwen's store,  sent a message." Dwayne talked into his phone, eying me up and down like  I might faint at any moment. Luckily I was a girl from the country and  had a brother who liked to gross me out. I was staying conscious.

"Gwen are you okay sweetheart?" Evan from next door approached me looking worried. "We heard you scream, what happened?"

"Um … I had some unwelcome visitors." I told him, restraining a hysterical  laugh, only half paying attention. My mind was on other things, like  the reality of another dangerous gang setting their sights on me. Again.

"Gwen!" Luke ran towards me, gun drawn. I noticed a couple of people had  approached obviously hearing the commotion. I didn't realize my scream  had been that loud, and how was it that Luke was always around when  something shitty happened to me? Don't get me wrong I was glad, but I  couldn't be the only person in this town who got in these situations.  Okay maybe I might be the only person in this town who got a box of  eight legged devils delivered to them, but he had speeding tickets to  write or drug rings to bust.                       


I watched Luke take me in, then glare at Dwayne who had just got off the phone.

"What happened?" His face was a mask of concern, his eyes darted around  looking for threats, they settled on Dwayne again for a second before he  put his gun away.

"Well, I got a delivery." I began, feeling aware of the amount of people  around. "Um, and it contained insects of the eight legged variety. Not  at all like the delivery of shoes I was expecting." I answered, giggling  at the ridiculousness of it all.

Luke hissed. "The Spider's." He returned his glare to Dwayne, who  ignored him. He started running his arms up my own, eyes searching. I  tried to pulled them away, but he caught my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked angrily, in any other situation I wouldn't  mind being felt up by a hot guy, if I wasn't madly in love with another  hot guy that was. Luke stepped closer, looking like he was going to get  between us.

Dwayne didn't glance up. "Looking for bites." He grunted and my stomach  dropped. I didn't think of that. Were tarantulas poisonous? Did my first  aid kit have anti venom? I didn't think so.

"Bites?" Luke repeated quietly.

The roar of Harley's, and what looked like the whole club, approaching,  drowned out any further conversation. Cade all but threw his bike on the  sidewalk, sprinting over to our little huddle. His eyes darkened seeing  Luke, but his concern for me obviously trumped a macho man showdown.  Cade pushed both Dwayne and Luke out of the way and grabbed me,  inspecting me as if he was expecting stab wounds. He seemed satisfied  with my lack of bleeding because he drew me into his shoulder.

"What the fuck happened?" He barked at Dwayne as the rest of the club approached.

Dwayne's jaw got tight. "Heard Gwen scream, went in and she was covered in fucking tarantulas."

I heard some of the men curse behind me and felt the air turn electric.

"Was just looking for bites when you arrived." Dwayne continued and I  heard a sharp indrawn breath from Cade. He roughly pulled me to arms  length, running his hands up my arms as Dwayne had been doing before.

"You feel a sting anywhere baby?" His eyes didn't leave my body and his voice was laced with barely restrained fury.

I shook myself out of my mental fog and took stock of my body. I felt  like I was about to throw up, I could still feel them in my hair, but no  pain.

"No, no sting." I answered quietly, shivering. "Are you sure you got  them all Dwayne?" I ran my hands through my hair quickly, hoping not to  encounter any creepy crawlies.

"You're good babe." He grunted.

Luke appeared in front of me, eyeing the bikers with distaste. I noticed  that a couple more cops had joined the party, standing slightly back,  hands on their weapons.

"Gwen, do you want to come down to the station? Make a statement?" He  asked firmly, eyes on me. I opened my mouth to answer but Cade bet me to  it.

"That's not happening, she's on the back of my bike I'll take her  somewhere to keep her safe." Cade's arms settled around me, and I felt  safe already.