Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(44)

"How about we talk about where you have been all day Abrams?" I shouted  over my shoulder as I got the torte and some plates out. "Having some  makeup sex with Brock maybe?" I gave her a wink, walking back to the  table. Her face blanched, a panicked look on her face was quickly  replaced with a glare.

"Who is Brock?" Ian clipped, jaw hard.

I set the plates down with a smirk. "Oh just some guy that won't take Amy's shit but is so totally under her skin."

Amy scowled at me, quickly glancing at Ian who was staring at her with a  blank look on his face. "He is no one. No one special and I certainly  won't be talking to him again. Subject closed." She exclaimed grumpily  before dumping a huge piece of torte on her plate. I raised an eyebrow,  she usually avoided refined sugars and carbs like the plague. She  scowled at me yet again.

"It's my cheat day." She declared defensively.

I held my hands up, serving myself a piece, choosing to ignore the weird  atmosphere and instead to enjoy the deliciousness of peanut butter and  chocolate. At that moment, I heard the roar of a Harley and smiled. I  hadn't heard from Cade since he left, I was glad he was ignoring my  request not to sleep with me while Ian was here since I needed him  tonight. Ian gave me a look hearing the Harley too, just not as excited  as I was. Amy caught this and she pointed her fork at my brother  dangerously.                       


"Look here Mr Solider, don't you dare try any of your macho man bullshit  and be a dick to Cade. He can handle it, I have no doubt about that,  but we don't need the drama. He cares about your sister and makes her  happy, that's all you need to know." She said firmly, holding a stare  with Ian until he nodded stiffly, grabbing his plate and getting up.

"Thanks for the amazing grub sis, but I am knackered." He heaped more cake onto his plate before shrugging his shoulders at me.

"If I get hungry in the night."

I let out a giggle as he kissed me on the cheek, nodded at Amy and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom.

I quickly turned to Amy as I heard the front door open and close.

"What the hell was that?" I inquired.

Amy looked at me innocently. "What?"

I glared at her disbelievingly. "You know what. You and Ian, what the hell is going on? You guys were acting weird."

"No we weren't."

"Yes you were."

"Were not."

I let out a frustrated groan, yanking her plate away.

"Hey what the fuck?" Amy asked angrily as I swiped the serving plate away and stood out of her reach.

"You don't get anymore until you tell me what's going on." I declared,  holding both plates up in the air. I was vaguely aware of Cade's eyes on  me as he entered the room, grabbing a beer.

Amy scowled at me, then at Cade. "Your girlfriend is evil." She stated,  pushing past me and snatching a piece of cake before running upstairs.

"That will go straight to your ass." I yelled to her back.

"Fuck you!" Was her reply.

I laughed, turning towards Cade who was leaning against the breakfast bar with a raised eyebrow. "Do I even ask?"

I dumped the plates on the counter and began tidying up.

"Nope, just girl stuff." My mind was still stewing over the weirdness between the two people I love.

Cade remained silent, and stayed where his was, which was weird. He always had to have his hands on me.

"Where have you been today?" I inquired softly, not wanting to sound  like a whiny bitch, but also needing to get him to tell me about more  about where he had been disappearing off to.

"Club business." He clipped, taking a chug of his beer.

I didn't answer, waiting for him to elaborate or tell me what was going  on. There was just silence, apart from the sound of me cleaning the  dishes. The silence lasted awhile until I drained the sink and turned to  look at my broody man. Our gazes locked and we just stood there for a  moment staring at each other. It never got old checking Cade out. He had  a rough growth of stubble shadowing his face and along with his long  black hair, he looked wild and sexy. His muscles nearly burst out of his  black tee shirt he wore under his cut, his veins pulsing underneath his  tattoos. I licked my lips, feeling a tingling between my legs as my  gaze neared his eyes. His look was intense, hungry, roving over my body.  I was only wearing my yoga pants and a racer back singlet, but the way  he looked at me you would have thought I was wearing my sexiest LBD.  Without a word he stalked towards me and seized me, covering his mouth  with mine. The kiss burnt out of control, Cade lifted me up and I  wrapped my legs around his waist. His mouth never left mine as he  carried me up the stairs. Suddenly, I was thrown on my bed, Cade jerking  my pants off and lifting me to get my underwear off at the same time.

"Cade" I groaned, my voice rough with arousal.

His dark gaze stilled me. "No talking." He commanded as his unzipped his  jeans, just to free himself, but leaving the rest of his clothes on.

He leaned down lightly kissing my inner thigh before reaching up to take  off my tank. I was fully naked and Cade covered me, fully clothed.  There was something terribly erotic about that. He roughly tweaked my  hard nipple, I cried out as his other hand worked between me legs.

"Quiet." He instructed gruffly.

He covered my mouth with his own before roughly thrusting into me. I  moaned loudly into his mouth, raking my fingers down his cut as he  pounded into me mercilessly. I felt my orgasm rip through me, melting me  into little pieces, I arched my back unable to take the intensity as  Cade continued his thrusting.

I felt him shoot his release into me, which sparked me to melt all over again.

I took awhile to come back down to earth, opening my eyes to Cade staring down at me with an intensity that was scary.

"I love you." I murmured into those grey eyes.

Shit. Where did that come from? Man I couldn't keep my mouth shut, I  hadn't even properly admitted to myself until today and here I was  blurting it out. Fuck. I realized I had closed my eyes, embarrassed and  pissed off at myself. I gingerly opened them, afraid to see Cade's face.  He hasn't moved and was still staring at me with that intense gaze that  seared my soul. CRAP.                       


"Um sorry that so shouldn't have come out … I was just high on an orgasm  you know?" I sounded like a total dweeb, who says ‘high on an orgasm'?  "Well no I..."

"Shut up." Cade interrupted me, which was a good thing, who knows what I  would've said next. I bit my lip, waiting for him to say something.

"Say it again." He demanded.

"What?" I asked shyly.

"Fucking say it again Gwen." His voice was hard, almost emotionless, but one hand reached to softly frame my face.

"I love you." I all but whispered, "I've loved you since you scared the  shit out of me outside my house, even though I couldn't admit to myself  until now."

His eyes flared, but he said nothing. After a beat he plastered my mouth  to his in a passionate kiss, setting me on fire all over again.

He drew back, eyes still hard, but full of emotion.

"Needed to hear that baby." He kissed my forehead and pushed off me, buttoning his pants back up.

"Got to go. Got some club business that can't wait. Fucking Spider's  causing some shit, need to lock it down before that shit spreads." His  voice was grim, but focused.

My heart dropped, I tell him I love him and he gives me a quick kiss and  is going to bail? Well isn't that a kick in the vagina. I couldn't deal  with this naked while he stood above me fully clothed. I moved to get  up, cover myself, but Cade's arm landed on my chest, stopping me.

"No Gwen, this is exactly what I want to picture in my mind for the rest  of my night. My girl, freshly fucked, orgasm all over her face, my cum  running out of her. Naked, looking like a fucking goddess."

He gave me a rough closed mouth kiss before standing again, giving me a long look then he was gone.

Chapter 12

"Needed to hear that. That's what he said? Are you sure you heard right,  like maybe your ears weren't working right after minding blowing sex?"  Amy asked sipping her coffee, looking at me hopefully.

I stared back at her, feeling sick. "Nope that's definitely what he  said. Then he left. Crap I am such an idiot!" I whined, putting my head  in my hands. Amy patted my back soothingly.

"That man loves you. Anyone can see that, he's just being all bad ass  biker and doesn't want to say it because he's afraid if he does his  balls will automatically belong to you."

I raised my eyebrows at Amy.

"Really? I think he just doesn't love me and has now ran to set up a  club in Mexico and I shall never see him again." I exclaimed sadly,  downing the rest of my coffee, getting up to get more, I needed a shot  of whiskey in it.