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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(31)

By:Anne Malcom

"If you're going through hell, just keep on going. You'll make it out  eventually." I whispered, leaning in and kissing his cheek, before I  walked back to the party. I said my piece whether it was my place or  not. I felt a hand grab my arm roughly. I panicked for a second before  my gaze locked with Cade's.

"What the fuck babe? I've been searching for you everywhere and you're  off in some dark corner will Bull?" He hissed, eyes dark with rage, I  smelt alcohol on his breath and wondered if he we drunk. Did him and  Ginger share a bottle of Jack?

I ignored his hurtful words. "Don't let him out of your or the boys sight." I ordered sharply. Cades eyes snapped to attention.

"Why?" He barked.

"Just don't. And make sure he isn't armed." I continued and understanding flickered in Cades eyes.

"Fuck!" He bit out, completely sober.

I nodded in the direction of the fire. "Go sort out your brother, I'll go home with one of the girls."

"No you'll stay here, in my room, I'll show you there now. Wait for me." He ordered. "Can't be without you tonight baby."

I smiled a sad smile and began to nod, that was until I saw lipstick on  the side of his neck. As mentioned before, I wasn't wearing lipstick. I  didn't want to make a scene, distract him from helping his brother but I  sure as shit wasn't sleeping in the bed he most likely fucked Ginger in  either. I'd probably catch Chlamydia.

I pulled on his arm. "Just have to say a quick goodbye to the girls,  won't be a sec." I quickly pecked his cheek and scampered off knowing he  was hot on my heels. I reached the table where Amy was currently  chatting up Dwayne Johnson.

"Well there you are! Cade's been looking for you everywhere, he is not a happy chappy!" Amy chanted.

"You drive?" I asked quickly.

Amy caught my tone and nodded. "Couldn't drive now though. I'm three sheets to the wind girlfriend." She sang.

"Give me your keys." I commanded holding out my hand.

She grabbed them out of her bag and threw them to me.

I saw Cade approaching out of the corner of my eye and I gave Amy a hug while whispering in her ear.

"I'm taking your car, don't say anything in front of Cade, just goodbye, text me if you need picked up?" I told her quickly.

She frowned at me as I released her back but she nodded.

"See you girl." I said loudly, then turned to the rest who were looking  well and truly hammered, I blew them kisses "Bye ladies!"                       


"Bye Gwen!" They all yelled over my shoulder as Cade dragged me into the clubhouse.

We marched into the entryway then through into a huge bar/living room,  where more partygoers drinking, and getting a bit, erm, friendly on the  couches. I blushed a little and glanced away. I did catch a glimpse of  double doors with ornate carvings on them, and the word ‘Church' above  the doors. Cade's rough hand around my waist directed me out of the room  and into a long hallway with various doors off it, some very distinct  moans coming from behind the closed doors. I screwed my nose up,  thinking I'm going to have to hear people going at it while planning my  escape in Cade's room. But we went up some stairs, and the sounds  quieted. He unlocked a door at the top of the stairs and led me into his  room. It was more like a mini apartment. Again like his house, it  wasn't tidy, an unmade bed lay before us. My stomach clenched at what  probably went on between those sheets not long before. He expected me to  sleep in those soiled sheets? Prick.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I quickly blinked them away, stepping out  of Cade's grasp to survey around the room. There was a dresser with the  clubs emblem framed above it, a small fridge and cabinets to one side.  What looked like doors to a balcony to the left of the bed, and an  ensuite to the right. Cade leaned against the closed door, watching me  circle the room, a carefully blank look on his face. Suddenly, without  warning, he shoved off the door and was on me in two strides, I was  plastered against his hard body and his mouth attacked mine, his hands  everywhere. I couldn't help my body's initial reaction, but my mind  caught up and I stiffened, trying my hardest not to pull away and kick  the asshole in the balls.

Cade sensed my anger and drew back, gray eyes intense."Babe?"

I mentally shook myself, knowing I had to act normal, I wouldn't put it  past him to lock me in here if he knew I wanted to leave.

I stroked his cheek. "Go to Bull honey," I whispered. "He needs you."

Cade frowned, knowing something wasn't right but I could feel his concern for his brother.

"Okay Gwen, but I want you naked in my bed when I get back." He commanded.

"And after I fuck you, you are going to tell me how you knew about Bull."

I barely restrained an eye roll him ordering me about came to naturally.

"Okay Cade."

He stayed rooted to his spot, not taking his concentrated gaze off me.

"Go." I urged, pushing him away from me.

He nodded sharply, walking towards the door, he turned, hand on the doorknob.

"Lock this behind me baby. The party might get a little out of control,  and with the boys from other charters here, don't want someone stumbling  in here by mistake." He waited for my nod before leaving.

I heard his pause so I walked over to the door, clicking the lock in  place. Only then did I hear his footsteps leave. I slowly sank down onto  the floor, hands in my face, feeling like shit. Firstly, telling Bull  about my suicide attempt was hard. No one knew. Except Alex. Somehow  that strong macho man saw what was coming and stopped me from ending my  life. I was forever grateful for that. He still called me almost every  day to make sure I was coping. The only way he wouldn't tell anyone was  if I agreed to therapy, and I did, even had Skype sessions since I had  been here.

And secondly, even though I was trying hard to deny it to myself, I  really liked Cade, felt it down to my core. And it hurt like hell that  he just went and fucked some slut, with me outside, drinking with his  brothers and his sister. My breath hitched a little as I cried through  my silent pity party.

"Pull yourself together Gwen." I commanded myself.

I pushed off the floor, taking a deep breath and grabbed my purse, which  Cade had thrown on the bed. I picked it up, slowly unlocking the door  and peeked out. I could still hear the dull rumble of music and voices,  but upstairs seemed quiet. I slipped out, slowly making my way down the  stairs, trying not to listen too hard at the goings on. I made it  through the hallway, now the tricky part, how the heck was I going to  make it through the huge party area full of people? The room was  relatively dark, I guessed people were using it to get lucky in lieu of  beds, so I crept past unnoticed. I slipped out the front door and into  the shadows, away from the party, to Amy's car, which was thankfully  parked out of the way.

I sighed a huge sigh of relief once I was in. But shit. The compound  gates! How was I meant to get out? Did I have to have some codeword or  secret handshake?

"Darn it!" I whispered angrily, smacking my hands on the steering wheel.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw headlights of a couple of motorcycles  heading towards the gate. Yes! Luck was on my side. I quickly pulled  the car out and followed the bikes out of the now open gate and into the  night.                       


Faces. Blood. So much blood. A mans head exploding in my face, I felt of  pieces of brains on my cheek. Pain. So much of it, Jimmy's face,  yanking my legs apart, laying atop my broken body. There is no one here  to save me, the knife against my neck, leering eyes watching the life  seep from me. I screamed, scream for help until my throat is raw.

Suddenly someone was shaking me, light flashed in my face. What's going on?

I blinked, disorientated for a second. Cade's worried and angry face filled my vision.

"Gwen. What the fuck?" He demanded, concern in his voice. I was still  confused, I'm in my bed, it was still dark outside. Wait how did he get  in here? I glanced down and saw a gun in his hands. This was a lot to  take in.

"Why do you have a gun?" I asked, one of the many questions I had, but  half asleep that is what I deigned most important. Cade's expression  turned stormy.

"Well after finding an empty bed, and Amy's car gone I came here, to  hear you screaming bloody fucking murder. Wasn't coming in unarmed. What  the fuck was that Gwen?" He bit out.

I sat up in bed and he sat on the side, arms crossed.

"Nothing." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. "Just a nightmare."

"Didn't sound like any fuckin nightmare." He growled, his face softened  and stroked my face. "Baby." Is all he whispers, I saw concern on his  rugged face.