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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(28)

By:Anne Malcom



It was just her and me as we were closing in an hour and Rosie and Amy  wanted to get ready for the party at the clubhouse. Apparently there was  always some kind of party on a Friday. I let them go early because Cade  was picking me up and taking me straight there. I was nervous, but had  dressed accordingly as I wouldn't have time to change.

I was wearing tight, I mean made for me tight black skinny jeans, with  red sky high spiked heeled sandals. I was also wearing a silk, red  camisole, it wasn't tight, but came into a v between my breasts, had  super thin straps, that crossed over at my back where the top dipped,  way low. My hair was up, curled with a few strands hanging down. I had  just finished redoing my makeup, I decided to go for smoky, kohl rimmed  eyes and minimal other makeup, because every classy girl knew, you  either did up your eyes or your lips, never both. I kept my jewelry  minimal, with some diamond studs and some silver bracelets. I was hoping  my outfit was appropriate, I hadn't been to a biker party before, Jimmy  never let me, so I didn't know what to expect.

I came out of the back room, with my freshly done makeup on.

"Whoa, Gwen you look hot!" Lily exclaimed.

"Thanks girl, but do I look ‘biker babe' enough?" I asked, contemplating my reflection in the mirror across from the counter.

She looked me up and down. "You are your own version of a biker babe and you work it."

I smiled at her as the door over the bell chimed. Ginger from Rosie's  barbeque strutted in looking like Queen Slut. Nasty, but I was  discovering I had a jealous side, and she did indeed look quite the  slut. She had an inch of black roots contrasting her bottle blonde hair,  that girl needed a hairdresser stat. She was wearing heavy eyeliner,  and lipstick, proving my makeup theory. Only trashy girls wore heavy  makeup on eyes and mouth. She had on a tight leather vest, with nothing  underneath, her more than ample cleavage threatening to bust out. Her  was midriff showing and on her bottom half she was wearing low slung  frayed denim skirt that barely covered her behind. On her feet were  strappy black stilettos covered in little rhinestones. I repeat,  rhinestones.

I formed a hopefully genuine smile and directed it at Ginger.

"Hi there how are you?" I chirped, trying to sound friendly. And not to throw one of my display candles at her poorly dyed head.

Ginger stopped just short of the counter, cocking her hip out and  putting her hand on it. Uh oh, total bitch stance. I eyed the candle.

"Well, I'm not that fucking great. Cause some snooty, upper class bitch  thinks she can just roll into my town and take my man." She spat,  narrowing her heavily made up eyes at me.

I kept a somewhat lessened smile on my face, turning to Lily, who was  looking a little pale in the face of a possible smack down.

"Lily honey, why don't you go home? We are almost done for the day." I suggested gently.

She looked relieved to be let out of the confrontation, but snuck a glance at Ginger.

"Um, are you sure you going to be okay on your own?" She asked hesitantly.

"I'll be fine girl, see you tomorrow!" I tried to sound bright, but I  was really pissed. The only reason this bee-atch should be in my store  is for the makeover she surely needed.

Lily gave me a worried glance and directed a scowl in Gingers direction before she hurried to the back.

I turned back to Ginger, who was currently tapping her tacky heel at me.

"You need to leave." I ordered firmly, crossing my arms.

"Fuck that bitch, I come to tell you to stay away from my man, and stay  the fuck away from the club." She snarled, leaning forward.

I couldn't help it, I let out a little laugh. This did not help Ginger's temper.

"Are you serious?" I wheezed, "You are actually coming into my place of  business, swearing at me, insulting me, when you haven't even actually  met me, to tell you to stay away from your man? Like we are in some bad  romance movie?" I rolled my eyes, taking a step towards her. She stood  strong, looking like she's actually wanting a bitch fight. Who am I  kidding? They were probably her cardio, the reason she stayed so skinny  was thanks to slut showdowns.

"Unless I was mistaken, it was Cade in my bed last night, and not in  yours. And I have never, not once heard him mention your name. So if  you'd excuse me, I have a business to run." I looked her up and down,  "Unless you need help with something?" My tone and my gaze implied she  definitely needed help, in more ways than one.

She went a little pale during my speech, but now was sporting a smug grin.

"He might want a little taste of some high class pussy, but he'll come  back to me. He always does, and if I'm not mistaken, he was in my bed  last Saturday night and it me who sucked his cock so good he swore he  never had better."                       


She scowled as my stomach dropped, but I didn't let the look on my face falter.

"I see you were not taught basic manners, nor were you taught that that  kind of crude language is tacky on a woman. Now I will repeat my earlier  statement, please get the heck out of my store." I narrowed my eyes at  her, daring her to challenge me.

Queen Bitch Slut gave me one last scowl before she turned on her tacky  heel. Once she was out of sight, I supported myself on the counter and  took a deep breath. Cade had said he was on a ride last weekend, and I  didn't think he'd lie. I trusted Ginger as far as I could throw her. She  was lying to get at me. All I needed to do was ask Cade, which I would  do. I took one more breath, used my yoga breathing, calmed down a bit  and started tidying the shop. I got busy with odd jobs until closing  time came around and I heard the bell announce Cade's arrival. I was  bent down at the sweater table, refolding some stuff.

"Hi honey, won't be a sec." I called over my shoulder.

I felt two hands at my hips, Cade's hard length pressed into my behind.

"Fuck babe, should be illegal for you to wear this kind of shit, I don't  like what the boys will be thinking about when they see this." His hand  travelled down the bare skin of my back.

"Cade, someone could walk in." I protested weakly, already turned on.

He pulled me closer and his lips circled my neck, soon I wouldn't care if the whole town came in and watched.

"Doors locked Gwen, need to fuck you before we leave." His voice was hoarse with desire.

I felt a delicious dip in my stomach and got instantly wet.

"Here?" I whispered, looking over my shoulder. We were hidden from the  window, only just. My eyes locked on Cade's, which were molten.

"Here." He declared gruffly.

He roughly kissed me before reaching his arms around my body, and  cupping my breasts, tugging on my nipples so I felt a mixture of  pleasure and pain. I moaned.

"No bra baby? Not sure I like the fact your nipples could poke through this top for everyone to see." He growled.

I couldn't reply, I just reached for my jeans and unbuttoned them.

One of Cade's hands left my breast, slipping into my underwear.

"Fuckin sopping. My baby's always ready for me."

He rubbed me, knowing how close I was already.

"Cade." I pleaded.

"What Gwen?" He asked as he continued rubbing, my breath hitching.

"Need you inside me." I managed to grind out.

"No, you're going to come on my hand, then I'm going to fuck you, then  you gonna come on my dick." His hand worked faster, I all but collapsed  on the table, his callused hands bringing my to orgasm. Cade's arm  pushed me down, keeping my ass in the air while he rolled my jeans to my  ankles.

I heard his belt buckle undo, then he was inside me, hard, rough, exquisite.

I screamed, sensitive from my orgasm, relishing the feeling of him  filling me in this intense position. He pounded me hard, his mouth at my  neck. I felt the pressure building again.

"Honey" I moaned.

He didn't reply just plunged deeper, took me harder. I gripped the table  as he slammed into me, biting at my neck. I lost control yet again, my  muscles clenched around him. I felt an amazing mixture of pleasure and  pain as he bit harder into my neck as he climaxed. We stayed like that  for a couple of seconds, both recovering. Cade gave me light kiss on my  shoulder then pulled out, I straightened and tugged up my jeans.

"I'm just going to go and clean up." I told him quietly, my voice weak  from the sex, and maybe Ginger's words lingering in my brain.

Cade must have sensed something because he clutched my chin.

"Everything okay Gwen?" His eyes searched mine.

I looked back at him and forced a smile. "Yeah fine." I said brightly, turning towards the bathroom.

"No bitch is okay when she says ‘fine'." I heard him mutter.

After cleaning up and fixing my hair and makeup, I came out to see Cade leaning against the door, a paper bag in his hands.