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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(27)

By:Anne Malcom

"Bloody hell Gwen, cool it, I'm as tough as an ox, you know that."

I sniffled, letting out a little laugh.

"Anyway, how are you is the more important question?" He asked with  concern. "You settling into your new town alright? Managing everything  okay?"

"Yeah Ian, everything's fine. Great actually." I told him with a smile  in my voice. "This town is perfect, I wish you could see it. Kind of  reminds me of home. I just know you'd love it."

"Well baby sis, was going to surprise you but fuck it. I've got leave  coming up, just for a few days, and we are currently closer to the U S  of A than NZ so I'll be coming to stay with you for a couple of nights."

I squealed, yes a full on girl squeal. Loud. I jumped to my feet and bounced up and down like a little kid.

"Ohmigod!" I shouted, smiling wide at Cade who appeared in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Jesus babe, lucky I don't have neighbors." He grumbled, scowling at my  phone, no doubt pissed off I didn't obey his orders. I scowled back,  shushing him with my finger.

Ian who was laughing at my reaction, stopped abruptly,

"Who's that Ace?" He asked, voice hard.

He's very protective of me, with good reason, and I blanched a bit  thinking of how the hell I was going to handle his reaction to Cade. And  there was definitely going to be a reaction. After seeing his sister  almost die at the hands of one biker, I didn't think he'll be too  impressed I was with another one.

"Who?" I asked innocently.

"The fuckin man in the background." My brother's voice had turned hard.

"There's no one, just the TV, sorry" I lied, hating lying to my brother, hating the scorching look Cade was directing at me.

"You're lying sis, but I got to go." He said, sounding pissed. "I will  be there in a couple of weeks, call you when I get to the States. Take  care of yourself, Love you."

"See you then Ian. Love you." I rang off and was immediately confronted by one unhappy biker.

"What the fuck was that babe? Who is Ian? And why in fucks name did you lie?" He asked, voice menacing.

I stared at him, and couldn't help but smile, rushing into his arms. He  caught me, not expecting it though so he went back on one foot.

"Ian's coming for a visit in two weeks!" I sang, ignoring the grumpy look on his face I kissed him.

"Want to tell me who Ian is babe?" He clipped, still unhappy.

I stared at him confused and realized I hadn't told him about Ian. I  forgot that we hardly knew each other because it felt so right between  us. I hopped down, but Cade kept his hands firmly around my waist, face  close to mine.

I smiled up at him, giddy with excitement, even in the face of his mood.

"Ian's my big brother!" I watched as his face changed, but he still seemed pissed, so I elaborated.

"Ian's in the army, not like run of the mill, but Navy Seal type shit.  Or the NZ equivalent." I waved my hand. "Anyway I don't know exactly  what he does, I know it's dangerous, I know I never hear from him,  hardly ever see him and I miss him like crazy! Worry about him every  day."

Cade's face softened a bit.

"Can't tell you how good it was to hear his voice, I haven't seen him in  a year, he managed to get to New York while I was in hospital." Tears  welled in my eyes, I shook my head, forcing myself to think happy  thoughts.

"Anyway that doesn't matter cause I get to see him next week!" I  chanted, whipping out of Cade's arms and darting into the kitchen.

I plonked myself on the counter where I saw Cade had set down two plates  of food. I sat in front of the smaller one, obviously meant for me. I  reached down for my toast when Cade's arm snatched my wrist and he  turned the stool around to get in my space.

"Real happy for you babe, don't get me wrong, glad you get to see your  brother, since you obviously love him and have been worried. But you  haven't answered my question." His face was close to mine.                       


"What question?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Why did you lie to him, he obviously heard my voice, why didn't you tell him you had a man?" Cade sounded seriously ticked.

I bit my lip, unsure of how to approach this. Cade reached in and grabbed my lip.

"Don't try and distract me baby."

"I wasn't!" I protested, but he kept glaring at me, I rolled my eyes feeling mildly irritated at this intense man.

"Well we are new and I don't really know what we are. Plus I didn't  really want to tell my big brother, who saw me lying in a hospital bed  half dead at the hands of my biker ex, that I was currently involved  with another biker." I explained, trying to be gentle. The look on  Cade's face says I haven't been.

"I ain't him babe, nothing like him. I would never fucking hurt you! I  would take a bullet rather than hurt you." He growled. "As to what we  are you fucking know, you fucking know your mine, my Old Lady." I sat  back feeling winded. I didn't know he thought of me as his Old Lady that  was serious. He didn't feel the love at this moment though.

"And I'm getting fuckin sick of you pigeonholing me into your biker  stereotype." He finished, snatching his plate then storming through the  kitchen and out the French doors.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I played that wrong. I sat forward  and started eating my bacon and egg sandwich, partly cause I sensed Cade  needed some time alone, partly cause I was starving; I would think  about the calories later, or never. I more than worked them off with  Cade earlier.

I polished off the last bite of my delicious sandwich, slid off my stool  and washed my plate. I decided to clean the kitchen, partly because it  needs it, partly because I was putting off talking to Cade. I finished,  then made my way out to the backyard. When I stepped outside, I couldn't  help but gasp, the view was amazing. The ocean yawned in front of us, a  small pathway lead to the sand. There was tile beneath my feet, a huge  barbeque to the left of me, big old picnic table and fire pit in front  of me. Some really awesome outdoor chairs were to my left, where Cade  was sitting with his feet up. He didn't glance my way. I gingerly walked  over to his chair, standing for a second, then hopped on top of him,  straddling him. I was very aware I wasn't wearing any underwear and my  bare female parts were rubbing against his delicious, denim clad male  parts, I tried not to let it distract me as I met his eyes.

"Bout fuckin time baby." He grunted, pulling me down to him, claiming my  mouth in a rough kiss. I was slightly surprised but not complaining.

"Sorry I um, didn't really handle things the best before." I began.

"No you fuckin didn't." Cade stated.

"Let me finish." I snapped.

Cade smirked, only he could get me pissed off mid apology.

"I was just excited to hear from my brother, and he's pretty protective  of me, was even before everything with Jimmy. We are close, thick as  thieves since we were kids. Since he's older than me, he's always tried  to look out for me. Somehow blames himself for my attack." I shook my  head. "Ridiculous, but I know it affected him, deep, seeing me in that  hospital bed. And I just know what his reaction is going to be to you  when he meets you, and it just sucks cause I want the men in my life to  get along." I pouted.

"Men in your life?" Cade repeated, voice sounding funny.

"Well yeah." I said, trailing off.

He smiled, like flat out beamed and it was beautiful, but I didn't get  to enjoy it before claimed my mouth for a passionate kiss. He pulled  back, resting his head on mine.

"Get why your brothers going to react babe. Seeing you, lying broken in  the hospital, at the hands of some sick fucker. That will mark a man.  Mark his soul." His voice was hard, but I saw strong emotion in my mans  eyes.

"So I'll cut him some slack, first time he meets me." He conceded.

"Thanks." I muttered, sarcastically.

Cade pulled me back into the recliner chair, and we watched the sun set.  Who would've thought, watching the sunset with my rough biker.

Chapter 8

Word travelled fast in small towns, everyone seemed to know about Cade  and I now we were official. I had constant visitors to the store asking  me subtly about my new relationship and they all seemed happy for me.  Amy was the happiest she had literally clapped her hands the first time  she saw Cade and I together, needless to say my man had gotten the all  important best friends approval.

It was Friday, and I was happy, deliriously happy. The past three days  with Cade were amazing, a lot of sex, mind blowing sex. The store was  great, I had just hired a young girl, Lily to come in part time, while  she studied. She was 20 and stunning. Her blonde hair was parted  straight down the middle, going to about her mid back. She had blue grey  eyes, a slender figure and great style. I hired her on the spot. She  was shy, but lovely.